

"Here's what we know about the rich: They have a lot more money than everyone else, and they have more money than everyone else by a larger margin than they used to. Why is that? They like to tell themselves it's because they are morally and intellectually superior, but there is not a whole lot of evidence to back that up. People usually end up rich because they were born or raised with certain environmental advantages. One of the biggest advantages you can be born with, these days, is rich parents. And one of the biggest advantages rich parents pass on to their offspring -- let's say the second-biggest, after "money" -- is the sense of entitlement necessary for an entirely unaccomplished rich person to coast through life without constantly feeling crippling guilt."


#billionaires #morons


"A group of cybersecurity researchers has uncovered what they believe is an intentional backdoor in encrypted radios used by police, military, and critical infrastructure entities around the world. The backdoor may have existed for decades, potentially exposing a wealth of sensitive information transmitted across them, according to the researchers.

While the researchers frame their discovery as a backdoor, the organization responsible for maintaining the standard pushes back against that specific term, and says the standard was designed for export controls which determine the strength of encryption. The end result, however, are radios with traffic that can be decrypted using consumer hardware like an ordinary laptop in under a minute. "There's no other way in which this can function than that this is an intentional backdoor," Jos Wetzels, one of the researchers from cybersecurity firm Midnight Blue, told Motherboard in a phone call."


#USA #militarygrade #morons #crypto #defectivebydesign #backdoor


Me sitting in traffic:

"If we didn't pay taxes who would build the roads... And then would approve 10,000 new homes to be built on that road designed for 1990's population density...?"

#anarchy #morons


My position for a long time has been to avoid ' capitalist ' on much the same grounds as Malatesta advised against ' communist '. Without the ' state' signifier its just catnip for Marxist Morons. They throw it around everywhere like Hollywoood uses ' America '.

And all anti-capitalist ' anarchists' are so TSTBALAA its not funny. SOVIET Anarchists! #Morons