


#PoprietarySoftware = #AntiDefamation

[Edit: ^That's enough to get the gist, right? to just sit with that a moment, contemplating it, the insight it's getting at is self evident, right? sufficient psycho-social commentary as is? idea clear? ... no need for the rest of my rambles exploring it and explaining it? or is that just my brain catching that easily, having had the priming insights...? .... okay... keeping all the rambles on this post. #DigitsRambles ]

#GettingAwayWithIt #HiddenHarms #NoReasonToIntrospect #maliciousfeatures
"it only takes a few of the 2-5% of the population who are psychopaths, to get in on it".
... and then add [edit: uptonsinclairian] #massformationpsychosis and a #cultish #superioritycomplex #groupthink #echochamber under #terror ....
... and #dogma making this all the more held in place by #bigotry.
... and this wont be introspected on,
... because it wont even be seen,
... because it gets censored out,
... and the totalitarianising mass formation psychosis dictate as cultural norm, that to question any of that, is to be the enemy, as if you were causing the existential threat to all around, so toe the line. (tow the line? ... idk, i dont use that expression).
.... so even if it does get seen, it only gets seen as a lie, and the source seen as a dangerous liar, threatening existence
... so anything to destroy everything that is not us, is taken fervently without question as a virtue. [Edit: oh socratic, where for art thou socratic. heh].

#EmbraceExtendExtinguish road to monopoly. to total homogeneity. not just supremacy. total genocide of [each and all] the other. the list of destroyed others in their wake. and the atrocities committed get accused as the victim's crimes. increasingly becoming the article of hate, despite the "public-relations" spin and advertising and propaganda, in an inevitablising kakistarchification and demise in inescapable hatred of, from that feedback loop from the lack of introspection... which was understandable in that cascade of ... [oops, had more to add here, lost that train of thought]

... I dont know how you've been reading what I just wrote, [1]

but if not for the proprietary software, microsoft could be good.
and if not for the "antidefamation"[2], judaism could be good.

and the (more than a) seed of that is already there in both.
one of the first things i loved of both, was the freedom, the free thought.

pity it gets hampered by these other portions of the whole rig.
and some people in there, slip into that ruthlessness complicity.

missing the goodness there, thinking they still have the goodness,
those can still be reached.

... or are just the "2-5%" psychopaths who dont care,

and would only relent strategically, when surrounded, and offered an out.

just sayin... #wecanstillmendthis


[0] now, that all came from listening to a #thegrayzone episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESqmADgbEJI and it, (early on (i forget which part)), had me realise this whole similarity thing, this shared malignifying principle... though, one main difference i kept thinking of, was the cui bono of it, in a sense of there being contrary supremacists outside... and there, i could think of only mac for microsoft, which i thought to weak to be intentionally doing this ploy of getting microsoft to make themselves the monster. doesnt have the same tragic digging the hole deeper incentive. and i cant imagine the employees in microsoft share the same kind of existential terror driving them into an opposame... but then i dont know what kind of propaganda microsoft employees are pumped full of. ... lol. at first, that strikes as a bit of a satirical extreme to think of microsoft employees getting the same kind of propaganda to terrorise them into the totalitarianised supremacist poor-us great-us get-them-before-they-get-us all-attrocities-virtuous groupthink... and there'd be a vast portion of the employee population not going along with it, another significant portion more snug and held to play along, and then the fervent believers, and then the central directing deceivers, ... but then... microsoft are obviously sufficiently adept at mind control. sorry, that's not the term popularly used for that these days. let me check my newspeak dictionary... government. no, wait,... psyop. no wait... public relations. no. advertising, or marketing. yeah, whatever, you know what i mean. but then, are mac better? so slick... and then, in keeping with the comparative similitude... the other ethno-religious supremacists... how slick are they? [did mac create microsoft... how deep does this go!? :O puppetbogeymen scapegoats turtles all the way down?] ... (again, around to considering) enough to pull the strings?


