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#Greatness #of Cow

The Vedas with their six limbs, pada and krama resides in the mouth of the Cow.

#Hari and #Kesava resides on the horns.

#Skanda resides on the belly.

#Brahma resides on the head.

#Shankara resides on the forehead.

#Indra resides on the tip of the horn of the Cow.

The #Aswins reside in the ears.

#Sun and the #Moon reside in the eyes.

#Garuda resides in the teeth.

#Saraswati resides in the tongue of the Cow.

All the sacred places remain in the anus.

#Ganges resides in the urine.

The #sages reside in the pores of the skin.

#Yama resides on the backside of the face of the Cow.

#Kubera and #Varuna reside on the right side.

#Yakshas reside on the left side.

#Gandharvas reside on the center.

The #celestial #nymphs resides on the hind parts of the hoofs of the Cow.

The all-auspicious #Lakshmi resides in the cow-dung and cow-urine.

Those who move in the sky resides on the tip of the feet.

#Prajapati lives in the bellowing #sound.

The full four oceans reside in the udder of the Cow.
(Padma Purana - Srishti Khanda 48.156 - 48.166)


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#Ashwini #Nakshatra is the first among 27 nakshatra of our zodiac and having a spread from 0°-0′-0″ to 13°-20′ and is ruled by the south node #Ketu. Aswini is governed by the #Aswins, the twin horsemen. The Sun is exalted here and the #horse is the preferred transport of the #Sun #God. The Nakshatra is entirely within Aries and Mars is the ruler of this Rashi. So a mixture of Mars/Ketu will be experienced by the planets that will inhabit in it.
This star is ruled by Ketu and is in the Rashi of Kuja. When a person is born in this constellation, they have a strong desire for success/fame and they are very ambitious for position.This star promotes marital happiness and progeny. If they take Medical profession, they can flourish very easily because they have a inherent ability to cure people and healing power. When this star is connected or predominant it gives interest in gardening also.

Ashwini Nakshatra Male Characteristics
When afflicted, the individual is impulsive, aggressive, stubborn, and arrogant. Passion, lust and lack of Discretion is present. The individual is always interested in beginning new things, and so ends up making a mess of work in hand (leaves work half done). They want to do things their way.

But they never learn from their mistakes, and can be seen repeating their mistakes again and again. Basically they are head strong, stubborn, straight forward. They are useless at activities requiring stillness and patience they have enough motivation when it comes to starting a task or a new activity but they seldom finish it.

The biggest problem is that they do not like to be told what to do.They always think that they are better than the rest. They try to perform impossible feats without proper consideration. All phrases like “haste makes waste” and “hurry causes delay” are aimed at Ashwini Nakshatra natives.
