

Defend the Right UK to Strike - Enough is Enough

The right to strike is under threat.

New legislation proposed by the Tory government intends to override a workers’ right to withdraw their labour, forcing them to work against their will.

The right to strike is a fundamental democratic right. It underpins our ability to win dignity in the workplace and earn a decent standard of living.

It is no accident that this right is under attack at the very moment the public is fighting back against the cost-of-living squeeze.

This government is determined to force workers to pay the price for a crisis caused by the greed of the elite yet again. We won’t accept it.

Sign the petition


#DemocracyNotAutocracy #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #strike #RightToStrike #ToryFascistDictatorship #GeneralStrike #GeneralStrikeNow #EnoughIsEnough