

OCTOBER 10, 2023 AT 4:33 PM
#Debunking the #overpopulation myth:

Assume Global Population of 10 Billion People.

Texas is about 269,000 square miles, which is 7,499,289,600,000 square feet

Divide 7,499,289,600,000 square feet by 10 Billion People equals 749.92896 square feet per person.

A population of 10 Billion People could fit inside an area the size of Texas, and each person would have a space of 750 square feet all to themselves.


The intractable problem of biomass for fuels is HANNP / photosynthetic ceiling

The US Department of Energy is promoting its biofuels research at the Other Place with the message:

DidYouKnow: Biomass is the most abundant biological material on the planet. It is renewable grows almost everywhere, and provides fuel, power, chemicals and many other products. In total the industry has a $1 billion impact on the U.S. economy. A new documentary video tells the story of the future of the bioenergy and some of the individuals who are helping drive #biofuels forward. Watch it now → http://go.usa.gov/NQgm

The link leads to "Biomass 2014: Growing The Future Bioeconomy" with a video highlighting several projects. There's little if any efficiency, quantity, or cost information presented. Nor of the elephant in the room of any biofuels proposal: biological limits of availability...

Continued at the Dreddit: http://reddit.com/r/dredmorbius


#biofuels #energy #alternativeenergy #sustainableenergy #debunking #skeptic #dreddit