

Add #Sylacauga ("SILL-ah-KA-gah") #Alabama to the list of towns where #Haitian #immigrants were brought in and dumped in the middle of the night:


Sylacauga City council member Laura Barlow Heath, in a video interview, said the city officials have no answers from federal authorities to give to their constituents.
“There is a fear here of becoming the next #Springfield, #Ohio, you know,” she said.
“When is enough enough? When do they stop coming in? How many are there going to be? There’s no answers. We have none. The unknown and uncertainty is scary. We have 12,236 people in our community, and we just do not have the adequate resources to handle an influx of migrants. It’s going to take away from resources that are already struggling here.”
Heath has served on the council since 2020.
The council dismissed a meeting earlier this month after only 20 minutes following questions from several residents about recent Haitian immigration to the area.
Several residents said they wanted to know how the city knew workers coming there were legal immigrants, who had determined this, and what effect they were having on #crime and #housing.

Also add #Athens Alabama and #Albertville Alabama to the list with an immigrant dumping problem: https://www.al.com/news/2024/08/busing-of-migrant-workers-to-alabama-poultry-plant-sparks-baseless-accusations-and-hurtful-rhetoric.html?_sp=9a39c6be-6aac-4c4f-88fa-453976aa825c.1725304070871

Last week, photographs of people entering and exiting charter buses in Albertville were shared on Facebook, with users questioning what purpose the buses served, who was on them, and where they were coming from.
Albertville police notified the public through Facebook late last week that the buses were transporting workers.
“We have contacted the bus company in question and they advised us that they have been contracted by a local company to transport workers to and from work,” the department stated.
Albertville city leaders also released a statement, saying they wanted to “make it abundantly clear that Albertville is not a #sanctuarycity, has never received funding to harbor individuals from any country, nor have any of our elected officials been involved in such activities.”
Immigration for years has a hot-button issue in Albertville, a Marshall County city of almost 23,000 according to the U.S. Census Bureau, which lists four poultry processing businesses on its city website as its largest employers, with almost 4,000 workers total among them. Approximately 6,400 residents of Albertville are identified as Hispanic, as of 2022 census figures.

In Athens Alabama: https://www.rocketcitynow.com/article/news/local/city-athens-police-respond-community-comments-haitian-immigrants/525-d40a7cf8-f214-4ee1-aebb-05151d67033d

This comes from a statement from the city of #Athens in response to some residents taking to social media and city council meetings to express their thoughts on the recent arrival of immigrants from #Haiti in North Alabama.
City officials say that federal officials have told them that that there are new immigrants from Haiti with federal work permits in the area, and they are here working legally in Alabama. Businesses in North Alabama have hired them and, in some cases, have hired buses to take them to work sites.

#2024-09 #trump #EatingDogs #EatingCats #ImportTheThirdWorld #BecomeTheThirdWorld


Meeting JL Mélenchon, 5 avril 2022.

À Lille et dans onze autres villes en hologramme.
Vidéo Invidious ; vidéo YT dans le 1er lien, menu à gauche).

Il y a des vins de caractère qui deviennent exceptionnels avec le temps, là où de plus jeunes crus agacent les gencives, dérangent l'estomac, et ne sont finalement bons qu'à faire des taches...

#présidentielles #Mélenchon
#Albertville #Besançon #LeHavre #Metz #Montluçon #Narbonne #Nice #Pau #Poitiers #Trappes #Vannes


Jamais n'ont été autant répandu de mensonges sur les réalités aujourd'hui, il suffit de voir que dans une seule manif à Lyon par exemple on a la totalité des chiffres de manifestants au plan national donnés par Darmanin. Tout çà est censuré! Chiffre repris par les merdias le plus souvent sans même mentionner la source...RT, Sud Radio compris...localement les gazettes locales ne peuvent faire de la sorte au risque de se discréditer, sauf là où la participation est relativement faible...
Ainsi va l'"info" des "citoyens" dans notre belle "démocratie"...la résistance à l'absolutisme a connu des jours bien plus difficiles en d'autres temps avec bien moins d'acteurs...

Reportage : les manifestations du 4 septembre en images

Pierrick Tillet

Pour ceux qui veulent vraiment s’informer et se faire une idée de visu, voici un petit tour en images des manifestations du 4 septembre – 8ème samedi consécutif – pour la liberté (reportage non exhaustif).

Encore plus de monde à #Lyon sur les pentes de La Croix rousse ??#manifestation4septembre pic.twitter.com/y7pJra713L
— SandT (@SandT_Liberte) September 4, 2021

Une foule impressionnante à Montpellier défile contre le #PasseSanitaire #Manifs4septembre #manifestation4septembre pic.twitter.com/rn0Tu1zTAU
— La Mule – le média qui s'entête (@LaMuleMedia) September 4, 2021

??Besançon – 04/09/2021

Place du 8 septembre #Manifs4septembre #manifestation4septembre #AntiPassSanitaire #antipass #besancon #liberte #Resistance @AnonymeCitoyen @AssoCovid @france_soir @mammiebocockiq @lepeupleuni @LeGrandReveilfr pic.twitter.com/pjTZeJx56N
— Marine (@AyaCrest) September 4, 2021

La #Manif4septembre est déjà en route à #AixEnProvence‼️

Le mot #Liberté scandé en boucle pour dire #NonAuPassDeLaHonte‼️#Manifs4septembre #NonAuPassSanitaire#MacronDestitution
??@Totem43464854 pic.twitter.com/sKYkpj18bN
— Lorentz mathias (@LorentzMathias) September 4, 2021

Une petite poignée de manifestants à Nice ?? #Manifs4septembre #manifestation4septembre #PassSanitaire #Nice06 @AnonymeCitoyen pic.twitter.com/U1f6XQzm0m
— Guillaume Funel (@Guifuf) September 4, 2021

#Albertville ne se dégonfle décidément pas…Au moins 10 personnes en ce 4/9/2021 ?????? pic.twitter.com/IYAsPnkSrx
— Romu Méninge (@romumartinik) September 4, 2021

Manifestation contre l’odieux #PassSanitaire à Chartres. #Manifs4septembre pic.twitter.com/6hnewOT47E
— Steiner ?? (@Steiner61421320) September 4, 2021

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