

Emmanuel #Macron:

▪️Our ambassador in Niamey will remain despite the pressures of the coup leaders.

▪️We will continue with our firm policy regarding #Niger, which consists of not recognizing the coup plotters and supporting #Bazoum.

▪️If #ECOWAS leaves Bazoum, the leaders of the group will be at risk.

▪️Our policy in Niger is clear and derives from the courage of President Bazoum and from our military principles and interests.

▪️Our presence in #Africa is not just about the terrorist threat and the military solution should not replace the political one.

▪️We must look for new partners in Africa.

▪️If we had not intervened militarily in Africa, Niger, $Mali and #BurkinaFaso would not exist today with their known borders

#Framce #Politicd


Why do people wear a face mask under their nose in a public transport?

There is no mask mandate at the moment and her facemask actually cause more harm than good since it forces her to breathe through her nose collecting all virus and dust captured by the mask's surface.

I honestly don't understand people.

#Framce #Canmes #Covid19 #Facemask