[1] _[i was thinking microsoft and it's proprietary stuff, when writing that, and israel's anti-defamation laws (from way back when) was only trailing in the wind as a closely following afterthought seeing if it still fit. ... fit this thing where it's the ... well, as i came to simplify it, and put it as the title (which i very much thought i'd just post as it's own short post... but... i dont naturally hold to short punchy brevity often... there's always more. ideas, jim. explore more... ;) anyways, rambling aside now... sry, back to it...)

[2] really needs fearquotes on that all the time since that too's an orwellian euphemism. because what we're really talking about is further than just being opposed to defamation. defamation, being lies of bigots, would be a legit thing to counter. but it's far further than that. and that's the crux of the flaw here. the unreasonable self-destructive delusional "la-la-la not listening to you, i'm perfect, i'm an angel, i'm chosen" while sloshing through a river of blood, of their own making, oblivious to it... like "not in our name" doesnt even come into it, while deep in the mass formation psychosis. a mass formation psychosis, generated by this "antidefamation" thing, bolstering both the terror and the supremacy, the poor-me and the magnanimity. ... which again gets me thinking back to, who started that and why, since it harms jews so much. ... ... y'know? ... ... [i say, as member of a people oppressed by the same. ... so idk if that's a bias of my experience colouring my allusions; pulling my allusions to that level of the platoscaveception]. ... and it's refreshing that seems the majority of jews get it, and dont fall for it, just the same as everywhere, most people dont fall for these ploys... at least until the they initiate the next grand acute terror psyop... and get us all marching in lockstep. ... yeah, did i mention #kakistarchy yet? ... anyways, digressing into side rambles again.

[edit: and, in addition, not just the goodness of judaism, but there are even ways to have a good zionism, that does not involve displacement of peoples, nor homogeneity... not apartheid. and in that, i dont mean the apartheid between pure jewish israel and mixed other palestine [edit: nor another narrative's depiction of mixed israel and pure islamic terrorist palestine]... i mean the apartheid between israel and the world. ... and it boggles my mind why this does not get raised more often.... like, why is zionism [in this form] considered such a great thing for jews. why it's seen as paradise? ... consolidated ghetto bitches ready to have those who hate you drop the bomb on you and eliminate you all... why's that paradise? i dont get it. so persecuted that this seems like an improvement? ... madnesses upon madnesses. solution space lays elsewhere. elsewhere than what serves those who hate you and want to destroy you, and convince you you're the superior getting paradise, and use you to be the rotters, under pretence of getting to remain clean handed by making your victims out to be the ones doing what you're doing to them, not realising you're being played into being the puppet assassins of the enemy of your other enemy, in that stupid of not realising there are no enemy there, and that it's the enemy getting you to do such things, that you need cease empowering. ... which seems like a simple blip for a full grok glimpse for me. ... but a struggle to put in coherent words. attercoparchy weaving new layers deepening the matryoshka matrix of plato's cave, the layer cake, the overton window onion, compartmentalisation, idk... hard to word it. suffice to say, there be goodnesses far better outside control of this deception that makes us each all our own worst enemies. [edit edit: and again, that was one of the things that were first appreciated most highly of judaism... that one had to think, [editeditedit: beware devils claiming to be god, stuff like that] and not just obey blindly. now look.]]

original irc rambled notes paste

[2023-11-10 07:37:54] wow. so, the falseflaggery of 10/7... so much more extremely obviously israeli, like not even trying... i guess they just presumed to have sufficient media control. just blatant ... i say, listening to the grayzone's "Israel's military was ordered to attack Israelis on 10/7"
[2023-11-10 07:39:07] but who knows, eh... the extents of deepfakery and narrative division... but... ... for a pattern of decades.... would be strange for this being a big change.

