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#BernhardGuenther returns to The #Cosmic #Switchboard Show to discuss the work of #ThomasMayer who wrote “ #Corona #Vaccines from the #Spiritual #Perspective:

#Consequences on #Soul and #Spirit and the #Life After #Death.

”Thomas Mayer warns about the very real spiritual dangers these Fake Vaccines pose.
Colleagues of Mayer’s in the #Energetic #Healing #Field have noted there is a negative spiritual entity aspect to the fake vaccines. In short the vaccines not only cause physical damage to the #Human #Body, they provide the means for literal negative “Soratic” entities to be injected into a person’s body. This is a profoundly disturbing #revelation.

In Part 2 Bernhard Guenther discusses Toxic Shame and Unconscious Shadow Projections and the ways and means people can heal from the latter.See less

Soratic Transhumanism Spirits & Healing Toxic Shame - The Cosmic Switchboard #vaccinescam to end the spiritual connections ?