#ducks #photography
Wonderful ducks. I saved this magnificent photograph a few years ago. I think it's a Messidor. I love his photography.
Dutch Ducks and Halloween... Trick or Treat!
I was a bit surprised after escaping New York (nee New Amsterdam) for a visit to Old Amsterdam, to check out some French and Dutch color and light. (Well, some pastry too...)
I found many stores, in both tourist spots and residential areas where ducks get a lot of love! And floor/window space.
And Halloween (or equivalent) is a thing in Amsterdam too, with many stores and homes featuring skeletons and cobwebs, pumpkins... and ducks!
_Ducks everywhere! Ducks in the Stores! _
Ducks on the Wall!
#Amsterdam #Photography #Ducks #Fenfotos #Kinks #Music #Musica #musique #Halloween #AllSaintsDay #Autumn
Enten am Fahrrad / Ducks on the Bicycle
Im Schloßpark Moers, September 2012
#enten #tiere #verkehr #fahrrad #KreisWesel #niederrhein #SchloßparkMoers #traffic #bicycles #ducks #animals #foto #fotografie #photo #photography
Selfie im Entenauge / Selfie in a Duck's Eye
an der Holtmoers-Kull in Verberg (Krefeld), August 2016
#Vögel #Tiere #Enten #Krefeld #Niederrhein #Verberg #foto #photo #fotografie #photography
#animals #birds #anatidae #ducks
Entenbesuch / A Visit from the Ducks
am Toepper in Bergheim (Rheinhausen), Mai 2024
Ente und Küken am Ufer hinter Fahrrad
#Vögel #Entenküken #Bergheim #Niederrhein #ToepperTegge #Rheinhausen #Duisburg #foto #photo #fotografie #photography
#animals #birds #anatidae #ducks #ducklings
Ente mit Küken / Duck With Ducklings
am Essenberger See in Essenberg (Homberg), Mai 2024
Ente und Küken im Regen
#Vögel #Entenküken #Homberg #Niederrhein #Essenberg #Duisburg #foto #photo #fotografie #photography
#animals #birds #anatidae #ducks #ducklings
Entenküken im Tümpel / Ducklings in the Puddle
am Bergsee im Erholungsgebiet Schwafheim in Moers, Mai 2024
#Vögel #Entenküken #Schwafheim #Niederrhein #Bergsee #Moers #foto #photo #fotografie #photography
#animals #birds #anatidae #ducks #ducklings
Ente auf Totholz betrachtet den See / Duck on Deadwood Looking at the Lake
am Bergsee im Erholungsgebiet Schwafheim in Moers, Mai 2024
#Vögel #Enten #Schwafheim #Niederrhein #Bergsee #Moers #foto #photo #fotografie #photography
#animals #birds #anatidae #ducks
Enten schwimmen auf dem Wasser / Ducks floating on the water
im Businesspark in Asterlagen (Rheinhausen), März 2024
#Vögel #Enten #Asterlagen #Niederrhein #Businesspark #Rheinhausen #Duisburg #foto #photo #fotografie #photography
#animals #birds #anatidae #ducks
I was out for a walk today in #Ottawa and so were some #mallard #ducks, too.