

Palestinians stage general strike: People gather to mourn Saleh Al Arouri

Palestinians across the occupied West Bank have staged a general strike to mourn the killing of senior Hamas leader Saleh al Arouri. In his hometown of Arura...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #AlJazeeraLatest #AlJazeeraLive #AlJazeeraLiveNews #AlJazeeraVideo #GeneralStrike #HamasLeader #PalestineMourning #Palestinians #SalehAlArouri #WestBank
Palestinians stage general strike: People gather to mourn Saleh Al Arouri


Palestinians stage general strike: People gather to mourn Saleh Al Arouri

Palestinians across the occupied West Bank have staged a general strike to mourn the killing of senior Hamas leader Saleh al Arouri. In his hometown of Arura...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #AlJazeeraLatest #AlJazeeraLive #AlJazeeraLiveNews #AlJazeeraVideo #GeneralStrike #HamasLeader #PalestineMourning #Palestinians #SalehAlArouri #WestBank
Palestinians stage general strike: People gather to mourn Saleh Al Arouri


Au menu à #Tours ce #7fevrier
- 7h blocage lycées
- 10h manif Pl. de la Liberté
* AGs aux Tanneurs
- 13h30-15h30 Educ amphi B
- 15h-16h Féministe amphi 3
- 15h30-17h30 Interpro amphi 5
#Retraite60ans #GreveReconductible #GeneralStrike #SyndicalismeRevolutionnaire #ToutBloquer


On ne crèvera pas au travail pour qu’ils puissent crever la planète !

L’avenir que nous offre le gouvernement est effrayant. Il nous vend le recul de l’âge de la retraite comme inévitable, 64 ans n’étant qu’une étape. La dégradation rapide de notre environnement bouchant l’avenir, à quoi bon se battre ?

Les retraites, le climat, même combat contre le capitalisme et la course à la productivité
Travailler plus, c’est produire plus. C’est une logique qui ne parait positive qu’aux seuls adeptes de start-up nation. En effet, aujourd’hui, produire plus c’est surtout vivre moins bien. La croissance infinie se heurte aux limites écologiques de notre planète et dégrade nos conditions de vies.

L’idéologie néolibérale prétend que la croissance est illimitée. Cet argument s’effondre dès lors que l’on parle du climat : plus nous faisons croître notre économie, plus nous consommons, plus nous faisons pression sur les ressources naturelles et les écosystèmes, plus augmentent les pollutions environnementales et les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Les néolibéraux, prenant leurs désirs pour une réalité, nous promettent de découpler la croissance et l’écologie ; de produire sans polluer. C’est un mirage qui entretient la course vers l’abîme. Mais pour eux, peu importe. Aujourd’hui, le pouvoir de décision est concentré dans les mains de personnes suffisamment riches pour se mettre à l’abri des conséquences environnementales de leur décisions.

La retraite n’est pas un mouroir
Les retraité·es sont aujourd’hui une colonne vertébrale du système associatif, les assos écolos ne font pas exception. Différer le départ à la retraite, c’est moins de bénévoles, souvent en moins bonne santé ; c’est asphyxier le tissu de solidarité social et écologique. La retraite, c’est aussi un combat du temps libre contre le temps de travail imposé. Un temps libéré de la contrainte du patron et de la production, pour construire d’autres manières de s’organiser ensemble et avec le reste du vivant. D’autres manières de fabriquer, de créer, d’échanger, en dehors du système marchand.

Pour l’État, que ce soit par les réformes du chômage, des retraites ou le refus de la hausse des salaires, le but est globalement le même  : renforcer les gains du capitalisme sur notre dos.

C’est sans parler des effets indirects de cette réforme. L’allongement du nombre d’annuités et de l’âge du départ font augmenter le recours à des fonds de pensions privés, qui, dans leur recherche de profits, financent abondamment les industries les plus polluantes : pétrole, gaz, charbon…

Enfin, qui sera le plus durement touché par cet allongement de l’âge de départ ? Parmi les métiers les plus pénibles, et souvent les plus déconsidérés, on retrouve les métiers du soin, déjà sous tension. Comment peut-on tolérer un système violent qui détruit la santé de celles et ceux qui prennent soin des autres ou de notre environnement ? C’est le cas des travailleur·euses du nettoyage, du médico-social, des égouttier·es ou des paysan·nes.

