

Демонстрационное видео COGNITIVE

COGNITIVE опубликовали видео, в котором демонстрируют исполнение композиции Abhorrence, взятой из выходящего 17 мая альбома Abhorrence:



"A Pact Unholy"

"Ivory Tower"

"As The Light Fades"

"Savor The Suffering"

"Containment Breach"


"Lunar Psychopathy"

"Cold Dead Hands"

#Cognitive COGNITIVE Release "Abhorrence" Guitar Playthrough Video

Видео: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLWIOUnBo04


#lang_ru #метал #darksideru


Seeing posts on the #TrumpVirus Easter rants... and seeing wide discussion (and some mockery/glee) about the implosion of #DJT
in terms of the massively leaking valuation of the massively losing #Truth disinformation network, starring "your favorite president".

Here is a great summary of the serious #cognitive (and 'social') misfiring, the fan-fiction of #DonPoorleone & our sad state of 'civilization'. Nailed it, many times here, Seth.... (Thanks V de Rojas)

Trump Media Stock Plunges Amid Truth Social Losses; Trump's Unhinged Easter Meltdown: A Closer Look


Jen Psaki:

"For those sweating Biden’s age and whether he is up to the job... What do you think about this?"

To borrow a phrase (from literature this time, as opposed to Mein Kampf).... "My beautiful mind".
He's so #cognitive. A stable genius. ("Neigh!" - say the residents of the stable 🐴)

#cognitive #dysfunction #psycohopathology #WordSalad #BrainSpurs #dementia #TBI ... plus, Long #TrumpVirus



Meet the Press - January 28, 2024

This today, on Nikki Haley, or as Lord #TrumpVirus calls her, Nanci Pelosi... or is it Melania?
So much going on in that "Beautiful Mind".


Nikki Haley’s campaign against Donald Trump reached a new phase with five crucial words in her “Meet The Press” interview on Sunday: “I absolutely trust the jury.”

#DonnyDemento #TrumpVirus #cognitive #election #NikkiHaley #psychopathology #GQP #cult


The #TrumpVirus formulary...
Holy Drumpf! Donald Drugs, to keep his Beautiful Mind as fit as a ... fiddle? Funnel? Tunnel?

Wonder if it's the secret sauce in his daily regimen of Diet Coke... supplemented by the real thing, per DJTJ

#cognitive #psychopathology #drug #cocktail #DonnyDementia


"Trump was speaking at a prayer summit when he, in his concluding remarks, warned Americans away from following Biden into "World War II."

'Mental decline': Trump mocked by Republicans over 'World War II' slip

The account for Republicans Against Trump, a group for "pro-democracy conservatives Republicans fighting Trump & Trumpism," said, "Donald Trump is warning America that 'Cognitively impaired' Biden will lead us into 'World War Two' if re-elected. You can’t make this sh-t up."

Simply amazing... he is still chuffed/bragging about how 'perfect' he was on an "IQ test", and so he challenges his erstwhile opponent to take the same test.

Spoiler: It's not an "IQ" test he took but a basic screening for basic brain/cognitive functioning, orientation to reality x4 ...
He was "terrific". Perfect really. None of the doctors, all those doctors. "Nobody could believe it!" So smart. A stable genius. 🐴 (neigh!)

#TrumpVirus #psychopathology #IQ #cognition #cognitive #Donny #dementia #thinking #truth


Lord #TrumpVirus the "stable genius" is now spouting off challenges to compete with him for cognitive clarity.
As long as he can choose the 'test'; so his opponent must be prepared to out-do a 'perfect' ID of woman-man-person-camera.....

What I know from decades of teaching, researching, and doing cognitive assessment is that "thinking" is multi-dimensional and that people do have different patterns of strengths and weakness; some are better at spatial reasoning & memory, some are verbally oriented. Some can plan and see cause/effect, others don't do so well. Some grab concepts quickly, verbal &/or nonverbal, others no.

So I'm left pondering how the guy with "all the best words" would do on test of word use and conceptual reasoning.

On one of the earlier Wechsler (IQ) tests, a favorite item (no longer asked) was: "What does this expression mean: "Shallow brooks are noisy". I would love to see Drumpf's answer! (Or on any item tapping 'concept formation' or categorization'.)

Of course I smile at the thought of his taking any sort of formal thinking / 'emotional' / 'projective' test. I'd do the testing for free!

I'm pretty sure one of the old classics would end up like this.

#Psych #cognitive #projective #IQ #narcissism #Rorschach #mental #competency #assessment


How desk #jobs alter your #brain – and why they’re so #tiring

source: https://theconversation.com/how-desk-jobs-alter-your-brain-and-why-theyre-so-tiring-190273

So the Paris study also raises questions about whether the #working day is structured in the best format. According to the results of the #study we should break up high-demand #cognitive control tasks that need working memory and constant attention and take into account the fact that performance takes a hit at the end of the day. Some professions may need very different structuring considering these results.

During their shift, air traffic controllers only guide aircraft for up to two hours, followed by a half-hour #break. But bus drivers, clinicians and pilots would benefit from regular, compulsory rests too.

Our brains have many different areas that are active during different tasks, such as speaking, hearing and planning. So not all of our decisions can be explained by the Paris study findings.

#capitalism #science #work #labour #economy #security #news #staff