[2023-11-10 07:39:16] and reminds me of proprietary software....
[2023-11-10 07:39:20] same principle
[2023-11-10 07:40:30] proprietary software's secret source, encourages any and all maliciousness, because it's hidden, they think they can get away with it. it only takes a few of the 2-5% of the population who are psychopaths, to get in on it.
[2023-11-10 07:41:26] israel's anti defamation laws, encourages any and all maliciousness, because it's hidden, they think they can get away with it. it only takes a few of the 2-5% of the population who are psychopaths, to get in on it.

^ and it was at that point i thought to make a post here with just "proprietarysoftware = antidefamation". n_n

woops this post size grew a bit. lol.

ps, and yes, i do realise idiots may misunderstand this post and think it a reason to kill me. worth posting anyway. there are worse things than death. some principles worth putting a life on the line.

i am not your enemy. n_n here to help. silly goose.

pps, you see the attercoparchy controlling the kakistarchies, right? not just tragedy of the commons and race to the bottom naturally generating kakistarchies, but also, opportunistically accelerated or entirely created from scratch, by whoever else pulling the strings, or seeping in the tendrils (strings or tendrils, depending on which side of the definition of attercoparchy one falls to... ruled by poisonous spider, or ruled by poisonous ulcer. ... i prefer the descriptive imagery of that, than (also useful) #theoctopusofglobalcontrol ). ... it gets murky at the "top".



wishing you all the best.
wellbeing for all.


quick-n-dirty copy-pasta repost from 2 year old joindiaspora post:

~Before we begin, I suggest you put on some inspirational uplifting radio for this… maybe mpv http://somafm.com/thetrip.pls or mpv --no-video https://www.youtube.com/user/RazNitzanMusic/video

We never needed “jobs” (enslavement). #jerbs

We never needed “rockets”. #wecandobetter #notthebest

This economy is a lie.
And why?
Once out of the box, the self-fulfilling circular-reasons for it disappear.
Even the “richest” among us, can be ever better off.
It’s maddening to watch humanity/humans keep doing this to itself/humans. Shooting selves in the foot. Just no need. Lost in the momentum of past poorly-informed overly-misled un/mal-imaginative schemes of domination, under the indoctrination that to do so was the highest ideal.

Perhaps the “domination of nature” seemed a high ideal a few hundred years ago when nature seemed a greater oppressor, and there was (understandable but wrong-headed) push to present hostility and dominator parasitism competition as superior to friendliness and mutual symbiotic synergy, as per that misrepresentation of Darwin, which contorted and obfuscated out the cooperation being the fitest, in favour of separationist rigid hostile individualism. An abhorrently harmful notion that’s been re-upped and amplified these past 40 years. All while hand-in-hand with the goodie-goodie goodness-advocacy goodness-boasting magnanimous airs from preening hypocrites. Accompanied by abusive deployment of virtue-signalled social-indoctrinations of Christian “forgiveness”. Now I’ll happily advocate loving the sinner and hating the sin, but that’s not what gets done by the dominator crooks. They’ll use it in a way to simply carry on getting away with worse and more.
… at least until they managed to break through their wells of perception and addiction.
… and that’s not to propose the power is with them and you’re disempowered.
You exist here too, your potential…
your brain’s potential for example… in some portions at some (of many) levels can work like a quantum computer… if you add another qubit to a quantum computer you multiply its calculating potential… your brain has how many neurons? how many connections?
… and that’s just your brain in your head…
consider then also you have neurons in your heart, and in your gut, and then consider even the communicative & sensing capacities of your other signal carrying membranes… and then how much energy you generate… you’ve immense creative capacity beyond your ken. far, far beyond your ken. :D we have so much potential to mend this world still.

“if you don’t have time to meditate for 1 hour each day, meditate for 2 hours each day.”

