

... i should transcribe the text in that image on that original post...
come as you are, folks.

dont let the norms condition you into believing you must be the opposite. come as you are. the norms are a lie. you are you as you are. you can laugh at the idea of conforming to those norms. come as you already are, now.


#wealthextractionmaximisation annnnnd needs a new(?) tag for that comment... something like #theyaresafe ... . if sarc. might be nice to encapsulate that without sarc though... as well as broader applicable across the many crimes, not just that specific one. ... though a tag to encapsulate that specific one, and what new(?) name to call such a crime off perverting the sexuality and reproductivity of many people for profit, ~ and, i add, what that'd be generally, manipulating people's lives, preferences, perceptions, biology, for profit.

see the problem with a system that uses people for wealth extraction, rather than a system that generates wealth creation for people?

see the problem with a system that acrues the most ruthless to positions of influential power, rather than avails tasks to the more apt?