

Record Companies in #Italy Take Action Against #Cloudflare Over #Piracy

source: https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2022/07/18/record-companies-italy-cloudflare-piracy/

#Sony #Music #Entertainment Italy s.p.a., #Universal Music Entertainment Italy s.r.l., #Warner Music Italia s.r.l. were represented by the #IFPI and the Italian anti-piracy group, #FPM. Due to petitions from the IFPI and the FPM, the Court of Milan has issued an interim injunction ordering CloudFlare to stop providing its services for three copyright-infringing #BitTorrent sites that Italy’s regulator, #AGCOM, ordered blocked #online.

#copyright #Torrent #p2p #download #court #censorship #EU #DNS #Internet #freedom #fail #news #justice