

A dark political atmosphere is swirling over the Georgian capital of Tbilisi, and grows more ominous by the day. Prime Minister Irakli #Kobakhidze has been told by an #EU commissioner he will suffer the fate of Robert #Fico, the Slovakian leader still fighting for his life after an assassination attempt by a #Ukraine proxy war ultra. #US lawmakers are moving to sanction members of the ruling Georgian Dream party, and in parliament on May 14, opposition MP Tako Charkviani threatened: “Believe me, there will be a color revolution in #Georgia.”

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Parlamentswahl in der Slowakei: Fico hat gute Chancen

Wahl in der Slowakei - Die West-Orientierung wankt

Ex-Regierungschef Fico verlor nach der Ermordung des Journalisten Kuciak in der Slowakei 2018 sein Amt. Jetzt steht er vor einem Comeback.#SLOWAKEI #Fico #Kuciak #WAHL #PArlamentswahl #Korruption #OSTEUROPA
Parlamentswahl in der Slowakei: Fico hat gute Chancen