Klimaschutz muss als Motor einer infrastrukturellen Erneuerung verstanden werden, sagt SPD-Umweltvordenker Michael Müller.#Klimapolitik #Geoengineering #MüllersWoche #ÜberraschungderWoche #Bundestagswahl2025
Lange Welle Klimaschutz, der Crutzen beim Geoengineering und die überraschende Wahl
Der globale Tourismus wächst schnell und steht für neun Prozent aller CO₂-Emissionen. Die Bundesregierung hat eine neue Klimaanpassungsstrategie beschlossen.#Dossier:AnpassungDeutschland #Geoengineering #Klimaforschung,Forschung #Tourismus #Klimaanpassung #klimaupdate°–unserPodcast
Solares Geoengineering, Klimakiller Tourismus, Klimaanpassungsstrategie
Sonnenstrahlung mit technischen Mitteln ins Weltall reflektieren – das könnte den Klimawandel lindern. Doch es wäre riskant. Ein Beratungsgremium der EU fordert nun globale Regeln.#SolarRadiationManagement #Geoengineering #EU #SolaresGeoengineering #Klimawandel #anonsys.net/search?tag= #ErdeUmwelt
EU-Forscher warnen vor Eingriff in Strahlungshaushalt der Erde
Das unabhängige wissenschaftliche Beratungsgremium der EU-Kommission dringt auf ein Moratorium beim solaren Geoengineering. Die Forschung soll weitergehen, aber#EU,Europa #Geoengineering #Klimaforschung,Forschung
Die Sonne dimmen – keine gute Idee
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Erhöht man den pH-Wert des Ozeans, kann er mehr Kohlendioxid aufnehmen. Wie wirkt sich das auf die Lebewesen aus? Das möchten Forscher in Kiel herausfinden. Ein Besuch vor Ort.#CO2 #Kohlenstoffdioxid #Kohlendioxid #Klimawandel #Alkalinität #PH-Wert #Plankton #Zooplankton #Phytoplankton #Geoengineering #CarbonDioxideRemoval #ErdeUmwelt #Biologie
Eine alkalische Lösung für den Klimawandel
Ohne kleinste Staubteilchen, die in der Luft umherschwirren, wäre die Welt eine andere: Es gäbe beispielsweise keine Wolken.#Aerosole #Feinstaub #Luftverschmutzung #Abgas #Wüstenstaub #Saharastaub #Geoengineering #Klimawandel #Erderwärmung #Treibhausgase #Atmosphäre #Wolken #Wolkenforschung #Atmosphärenforschung #Atmosphärenchemie #anonsys.net/search?tag= #ErdeUmwelt
Das Rätsel um den Staub
a side point in this makes me #consider....
"GeoEngineering" is the marketing respin term, language of the oppressor.
... Seems obvious now. After him pointing out it's not engineering.
all the terms #geoengineering #climatecooling #climateintervention #dcc #directclimatecooling #brightwater #bouyantflakes #cirruscloudthinning #cct #extremely dilutedaquaregiaaerosol #edara #fizztops #fiztops #iceshieldstothickenpolarice #IronSaltAerosol #ISA #MarineCloudBrightening #mcb #MirrorsForEarchsEnergyRebalancing #meer #OceanThermalEnergyConversion #Restoringnaturalupwellingfromtropicalttotemperatelatitudes #RestoringSoilAndVegetation #SeawaterAtomization #Seatomizers #StratosphericAerosolInjection (ding ding ding ding, there's a popular one you may have heard, already on your #chemtrail #bingo card) #sai #SurfaceAlbedoModification #sam #TitaniumOxideAerosol #toa #treeplantingandreflectivematerialsinurbanareas #woxon ... ample compelling nice sounding stuff mixed in with the nightmare stupid ecocidal stuff. ... hey, hey, quit complaining... obey... maybe they care. :/
engineering implies something more well calculated, and, has an assuring mislead to apply it to such complex systems. it evokes a dangerous overconfidence, in both ability and intent, in those perpetrating/deploying such interventions. This is an area we really needed "more eyes make all bugs shallow"...
...not to mention the rest of the: not being subject to polluting technlogies in the first place, nor being subject to the whims of the crooks who suppress the clean technologies that can emancipate us from their rentierism, wage slavery and debt traps and ploys to impoverish everybody back into overt neo-fuedalist global technarchy ...
... or
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#chemtrails #climateScam is an evil scam by the rich scum
Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=lJBGYZGKTGY
Open Letter to the International Maritime Organization: Sulfur Reduction Regulations in Shipping Fuels Have Accelerated Global Warming
An earlier draft (attached) of our letter: "An Open Letter to the IMO Supporting Maritime Transport that Cools the Atmosphere While Preserving Air Quality Benefits" has been transmitted to the IMO Secretary General.
Source: Open Letter to IMO on Bunker Fuel Regulation has been Transmitted to the IMO
Here are Baiman’s proposals to the IMO:
1) Partially relax the IMO’s maritime bunker fuel sulfur emissions regulation for “high seas” maritime transport outside of Emissions Control Areas in ways that - as much as possible - would increase the global cooling benefits of sulfur or similar aerosols without causing harm to humans or natural systems, and
2) Require that benign tropospheric aerosol precursors such as sea water (referred to as the “marine cloud brightening method”) or other possible tropospheric aerosols (referred to as the “climate catalysts method”) that can be released from ships and that would replace the global cooling benefits of sulfur aerosols without - as much as possible - causing harm to humans or natural systems, be deployed in maritime transport (Baiman et al., 2023).