Sure, it’s so easy to get lost and misdirected in the spray of noise. Even all these words can become twisted and language itself contorted, to suite aims stuck in boxes. But there’s still that little hint beyond… you can still sense it right? … the immense burgeoning potential… and all the stretching of the karmic elastic is only further contributing to that pressure pot that will eventually release.

there’s an immensely deep ocean of energy upon which our ripple of (for want of a better term) “reality” sits. this vast energy we see, but a ripple on its deep surface. all the biggest pops of stars, all the black holes, all the nuclear furnaces (stars and artifices), just in the ripple. And the technology to tap into that has many times been invented and suppressed, or even a few times utilised quietly, and even witnessed in nature (e.g. geckos’ use of casimir effect with higher pressure of wavelengths excluded from smaller cavities ~ for a surface effect).

Your thoughts, your projections, your imaginings, your calculations, your perceptions, that you share with others overtly, or merely through the akashic records, harmonics and percussive entertainments of morphic resonance.

means you, just in your thoughts right now, have influence on the world, even in the “woo” sounding ways. that includes those whom you’ve considered the biggest monsters. so in the space of “love the sinner, hate the sin”, and forgiveness, you can sublimate past that to imagine them better, to imagine offering them better ways, to imagine growing their neuropathways to better easily see better ways, to facilitate habituations to their better ways, recursively rebuilding in them the pathways that induce building the wisdom and the breadths that foster such wisdom… neurogenesis in others by imagination… someone should run some experiments on that to help reveal it. … i say like i’ve certainty it’s already a thing. hehe. but… have not some experiments not already shown that? if not directly neurogenesis in other people by imagination/intent, then at least other spooky actions at distance.

I swear, we’re not done yet. We’ve immense potential.

Go meditate for an instant,
then carry on for a second more,
and then a breath more,
and then carry on for a minute of breathing more,
and carry on in that same instant,
that same instant we call “now”,
until many more minutes have passed…
… maybe even hours will be eaten in presence of the now, and allowing your consciousness to expand through the now, into the longer now, and the deeper now, simultaneously, softened into the richness, the abundance in the no thing.
Go out.
Go out into the world,
however you feel then,
and spread the #mendwards.

Meditation can help the clarity and balance.

Getting out into pinene-rich nature helps augment the clarity even further.

Some meditation and breathing techniques are better than others, for helping your physiology generate #homeostasis -inducing/maintaining/helping #Cannabinoids.

These will help rekindle seeing greater potentials, dispelling limiting misconceptions born of the confirmation bias of suffering.

Exogenous Phyto-Cannabinoids can perhaps be even more advantageous, for many, or at least more readily advantageous. … But perhaps much of that is also as much of our imposed ignorance of our own body/self/existence/purpose/function, as our imposed ignorance of #mansbestfriend ( #cannabis / #hemp / #sativa (… try expose your mind to some Jack Herer if you dare contraire)).

Point being… with the imbalances reoriented back into balances, the potential I speak of gets more restored and availed.

Can’t launch your rocket if your launch pad is wonky, let alone get beyond to realise we never needed rockets, and sublimate to #spaceshipsforeverybody (as per “We never needed “rockets”.”)

Just to pass the time of day, God & Marley share a J
Bob tells God of his great visions.
God takes notes, and plans revisions.

So toke up, and mend the world.

They could only do the best they could do. Now you can imagine greater capacity for them to do better.

When opening a box, to liberate a mind from it, sometimes it seems impossible, since each flap is held down by the next, in a loop, until you realise, they can all lift together.

The End Of Imprisonment In The Box Is Nigh.

It sublimates fast. Wont be so much piecemeal, even though it will seem like a lot of strain and effort fruitlessly at first.

We can mendwards… NOW. :)

A choice, no savings or money, a choice, between fear and love.
The eyes of fear want us separate, buying locks and guns.
The eyes of love see us all as one.

