
  1. #UttaraBhadrapada #Nakshatra Chusquea culeou #Uttara-Bhadrapada is represented by the #back #part of a funeral bed, also made from #bamboo.

Ruling Planet: #Saturn ( #Shani)

Symbol: Back part of a #funeral #bed

Associated Deity: #Ahirbudhnya, a serpent-like version of the #god #Rudra

Associated Stars: #Algenib and #Alpheratz

Corresponding Position in the Western Zodiac: 27°06′ Pisces-10°26′ Aries

Quality or Modality: #Fixed ( #Sthira)

Associated Element: #Ether

Personality Traits: Procrastinator, learns through experience, good with numbers, calm, logical, secretive
