

SCOTUS consists of three jurists and six moronic psychopaths. Those psychopaths are on the verge of signing their own death warrants, as well as ours.

The Court Just Sealed Everyone’s Fate, Including Its Own

The justices seem to think that the power they apparently just handed Donald Trump can’t be used against them someday. Right.

FTA: ... When Justice Sonia Sotomayor asked Donald Trump’s lawyer, “If the president decides that his rival is a corrupt person, and he orders the military or orders someone to assassinate him, is that within his official acts for which he can get immunity?”, he replied, “It would depend on the hypothetical, but we can see that would well be an official act.”

Fine. The instant SCOTUS declares presidential immunity, Biden should order Trump imprisoned or executed.

If you want a dictatorship, then let's at least have a liberal one.

... At a minimum, it appears the court will send all of the federal cases back down to lower courts to reconsider whether Trump’s crimes were “official acts.” It’s also likely that their new definition of “official acts” is likely to be far broader than anyone should be comfortable with, or at least broad enough to give Trump a pass. This delay all but guarantees that Trump will not stand trial for anything besides the current hush-money case before the 2024 election.

Once again, have him executed before he can take office.

If the President can do anything they want, then Trump is certain, come 2028, to declare elections a thing of the past.

... People forget that the first German concentration camp (Dachau) was built in 1933 to hold members of the Communist and Social Democratic Parties, and Trump has made it clear that he’s building enough camps to process a minimum of 11 million people (migrants, at least for starters).

You're killing all of us, but Trump will come for you next, SCOTUS

... These justices’ foolishness lies in their lack of foresight as to what happens if Trump wins in 2024. In the justice’s efforts to ensure that they are the most powerful branch of government, they are about to make it the weakest. They are creating a win-win situation for Trump, and a lose-lose for themselves. When Trump is president again, he is likely to believe that he has the option of “removing” any member of the Supreme Court who defies him. As long as the court doesn’t rule against him, they’re fine. From the justices’ perspective, they either end up neutered lap dogs of a despot, who do whatever they’re told out of fear, or they defy him and end up somewhere … unpleasant (at best). Taking a dirt nap at worst. After all, if Trump can rub out a political opponent, can’t he do the same to an uncooperative jurist?

#Trump #SCOTUS #Dictatorship #Suicide



Atombomben für Europa?

Das forderte Ulrike Herrmann in der #taz. Auf #Instagram antwortet sie auf die Kritik. 💥

➡️ Falls Donald #Trump wieder #US-Präsident wird, könnte er die #NATO - Partner hängen lassen. Deshalb muss #Europa eigene #Außenpolitik betreiben und braucht dafür auch eine #Atombombe, schrieb Ulrike Herrmann vor Kurzem in der taz.

📧 Dieser #Kommentar brachte uns viele kritische Reaktionen und Leserinnenbriefe ein. Ulrike Herrmann geht deswegen nochmal in voller Länge auf die Argumente ein, die die Leserinnen erwidert haben.



Will #Trump Pay A Price For The Ukraine Deal?


President Trump and Speaker Mike Johnson and Mar-a-Lago earlier this month.

enter image description here
Confusion About Trump's Role In The Ukraine Bill

After the House of Representatives passed legislation sending more money to the Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel, while throwing in a few billion dollars for NGOs facilitating the invasion of America's Southern border, #NeverTrump Republicans and neocons called it a defeat for Trump.

Today’s three biggest losers

  • -Vladimir Putin
  • -Xi Jinping
  • -Donald Trump

    Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/Bz62NKD6wZ
    — Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) April 20, 2024

Yesterday's vote was a defeat both for aggression in Europe - and for reactionary authoritarianism at home. The aggressors and the authoritarians know it. That's why they are howling. Latest in @TheAtlantic https://t.co/DtAiFLH6EV
— David Frum (@davidfrum) April 21, 2024

But as independent journalist Michael Tracey (and Senator Lindsey Graham) have pointed out, Trump's support was key in getting the bill passed by Congress.

Lindsey Graham confirms what should now be obvious for all to see: the Ukraine funding bill "would not have passed without Donald Trump"

Trump just pulled one of the biggest Scams in American political history -- but his Personality Cult followers are still in denial about it pic.twitter.com/U9ifCuH5Ns
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) April 21, 2024

Can It Be Stopped In The Senate?

As Senator Mike Lee points out, there's still a chance to stop this in the Senate, but it would require 41 Senators to vote against it.

The $95 billion bill doesn’t have to pass.

It takes only 41 senators stop it.

There are 49 Republicans in the Senate—more than enough.

Where do your senators stand?

Please like and share if you agree that 41 Senate Republicans should unite to stop the $95 billion aid package. https://t.co/BVDCK45GB6
— Mike Lee (@BasedMikeLee) April 21, 2024

That seems more likely to happen if someone got Trump to flip against this, but have any Republicans in Congress called Trump out on this?

Has Senator Rand Paul?

Ukrainian flags fly in the chamber of the UNITED STATES House of Representatives as they vote to send more of your hard-earned money to a corrupt foreign regime. And just like that they shout “UKRAINE! UKRAINE!”while happily working to secure Ukraine’s borders, not ours. pic.twitter.com/ZXZo1kliNl
— Rand Paul (@RandPaul) April 20, 2024

Or Rep. Thomas Massie?

This is the U.S. House of Representatives under the direction of Speaker Mike Johnson. Democrats are celebrating his total capitulation with no victory for securing our border. #MTV pic.twitter.com/TtaIgnX9eg
— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) April 20, 2024

Or Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene?

Speaker Johnson proved today that the only border he cares about is Ukraine’s. https://t.co/C198x48eVr
— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) April 20, 2024

It's safer to blame Speaker Johnson than the most popular Republican in America.
Will Trump Pay A Price For This?

Georgetown Professor Arta Moeini raised that prospect on X yesterday:

I believe Trump's greatest gift was the intuitive way he understood his base and channeled their frustrations. He's a savvy politician; alarm bells must be going off in his head now. The Democrats & the Security State won doubly yesterday:

They got their billions for their globalist agenda without lifting a finger for the Border
They discredited Trump in the eyes of a good portion of his long-standing, loyal supporters who had stayed with him since 2016 and his war with the Bushes, thereby significantly diminishing his chances for returning to the White House.

I continue to believe Trump abhors war, seeing it as ugly and inexpedient, but his repeated backing of Mike Johnson to allow him to betray the trust of millions of conservatives could become a costly mistake. He has now made the error most politicians make when they go Establishment, trading the love of their base for nice headlines in CNN & the New York Times and ceasing to be the radical force for change that propelled them to power in the first place.

Let's pause here to note that Trump hasn't even gotten those nice headlines; on the contrary, the establishment is still trying to bankrupt him and send him to prison for the rest of his life. Back to Prof. Moeini:

For all their differences and mutual antipathy, this is something Trump shares with Obama.

If Trump loses in November, Historians will remember the betrayal of April 20th as the reason why.

That seems like it will depend on whether any Republicans opposed to this bill bring up Trump's role in getting it passed. "


A Second Trump Presidency Would Be A Nightmare Scenario For Transgender People

Authored by former Trump officials and dozens of right-wing organizations including the Heritage Foundation, nearly every page of Project 2025 details policies that would impact LGBTQ+ people — and there’s a particular focus on transgender people. On the very first page of the manifesto, Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts laments the “corruption” of the country “under the ruling and cultural elite” whose children “suffer the toxic normalization of transgenderism with drag queens and pornography invading their school libraries.”

#trans #transgender #USpol #DJT #Trump