

The #TrumpVirus formulary...
Holy Drumpf! Donald Drugs, to keep his Beautiful Mind as fit as a ... fiddle? Funnel? Tunnel?

Wonder if it's the secret sauce in his daily regimen of Diet Coke... supplemented by the real thing, per DJTJ

#cognitive #psychopathology #drug #cocktail #DonnyDementia


And this....
Some "here" have been following the physical and mental anomalies for a while. But this is 3 years old now, and he's not improving!

I just came across this, posted somewhere, and like some of the comments (new, from now days), I wonder at how little attention this has drawn. But then, there's just so much noise and stink, all the time, already. Still, this seems to come from 'reliable sources'.

Mister Trump - And His Drug and Diaper Problems

It's 20 mins in length (extracted from something even longer), but even just the first few minutes is 'very interesting'... (and not funny)

#TrumpVirus #Drumpf #psychopathology #DonnyDementia #DJT