● [Old] ● #EDRI #EU ☞ A beginner’s guide to EU rules on scanning private communications: Part 1 https://edri.org/our-work/a-beginners-guide-to-eu-rules-on-scanning-private-communications-part-1/
● NEWS ● #EDRI #EU ☞ A beginner’s guide to EU rules on scanning private communications: Part 2 https://edri.org/our-work/a-beginners-guide-to-eu-rules-on-scanning-private-communications-part-2/
● NEWS ● #EDRI #Surveillance #Privacy ☞ #UK can join #EU surveillance schemes with no parliamentary scrutiny, warns new report https://edri.org/our-work/uk-can-join-eu-surveillance-schemes-with-no-parliamentary-scrutiny-warns-new-report/
● NEWS ● #EDRI #Surveillance #Privacy ☞ The #EU Parliament takes strong stance against surveillance ads https://edri.org/our-work/the-eu-parliament-takes-strong-stance-against-surveillance-ads/
● NEWS ● #EDRI #Privacy #Surveillance ☞ #ChatControl : 10 principles to defend children in the digital age https://edri.org/our-work/chat-control-10-principles-to-defend-children-in-the-digital-age/
● NEWS ● #EDRI #Privacy #Surveillance ☞ Secret negotiations about Europol: the big rule of law scandal https://edri.org/our-work/secret-negotiations-about-europol-the-big-rule-of-law-scandal/
● [Old] ● #EDRI #Privacy #Surveillance ☞ The EU’s own ‘Snowden Scandal’: Europol’s Data Mining https://edri.org/our-work/the-eus-own-snowden-scandal-europols-data-mining/ #EDPS is useless http://techrights.org/2021/06/10/edps-gdpr-epo-impunity/
● NEWS ● #EDRI #Privacy #Surveillance ☞ What went down at #PrivacyCamp22? https://edri.org/our-work/what-went-down-at-privacycamp22/
"Access Now’s new report with #EDRi and Civil Liberties Union for Europe unpacks why disinformation threatens fundamental rights, and what the #EU can do to limit its spread." https://www.accessnow.org/informing-the-disinfo-debate-report
● NEWS ● #EDRI #Surveillance #Privacy ☞ A beginner’s guide to EU rules on scanning private communications: Part 1 https://edri.org/our-work/a-beginners-guide-to-eu-rules-on-scanning-private-communications-part-1/
● NEWS ● #EDRI #Privacy #Surveillance ☞ #EuropeanCommission jumps the gun with proposal to add facial recognition to EU-wide police data sharing scheme https://civicrm.edri.org/civicrm/mailing/view?reset=1&id=178&cid=33276&cs=3a7b4bd8b7ca3d65e29b5270ccf26508_1638975963_168 undoing any goodwill earned with that #freesw announcement
#FOSDEM 2022 - European Digital Rights (EDRi) ⚓ https://edri.org/take-action/events/fosdem-2022/ ䷉ #edri
● NEWS ● #EDRI #Surveillance #Privacy ☞ #UN Special Rapporteurs challenge EU’s counter-terrorism plans https://edri.org/our-work/un-special-rapporteurs-challenge-eus-counter-terrorism-plans/
● NEWS ● #EDRI #Privacy #Surveillance ☞ Big brother at the #Prague airport. The state refuses to explain how the biometric camera system works https://edri.org/our-work/big-brother-at-the-prague-airport-the-state-refuses-to-explain-how-the-biometric-camera-system-works/
● NEWS ● #EDRI #Privacy #Surveillance ☞ Do no harm? How the case of #Afghanistan sheds light on the dark practice of biometric intervention https://edri.org/our-work/do-no-harm-how-the-case-of-afghanistan-sheds-light-on-the-dark-practice-of-biometric-intervention/
"In this paper, #AccessNow , the Civil Liberties Union for Europe, and #EDRi lay out out a set of recommendations to help the European Commission effectively minimize the negative impact of #disinformation sweeping #Europe ." https://www.accessnow.org/tackling-disinfo-recommendations
● NEWS ● #EDRI #CivilRights ☞ #AmnestyInternational calls to ban discriminatory algorithms in its report Xenophobic Machines https://edri.org/our-work/amnesty-international-calls-to-ban-discriminatory-algorithms-in-its-report-xenophobic-machines/
● NEWS ● #EDRI ☞ Tinkering with keys weakens #encryption https://edri.org/our-work/tinkering-with-keys-weakens-encryption/
● NEWS ● #EDRI #Surveillance #Privacy ☞ What you need to know about the #FacebookPapers https://edri.org/our-work/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-facebook-papers/ #Facebook