Cette réforme n’a rien d’une nécessite

Le Conseil d’orientation des retraites (COR) le dit, l’équilibre du système de retraite n’est pas en péril. Le projet de l’État est donc d’exploiter toujours plus les travailleurs et travailleuses. De l’autre main, il distribue de nombreux cadeaux aux plus grandes entreprises, directement dans la poche des actionnaires, qui sont les premiers artisans de la destruction de nos conditions de vie, environnementales et sociales. C’est donc ensemble que les gouvernements et les actionnaires nous dépossèdent de notre planète et de notre santé, nous devons les combattre.

Pour les combattre, nos outils sont nombreux ; la grève est le plus puissant. C’est elle qui rappelle que ce ne sont pas les possédants mais bien nous qui produisons ou étudions pour produire. Faire vivre une grève, ce n’est pas juste ne pas se présenter au travail. C’est aussi discuter avec les collègues, organiser des collectes pour une caisse de grève, c’est créer des AGs, du collectif. C’est réfléchir ensemble à un autre un avenir pour notre société.

Nos retraites nous appartiennent, elles sont l’exemple d’une gestion solidaire de la richesse que nous produisons en travaillant. Reprenons le pouvoir sur leur gestion et, au-delà, sur la répartition des richesses. Ne laissons plus l’État et le capitalisme décider pour nous. Ne les laissons plus détruire nos conditions de vie. C’est à nous de décider de comment travailler et de comment répartir le fruit de notre travail, pour faire face ensemble aux enjeux du changement climatique et de l’effondrement de la biodiversité, et pour construire une société désirable, solidaire et émancipatrice pour toutes et tous. Alors, pour les retraites, pour le climat, nous n’avons pas d’alternative : rejoignons le combat !

Union communiste libertaire, le 4 février 2023


France’s eight major trade unions united for the first time in 12 years to combat government proposals to raise the retirement age to 64.

Schools closed and transport systems were thrown into chaos on Jan. 19 after France’s eight major unions joined forces to call a multisector strike against President Emanuel Macron’s proposed pension reforms. The unions and left-wing political parties are calling for the immediate withdrawal of the reforms, which would raise France’s retirement age from 62 to 64. This video is part of a special Workers of the World series on the cost of living crisis in Europe.
#France #GeneralStrike #Unions #Politics #Macron #Retirement #Activism #Europe



Rod Stewart calls Sky News offering to pay for NHS hospital scans

The 78-year-old rock star, who has previously backed the Conservatives, said he had never seen the situation in the UK “so bad” and called for Labour to be given a chance to run the country, adding: “Change the bloody government.”


#ToryFascistDictatorship #NHS #SaveOurNHS #RodStewart #DemocracyNotAutocracy #ToriesOut #GeneralStrike #UK #Healthcare


Don’t keep calm and carry on: how Britain got a furious new attitude

For 13 years, the United Kingdom has lived with the pain and deprivation of Tory cuts.

But now everyone is getting organised, going on strike and saying: "no more"


#ToryCuts #TorryCorruption #ToryCostOfLivingCrisis #ToryFascistDictatorship #DemocracyNotAutocracy #GeneralStrike #ToriesOut


Defend the Right UK to Strike - Enough is Enough

The right to strike is under threat.

New legislation proposed by the Tory government intends to override a workers’ right to withdraw their labour, forcing them to work against their will.

The right to strike is a fundamental democratic right. It underpins our ability to win dignity in the workplace and earn a decent standard of living.

It is no accident that this right is under attack at the very moment the public is fighting back against the cost-of-living squeeze.

This government is determined to force workers to pay the price for a crisis caused by the greed of the elite yet again. We won’t accept it.

