


Be Prepared for Trump to Explode After Biden Humiliates the Orange Slob Over His Failing Truth Social Stock

Given that everything Trump touches dies, one can only imagine how many people “shorted” DJT stock. They are getting rich while Trump is getting much poorer.

That is where Biden comes in. Perhaps it was going back to his Scranton roots that got Joe riled up a bit while giving a speech in Scranton. You see, Joe Biden believes in cutting taxes for the middle to low classes while raising them for the rich. But Joe might have some good news for Trump. Trump may no longer be rich!

President Biden: If Trump's stock in his Truth Social company drops any lower, he might do better under my tax plan than his

— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) April 16, 2024

And that, dear readers, is why it is always a bad idea to bet against Joe Biden. He has been doing this politics thing for a lot of years and knows exactly how to hit the right notes.




Highlights of Last Night's Correspondents' Dinner - courtesy Meidas Touch

The 'Winners': Dark Brandon & #truth... including a 'free press'

*Losers? Hm, MTG, Fox and Don Lemon... * it seems (from jokes & reactions)

All of us are winners w/ appropriate #civility #humor #respect ... #ContextAndPerspective
A better week ahead .... here here

Not a lot of narrations, just brief intros and the essence of the Biden and Roy Wood Jr.

The comment at the end, however, is very true and important. As educators say, "contrast and compare" - against TFG.

#DarkBrandon #media #WHCorrespondents #WHCA