

Flooding in 33 of Nigeria's 36 states has claimed at least 603 lives and left 1.3 million people displaced, and authorities are warning of even more heavy rains.

Relief work is under way in Nigeria where the worst flooding in a decade has killed at least 600 people, displaced 1.3 million. Authorities are warning of more heavy rains to come.

#Africa #Nigeria #Floods #ClimatrCrisis #GlobalWarming #ClimateEmergrncy #TomorrowIsTooLate



If this doesn't wake people up to react; nothing will.

What am I saying, people saw their friends, family and relatives die in pandemic across the globe, but chose to ignore it, deny it and ridicul those wearing masks or asking for measures to be taken.

What on earth do we expect the egoist majority of the world to react to clear proof of an environmental crisis we are in and the catastrophe we are facing?

#ClimateEmergrncy #GlobalWarming #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe #TomorrowIsTooLate #Environment