


New #Research: #Egyptian #Precision #Engineering and #Hidden #Art - #BenVanKerkwyk - #ThinkTank - E40

In a recent episode of the Think Tank, Robert was joined by Ben Van Kerkwyk from UnchartedX to delve into the mysteries of #ancient Egyptian artifacts. Ben shared insights from his CPAK conference presentation, revealing that the precision of granite vases and other stone vessels from ancient Egypt would be challenging to replicate even with today's technology. These artifacts, some over 12,000 years old, were analyzed using advanced scanning techniques, showing precision within microns comparable to modern aerospace standards. Ben also discussed his recent trip to Egypt, where he gathered more data and insights on these ancient artifacts.

The discussion explored the intriguing potential functions of these artifacts, hypothesizing that the vases could have been resonators or part of a sophisticated system, possibly for healing purposes. They also touched on the discovery of a fixed ratio relationship in the vases' geometric design, aligning with musical harmonic scales and suggesting a broader system of design and mathematics used in ancient times. This connection extended to Robert's pyramid research, where he discovered pictures on the walls of the King's Chamber. Robert shared his findings of hidden images and symbols, revealing intricate designs and potential meanings behind these ancient markings, sparking our curiosity and engagement.

Robert and Ben further delved into the idea of advanced ancient knowledge, discussing theories of astronomical alignments and the presence of mathematical constants like pi and the golden ratio in these designs. They speculated on an ancient, advanced civilization that left behind these precise artifacts. The episode also covered the fantastic discoveries related to the geometry and dimensions of the pyramids, blending scientific analysis with historical speculation and offering a captivating exploration of ancient mysteries and the remarkable capabilities of ancient civilizations.