… imagine a few more had such realisations? imagine we were already at the tipping points where the flood mendwards was already upon us, and enough of it build in already, the silent transcendence from re-problemating victim co-perpetration, the rejection of the misery of crookedness seeking company in crookedness; rejection of the #mandate and #coercion and #duress and #blackmail to become a #worthyvampire, the people seeing through that, feeling its wrong, hearing the wisdom beyond, enlightened, realigned to their “higher self”, perhaps even as high as realising #atmanisbrahman, without standing in-front of the light and projecting ego shadows, really genuinely having the humility in extending the insight to the revelation all else are god reincarnated too, to learn.

So… do what you will with my prescriptive portions here… (as tautological/sub-textual as that (and this) may seem) … as you tickle your god-brain’s toes. … … … … or pick up the #magicmushroom phone and call back in to the mycelial brain’s song reminding all things. and not just a heroic dose of 5 dried grams. go for a legendary dose of >25g, >100g, >300g? just basically get as much in you as you can before the first purge. Remember to do Psilocybe Magic Mushrooms responsibly, ensuring proper mindset and setting. … Though, if you’re doing a legendary dose (presumably/advisably with #LemonTek on an empty stomach), you’ll be intently heading for high level 4, and level 5 trips. And in Level 5 trips, in some ways, set & setting kinda lose meaning. Set & Setting’s really only relevant for Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 trips. Level 1, it’s so mild, just some giggles, barely trails and colours, perhaps no more emotional vulnerability and impressionability to encourage taking care of your mindset and inputs and surroundings than you’d warrant for “every day life” without the use of such substances. Level 5, you’re not even there anymore, so it does not really matter, since you’re thrust so far beyond whatever you were with prior to dosing and the dose taking effect.

But… Even without taking to such extremes deviating from the dominator prescribed life, the point remains, even as you are now, you have so much immense potential to help mend the world. Even without lifting a finger. Now imagine how much more, atop that, if you did lift a finger, too.

:) Carry on with better dreams than this.

Because remember,

Once out of the box, the self-fulfilling circular-reasons for it disappear.
Even the “richest” among us, can be ever better off.

#NoEnemiesHere #AllParadoxesResolveAtHigherTopologies

#DigitsRambles #ThyDailyBong #ThyDailyBongSong

#akashicrecords #harmonics #percussiveforce #entrainment #morphicresonance #CannabisCanSaveTheWorld #YouCanSaveTheWorld #WeCanMendThis #WeCanStillMendThis #ThisIsTheDawningOfTheAgeOfAquarius #LearningToBalance #LearningToBalanceSelfAndAll #LearningToBalanceAuthorityAndLiberty #LearningToBalanceTechnologyAndNature #LearningToBalanceHarmonyAndFreedom #mendwards


doubly reposted, pasting this time with my two ps comments:

Digit - 3 months ago ~ reposting from (accidentally?) limited post.

i’ve said this before, and i’ll say it again…

i find more worth to us from what tom valone talks about, than what bob lazar talks about.

bob talks about the secreted tech he saw in the secret research labs, which he asserts unequivocally came from elsewhere far far away, by aliens, which they also had.

tom talks about the secreted tech he saw people submit to the patent office.

you see, what tom speaks of, shows clearly human empowerment and ingenuity.

yes yes it’s a big woop, there are aliens… yeah yeah… play around with the drake equation for a while and you might likely start to consider that an inevitability.

what’s more a big woop, is that effectively any (or at least some) of us could conjure interstellar spacecraft, from scratch (seriously scratch… even like imagine an abandoned baby/todler that survives and has the fortune of situation to learn how to make batteries from clay as early as they learn to feed etc. it’s well within conceivable to me now that this unfettered curiosity can lead an individual through technological advances far far more rapid than we’ve been held back by. perhaps we are all capable of such, and such is innate normal would be should be for us, and { leading back to bob’s area } by extension, likely same for idk how many others out there on other material bodies out there in space. … and idk how many other possibilities there are for origins of such intelligent and technologically capable species (if even called species… idk how wide n wild goes the range of possible originators of “interstellar spacecraft”, and if even that much is a bound worth keeping too).

