

A huge scandal shaking Iranian football.

Stories of a long and horrifying sexual abuse of young children at a football school in city of Mashhad, east of Tehran has shkabe the country and the government authorities who did nothing to stop the abuse even after many people tried to alarm the authorities.

The details of the case is not clear and judging by the reaction of the regime, it seems like some government connected people were also involved in it.

This is a blow to the Islamic Republic's image that has been working hard to portray itself as a government with highemoral values unlike those "corrupt" western societies.

The report mentions that the abuse were on going for decades and were well known among the locals who tried hard to stop this.

It is an unbelievably tragic revelation on top of the horror of IRI treatment of protesters and political prisoners.

#Iran #Politocs #Football #SexualAbuse #Mashhad #Khoraan #FootballSchool #Scandal #IRI