

Comment installer Anbox sur Linux Mint ?
https://fr.linux-console.net/?p=6329 (attention, bourrée de traqueurs cette page, pas bon ça... )

-- Anbox est #opensource semble-t-il...
Question :
-- j'aimerais utiliser une #appli sous #android dont je suis sûr qu'elle vole des #données perso à donf sur le #téléphone (pas dispo sous #F-Droid, évidemment), et le #logiciel n'existe qu'en version #app (tiens, comme par hasard), pas de logiciel à lancer sur un navigateur comme FF : Est-ce que de lancer cette appli dans #Anbox sous #Linux, va me permettre d'éviter les soucis classiques sous #smartphone, question #ViePrivée ?
Me demande même si l'app pourra fonctionner... par exemple, une géolocalisation ne sera pas effective sous Linux je suppose...

Un tuto pour l'install sous #LinuxMint en vidéo : https://yt.artemislena.eu/watch?v=S_z_8komYnw


WayDroid ? Qui connaît ?

C'est un #émulateur, qui permet sous #Linux d'afficher un environnement #Android.
Par contre, je ne le vois pas dans la logithèque #LinuxMint.

Dans #Mint, se trouve #Anbox : https://anbox.io sauf que :

It's development has however stalled in the past years and it's only fair to say that now in 2023 it's no longer actively developed.

Je préfère de loin utiliser le clavier d'un pc à celui d'un #smartphone... Alors je creuse des idées de ce genre... :)


How To Install and Run Android Apps on Ubuntu using Anbox, and why you’d want to choose it

If you have used the Windows operating system or macOS, you must have encountered Bluestacks or Nox, which allows you to run Android applications on your PC. Unfortunately, they don’t have any releases for Linux platforms – that’s where Anbox comes into play.

Anbox is a free and open-source compatibility layer Linux system emulation tool that allows users to run mobile games and other Android applications on their Linux machine. Different reasons might influence one to run their mobile apps on the PC.

For example, mobile games are getting more sophisticated nowadays, and the small mobile screen doesn’t seem wide enough to give a user the ultimate experience they might need. Additionally, it can get quite tiresome using some applications on the mobile phone compared to the PC, which comes with a wide monitor and an easy-to-access keyboard.

Even though Anbox is not the only Android emulator available for Linux systems (there are others like Shashlik and Genymotion), it comes with pretty unique features, especially performance.

Anbox uses LXC (Linux Containers) to run the Android runtime environment. It recreates the Android directory structure as a mountable loop image and executes applications using the native Linux kernel.

For isolation, it takes advantage of Linux namespaces via LXC. All accesses are routed through the Anbox daemon. That is also a security measure as applications don’t have any direct access to the hardware resources.

To run the Android environment on Linux systems, Shashlik and Genymotion utilize an emulator. That is quite different from what Anbox does. Anbox runs the Android system under the same kernel as the host operating system, whereas the emulator generates a whole emulated system with its own kernel. There is no need for an emulation layer like QEMU. The hardware handles everything. This method also provides a much better interface with the host OS.

See https://bytexd.com/how-to-install-and-run-android-apps-on-ubuntu-using-anbox/

#technology #android #anbox #linux #opensource
#Blog, ##anbox, ##android, ##linux, ##opensource, ##technology