
  1. #UttaraBhadrapada #Nakshatra Chusquea culeou #Uttara-Bhadrapada is represented by the #back #part of a funeral bed, also made from #bamboo.

Ruling Planet: #Saturn ( #Shani)

Symbol: Back part of a #funeral #bed

Associated Deity: #Ahirbudhnya, a serpent-like version of the #god #Rudra

Associated Stars: #Algenib and #Alpheratz

Corresponding Position in the Western Zodiac: 27°06′ Pisces-10°26′ Aries

Quality or Modality: #Fixed ( #Sthira)

Associated Element: #Ether

Personality Traits: Procrastinator, learns through experience, good with numbers, calm, logical, secretive


  1. #Uttarashada or #UttaraAshada enter image description here elephant foraging for food

Uttara Ashada is also symbolized by an #elephant #tusk.

Ruling Planet: The #Sun ( #Surya)

Associated Deity: The #Vishwa #Devas, the #universal #gods

Associated Stars: #Ascella and #Nunki

Corresponding Position in the Western Zodiac: 20°26′ Capricorn-3°46′ Aquarius

Quality or Modality: #Fixed ( #Sthira)

Associated Element: #Air

Personality Traits: Elegant, thoughtful, enjoys structure, practical, sly,

  1. #UttaraPhalguni #nakshatra enter image description here 3D rendering of cozy #bed illuminated by lamp. The bed flying over fluffy clouds at night An entire bed represents Uttara Phalguni.

Ruling Planet: The #Sun

Associated Deity: #Aryaman, the god of customs and habits

Associated Stars: #Denebola

Corresponding Position in the Western Zodiac: 20°26′ Virgo-3°46′ Libra

Quality or Modality: #Fixed ( #Sthira)

Associated Element: #Fire

Personality Traits: Mischievous, creative, dignified, brave, dignified, enjoys helping others, sometimes self-centered



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  1. #Rohini #Nakshatra

A chariot is a symbol of Rohini.

Ruling Planet: The #Moon ( #Chandra)

Associated Deity: #Prajapati, the creator god in Hinduism

Associated Stars: #Aldebaran

Corresponding Position in the Western Zodiac: 3°46′-17°06′ Gemini

Quality or Modality: #Fixed ( #Sthira)

Associated Element: #Earth

Personality Traits: Productive, loves nature, patient, stubborn, private, sometimes hedonistic or materialistic, health-conscious
