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#Greatness #of Cow

The Vedas with their six limbs, pada and krama resides in the mouth of the Cow.

#Hari and #Kesava resides on the horns.

#Skanda resides on the belly.

#Brahma resides on the head.

#Shankara resides on the forehead.

#Indra resides on the tip of the horn of the Cow.

The #Aswins reside in the ears.

#Sun and the #Moon reside in the eyes.

#Garuda resides in the teeth.

#Saraswati resides in the tongue of the Cow.

All the sacred places remain in the anus.

#Ganges resides in the urine.

The #sages reside in the pores of the skin.

#Yama resides on the backside of the face of the Cow.

#Kubera and #Varuna reside on the right side.

#Yakshas reside on the left side.

#Gandharvas reside on the center.

The #celestial #nymphs resides on the hind parts of the hoofs of the Cow.

The all-auspicious #Lakshmi resides in the cow-dung and cow-urine.

Those who move in the sky resides on the tip of the feet.

#Prajapati lives in the bellowing #sound.

The full four oceans reside in the udder of the Cow.
(Padma Purana - Srishti Khanda 48.156 - 48.166)