Sign the petition


#DemocracyNotAutocracy #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #strike #RightToStrike #ToryFascistDictatorship #GeneralStrike #GeneralStrikeNow #EnoughIsEnough


On 28 and 29 March 2022, dozens of trade unions and hundreds of thousands of workers in #India marched and blocked roads and train tracks in a two-day general #strike. Workers were protesting against the government’s economic policies, such as privatisation, and demanded social #security for informal sector workers.
A #generalstrike is notoriously difficult to organise, especially on such a large scale as in India. Yet, it has become almost an annual affair in India over recent years.
What makes a general strike so significant is that it is generally considered a higher form of political #protest by the working class. The capability to organise a general strike is in itself generally a reflection of the strong position of a #labour force and the act of a general strike is expected to strengthen its position further.
How have these general strikes in India been organised? To what extent does the understanding of general strikes apply to the general strikes in India? Are these general strikes able to achieve the objectives of uniting and strengthening the working-class movement and compelling #capital and state to fulfil their demands?
Most importantly, what do the general strikes tell us about the strengths and weaknesses of the labour movement in India?

https://labourreview.org/growing-union-strength-declining-political-power-understanding-the-paradox-of-general-strikes-in-india/ #ctuos #unions #work #migration


Kampen om demokratin står inte minst i datorvärlden!
#demokrati #FLOSS

Mark Lansbury - 2022-06-21 11:22:29 GMT

Brace yourselves: New UK Data Laws are Coming

The Government have just announced their plans to gut the UK General Data Protection Regulation.

They are proposing to bonfire your rights and remove the protections the law affords to your:- Private life
- Vulnerabilities
- Aspirations.

This is but a natural product of poor proposals being discussed in a rigged consultation process.

Big multinational corporations, their lawyers, and corporate-funded think tanks were advising the Government on how to keep our data safe, courtesy of the “International Data Transfers Expert Council”.

At the same time, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport were taking care of ignoring the critical voices of civil society and ordinary citizens, in a delicate balance of arbitrary cherry-picking and a smokescreen of wishful thinking.

The outcome of such a shiny example of integrity in policymaking is rather damning.

According to what the Government have announced, individuals would lose protections against discrimination and abuses, only to get less choices in return.

Dodgy businesses would get their licence to be malicious, reckless, and to launder your personal data overseas, far from your eyes and those of the Regulators.

The cherry on the cake, the Information Commissioner’s Office (the Regulator) would be coopted by the same Government they should keep an eye on.


#ToryDictatorship #SurveillanceCapitalism #privacy #security #GDPR #online #OnlinePrivacy #BigData #DataLaundering #ToryFascistDictatorship #ToryCorruption #ToryScum #ToryScumOut #GeneralStrike #OnlineSafety #BrexitFail #Brexit #BrexitIsNotWorking


Brexit Benefits


#BrexitReality #BrexitLies #BorisTheLiar #ToryCorruption #GeneralStrike #EmptyShelves


Make Lying in the House of Commons a Criminal Offence

The Government should introduce legislation to make lying in the House of Commons a criminal offence. This would mean that all MPs, including Ministers, would face a serious penalty for knowingly making false statements in the House of Commons, as is the case in a court of law.

We believe false statements have been made in the House and, although regarded as a "serious offence" in principle, options to challenge this are extremely limited as accusing a member of lying is forbidden in the House.

Truth in the House of Commons is every bit as important as truth in a court of law and breaches should be treated in a similar way to perjury and carry similar penalties.


#WeStandWithDawnButler #BorisTheLiar #ToryProfiteers #ToryCorruption #BorisTheButcher #ToryCriminals #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #GeneralStrike #ToryDictatorship #dictatorships


Guarantee decent sick pay for every worker

Demand the government:

  1. Scrap the minimum earnings threshold for statutory sick pay
  2. Increase the weekly level of sick pay to at least £330 per week
  3. Give employers the resources to afford sick pay for their workers

Why is this important?

For those who do qualify, the current payment of £96.35 a week is not enough to pay the bills. 4 in 10 workers would be forced into financial hardship.

At a time of increasing cases, fixing statutory sick pay can prevent the spread of the virus and ensure millions can get paid to quarantine safely at home.

No one who self-isolates should worry about putting food on the table.

No one should feel forced to go to work instead of recovering from the virus.

Everyone has the right to decent sick pay.



#SickPayForAll #ToryDictatorship #Covid19UK #pandemic #SickPay #BorisTheButcher #ArrestBorisJohnson #GeneralStrike #UnitedKingdom #dictatorships #ToryProfiteers #ToryCorruption