

Watch "American Carnage at Lafayette Square" on YouTube https://youtu.be/z56j06plUgs

This is my line in the sand. I'm crying right now. I have been already at other events, but this one shakes me to the core of my soul. As a white person, if you cannot find sympathy or empathy at the violence being carried out against fellow Americans because they don't look like you.. then what of this? What about when it is people that look like you? What if it is violent attacks to Australian reporter and cameramen, to the clergy of a church? Where are the ones saying they'd defend against tyrannical government or uphold religious freedom? If you can defend that President now and support him, please remove yourself from my life. If you can watch this and still not be moved to tears, fear, horror and anger then I want nothing to do with you. I am done. This is about all of us.

To Canada, don't pretend you're not guilty of systemic abuse against groups of people, especially indigenous or PoC. Be horrified. But fight to make Canada better and not just the slightly less worse racists. That goes to everyone wherever you are in the world.

However, this? This is tyranny. This is the type of event in the past started wars and coups and brought allied forces fighting together. We are no better than anyone else. America has fallen.

#lafayettesquare #blm #history #uspolitics #democracydestroyed #AmericaHasFallen #resist #peacefulprotest #tyranny #policebrutality #WeWentToWarOverThis #civilwar

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