Trotz ihrer relativen Nähe gelang es mit dem Satelliten Fermi nicht, Gammastrahlung der Supernova SN 2023ixf in der Feuerradgalaxie Messier 101 aufzuspüren. Was steckt da dahinter?#Gammastrahlen #Gammastrahlensatellit #Fermi #Kosmologie #Supernova #Supernova-Explosion #Gammastrahlung #KosmischeStrahlung #Protonen #Wasserstoffkerne #Astronomie
Keine Gammastrahlung von Supernova in Messier 101
Habitable Exoplanets are Bad News for Humanity
"While emergence of intelligent life could be rare, the silence could also be the result of intelligent life emerging frequently but subsequently failing to survive for long. Might every sufficiently advanced civilisation stumble across a suicidal technology or unsustainable trajectory? We know that a Great Filter prevents the emergence of prosperous interstellar civilisations, but we don’t know whether or not it lies in humanity’s past or awaits us in the future."
#planets #exoplanets #aliens #science #Kepler-186f #Fermi #Fermi-Paradox