


Now, Like in 2001, 'Let Us Not Become the Evil We Deplore'
Jan 11, 2024

..."I cast the lone vote against the Authorization to Use Military Force that launched the global #war on terror and gave# President Bush – and all future presidents – the authority to go to war without approval from #Congress. Every one of my colleagues lined up to vote for the overly broad, blank check that set the framework for forever wars.

I take no pleasure in pointing out that I was right.

The global war on terror was a strategic, economic, and humanitarian disaster for our country and the world. $2.3 trillion dollars spent – money that could have been dedicated to rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, investing in our public schools, reducing the cost of healthcare, and protecting our environment. Nearly half a million civilians were killed. More than 7,000 American troops lost their lives. Tens of thousands – Muslim, Christian, Jew, and non-believer – came home wounded in body and spirit.
This is a moment that demands moral and strategic clarity. We cannot allow billions of American tax dollars to unconditionally fund the indiscriminate bombing of civilians. We cannot allow the dilution of our own fragile democracy.

That is precisely why I was among the first members of Congress to call for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Let me be extremely clear: the horrific terror attacks carried out by Hamas against Israeli civilians were barbaric. An estimated 1,200 people were killed; women were brutalized with unspeakable acts of sexual violence; countless people around the globe are suffering and mourning from the terrible loss of loved ones and neighbors.

Military action will not bring lasting peace and security to Israel and the Palestinian people, nor should U.S. taxpayer dollars be unconditionally funding unfettered military action.

It is our responsibility as the United States to wield our power and vast wealth to support our common humanity. In this case, that means upholding international law, providing critical aid to Palestinians, supporting negotiations for the freedom of hostages, and helping to advance a political and diplomatic solution that allows Israelis and Palestinians to live side by side with security and peace."...