but, i [as typical] rambly digress.

i just wanted to again state the simple grok/judgement/guestimate/take i have of bob’s calmly delivered area 51 whistleblower testimony of the [earthly] largely considered sensational topic of aliens (and technology), not being the real wow to focus on, and that tom valones calmly delivered patent office whistleblower testimony of the secret technologies that can emancipate us (and no mention of aliens necessary).

so while we could wait around for the secret tech black ops espionage agencies to leak the tech (that they want to leak), to the corporate sector, pretending it’s been just then newly invented, i doubt it would offer any emancipation, especially contrast to the emancipation potential apparent in us all (or at least sufficient few specially talented in the relevant aptitudes) to make any manner of variety of technological innovations with emancipatory potential.

maddening that we’re so held back, held down, held hurting each other, held harming the world’s habitats and life, when we could sublimate and save ourselves and save the earth’s habitats from us (or rather, from the harms of our excesses when denied emancipatory technologies). the potential exists, yet we’re to be denied it, supposedly on magnanimous grounds of saving us, despite more apparently dooming us.

so, if the tech bob played with wasnt from aliens, n instead just came from humans (past or more contemporary), it’s all the more affirming of our ability, all the more encouraging of humanity to get off its knees, and stop crushing the earth by it.

we can. the technology exists. maybe it’ll get leaked out. maybe enough will learn and know, that they who suppress emancipation technology will no longer be able to keep the lid on it.

and not just that we need rely on some ultra-rarest genius among us that only comes around every few thousand years, but that there are enough geniuses reinventing emancipation technologies for there to have been over 3000 suppressed free energy patents alone. and then atop that there’s all the rest of the emancipation technologies, and then all the rest of the subsequent innovations that build on that. we have been held back so much. needlessly. now we build more.

quit looking up hoping for intervention from outside. maybe they do. but that’s not necessary or healthy. “we are the ones we’ve been waiting for”. we, humans, did it, accomplished interstellar technology, ourselves, from scratch, multiple times. we just need start ensuring we stop holding everybody hostage to disempowering polluting technologies that generate dependence and kill, and start emancipating everybody via availing the clean technologies of empowerment and life.

#DigitsRambles #emancipationtechnology #spaceshipsforeverybody

Digit - about a year ago

ps as another contemporary aside, somewhat akin, akin enough anyway, that seeing that other patent system insider pointing out the trail of evidence of the crooks not-so-elaborate scam of patenting different portions of the same thing and proclaiming it different things, basically having them by their greedy intellectual property balls~ anyway, it just rather reminded me of this comparison i draw between bob lazar and tom valone’s stuff (and in addition just now i’ll dare say a lot of snowden et al too, but mostly tom valone, also being inside the patent system and know it well enough to kind just go “oh, yeah, it’s simple, right there, plain as can be, see…”),

but like i say, that’s just a contemporary aside, dont let that detract from the point here, in that comparison, that tom valone’s sorta grande expose offers us more, revealing we already have more, and are capable of more, already, no need for alien god heros to save us, nor tyrants pretending to play our saviors as they cull us on demographic or genotype at a time, staging one another for the same conflict of interest as their illusion. so, no need, superblack tech and the alien oligarch technocrat aristocracy. we can build our own. and have, many times. just no need for the ones holding it back. holding us all back. spinning illusions of the feat’s impossibility and our inability to accomplish it.

Digit - about a year ago

yeah that one, https://joindiaspora.com/posts/1f5f9e30e40c0139e181002590d8e506 that #patentgate one https://iviv.hu/posts/1f5f9e30e40c0139e181002590d8e506 https://odysee.com/@devrijeomroep:6/covid-patent-gate:2 that guy with that bit laying out the patent trail plain as can be, as the odysee blurb states: “COVID PATENT GATE Covid was patented in 2000 and the vaccin was patented in 2008. The script for our pandemic was written in 2004 by Moderna.” which fits as per that line that keeps drumming through my head “when the terrorist thing wears off we’re going to have people running scared of a disease without symptoms.” or however my memory has paraphrased that line over the many years since i heard it.

but like i say, that’s just a contemporary aside. there’s the bigger longer story beyond that distraction.