1) Use bunker fuel out to sea (mid-ocean) and use low sulfur fuels near ports.
2) Require sea salt blowing machines on international ships for marine cloud brightening (MCB)
Bruh! Imagine the hubris of a retired economist trying to play God with the world’s weather and begging the IMO to empower #geoengineering at any cost.
Regional deployment of marine cloud brightening off the U.S. West Coast would be far less effective in the warmer world of 2050, and if implemented, could unleash higher temperatures in Europe and other regions, warns recent research.
The June 2024 modeling study of the controversial geoengineering technique shows “that a regional intervention will have large scale implications. So even though you’re applying [MCB] in a smaller space, the impacts [end up being] global,” says Jessica Wan, first author on the paper and a climate sciences Ph.D. candidate at California’s Scripps Institution of #Oceanography.
Source: Cloud brightening over oceans may stave off climate change, but with risk
Marine Cloud Brightening (MCB) and Ship Tracks from bunker fuel are not adequate solutions for global warming. Both MCB and Ship Tracks are examples of pollution working as cloud seeding. At best, they may temporarily cool, at worst, they could destabilize weather worldwide and even lead to global conflict:
"Anytime we interfere with natural precipitation patterns, we set off a chain of events that we have little control over," he said, adding, "If we're not careful, unrestrained use of this technology could end up causing diplomatic instabilities with neighboring countries engaging in tit-for-tat 'weather wars'."
Source: Expert Raises Alarm Over #Cloud #Seeding: Could ' #Weather Wars' Erupt?
Learn more about MCB in my previous article:
San Francisco Bay Geoengineering Project
Marine Cloud Brightening, the Silver Lining Project, and the Great Barrier Reef Restoration Project.
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#MattLandman | #Non-Human #Spiritual #Warfare: #Geoengineering, #Transhuman #World & Regaining Our Sovereignty | Aug. 7, 2024
#evil ones are out of control
Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=_m6IgcgImaA
#chemtrails to murder all life
Contrail #Geoengineering: The #Chemtrail #Conspiracy Real Deal! #ClimateViewer 6-14-2024
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Einige glauben, mit Geoengineering lässt sich der Thermostat zurückdrehen und die Klimakrise ist vorbei. Dabei haben diese Technologien mehr Risiken als Nutzen.#Kolumnen #QuaschningsVideokolumne #Geoengineering
Quaschning erklärt: Geoengineering
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#chemtrails are #poison
Secret #Geo-engineering Experiments Exposed
Dive into the secretive world of #geoengineering and solar radiation management! Recently, a hidden project unfolded above San Francisco, sparking massive controversy. Once dismissed as conspiracy, these projects are now hailed by mainstream media as our final defence against climate change. But what’s the real story?
Funded by billionaires and shrouded in mystery, these initiatives promise to reshape our planet’s future. Are they our last hope or a dangerous gamble? Join us as we uncover the truth, explore potential disasters, and question the motives behind these earth-altering schemes. Watch now to decide: salvation or catastrophe? Subscribe for more truth-telling content!
Dan Fournier on Canadian 🇨🇦 #Geoengineering at GFC:
Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=_5IL6oR02BI
Investigative journalist Dan Fournier presenting his 3 part series about geoengineering. Surprise guest: #JimLee Recorded January 9, #2024.
stop the poisoning of our skies no more #chemtrail #spraying
Die EU gibt Zertifikate für CO₂-Rückholung aus. "Solar Geoengineering" könnte ein UN-Gremium erhalten. Die Waldbrände in Chile sind wohl nicht klimabedingt.#EU,Europa #Geoengineering #Klimaforschung,Forschung #negativeEmissionen #Klimakompensation #Waldbrände #klimaupdate°–unserPodcast
Geschäfte mit CO₂-Speicherung, Geoengineering auf UN‑Agenda, Waldbrände in Chile
#ClimateViewer: #Geoengineering #Climate Clock #Countdown to 2030! 2-18-2024
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What kind of particles do they release into the atmosphere?
Now it's the time that they explain us exactly and clearly the exact composition and official purpose of the #additives they put in aircraft #fuel.
Quels genres de particules balancent-t-ils dans l'atmosphère ?
Vu qu'on se le prend sur la poire, il est temps qu'ils nous expliquent clairement la composition exacte et le but officiel des #additifs qu'ils mettent dans le #carburant des #avions, ou de certains avions.
Comme pour les injections, on veut la composition exacte et complète !
#climat #géoingénierie #Agenda2030 #Geoengineering #WeatherWarfare #ClimateIntervention
»Klimawende für Energie und Industrie« zeigt auf, welche Anstrengungen unternommen werden müssen, um zahlreiche Industriesektoren auf Klimaneutralität umzustellen. Einerseits geht es dabei darum, woher die Energie in Zukunft kommen soll, wie sie gespeichert und genutzt wird, andererseits geht es aber auch darum, die Rohstoffe und die Produktionsmethoden insbesondere in den Branchen Stahl, Zement und Chemie anzupassen. Innovationen bei Techniken wie Wasserstoff, Wärmepumpen oder Kraftwerksbau können Lösungen bieten.#Klimawende #Energie #Industrie #Klimawandel #Wasserstoff #Stahl #Zement #Zementherstellung #Baumaterial #Wärmepumpen #Geoengineering #Wetter #klimaneutral #CO2-Emissionen #CO2-Neutralität #Chemieindustrie #Stromnetze #Biomasse #Batterieforschung #Nanoröhren #Physik #Chemie
Klimawende für Energie und Industrie
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