Digit - 3 months ago ~ reposting from (accidentally?) limited post.

i’ve said this before, and i’ll say it again…

i find more worth to us from what tom valone talks about, than what bob lazar talks about.

bob talks about the secreted tech he saw in the secret research labs, which he asserts unequivocally came from elsewhere far far away, by aliens, which they also had.

tom talks about the secreted tech he saw people submit to the patent office.

you see, what tom speaks of, shows clearly human empowerment and ingenuity.

yes yes it’s a big woop, there are aliens… yeah yeah… play around with the drake equation for a while and you might likely start to consider that an inevitability.

what’s more a big woop, is that effectively any (or at least some) of us could conjure interstellar spacecraft, from scratch (seriously scratch… even like imagine an abandoned baby/todler that survives and has the fortune of situation to learn how to make batteries from clay as early as they learn to feed etc. it’s well within conceivable to me now that this unfettered curiosity can lead an individual through technological advances far far more rapid than we’ve been held back by. perhaps we are all capable of such, and such is innate normal would be should be for us, and { leading back to bob’s area } by extension, likely same for idk how many others out there on other material bodies out there in space. … and idk how many other possibilities there are for origins of such intelligent and technologically capable species (if even called species… idk how wide n wild goes the range of possible originators of “interstellar spacecraft”, and if even that much is a bound worth keeping too).

but, i [as typical] rambly digress.

i just wanted to again state the simple grok/judgement/guestimate/take i have of bob’s calmly delivered area 51 whistleblower testimony of the [earthly] largely considered sensational topic of aliens (and technology), not being the real wow to focus on, and that tom valones calmly delivered patent office whistleblower testimony of the secret technologies that can emancipate us (and no mention of aliens necessary).

so while we could wait around for the secret tech black ops espionage agencies to leak the tech (that they want to leak), to the corporate sector, pretending it’s been just then newly invented, i doubt it would offer any emancipation, especially contrast to the emancipation potential apparent in us all (or at least sufficient few specially talented in the relevant aptitudes) to make any manner of variety of technological innovations with emancipatory potential.

maddening that we’re so held back, held down, held hurting each other, held harming the world’s habitats and life, when we could sublimate and save ourselves and save the earth’s habitats from us (or rather, from the harms of our excesses when denied emancipatory technologies). the potential exists, yet we’re to be denied it, supposedly on magnanimous grounds of saving us, despite more apparently dooming us.

so, if the tech bob played with wasnt from aliens, n instead just came from humans (past or more contemporary), it’s all the more affirming of our ability, all the more encouraging of humanity to get off its knees, and stop crushing the earth by it.

we can. the technology exists. maybe it’ll get leaked out. maybe enough will learn and know, that they who suppress emancipation technology will no longer be able to keep the lid on it.

and not just that we need rely on some ultra-rarest genius among us that only comes around every few thousand years, but that there are enough geniuses reinventing emancipation technologies for there to have been over 3000 suppressed free energy patents alone. and then atop that there’s all the rest of the emancipation technologies, and then all the rest of the subsequent innovations that build on that. we have been held back so much. needlessly. now we build more.

quit looking up hoping for intervention from outside. maybe they do. but that’s not necessary or healthy. “we are the ones we’ve been waiting for”. we, humans, did it, accomplished interstellar technology, ourselves, from scratch, multiple times. we just need start ensuring we stop holding everybody hostage to disempowering polluting technologies that generate dependence and kill, and start emancipating everybody via availing the clean technologies of empowerment and life.

#DigitsRambles #emancipationtechnology #spaceshipsforeverybody