

Joe Biden Gains Big With Swing Voters After Debate, Trump's COVID Diagnosis, New Polling Shows

... Biden also appears to have the advantage in the key battleground states of Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, according to the polling averages compiled by Real Clear Politics. Trump trails the Democratic nominee by 5 or more percentage points in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. In Florida and Arizona, the president is down by more than 3 percentage points. Although the margin is narrow in North Carolina, Biden leads by an average amount of 1.2 percentage points. ...


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Joe Biden calls for unity and racial justice at Gettysburg speech

The Democratic presidential nominee says there could be both support for racial justice and law enforcement in his Gettysburg address.


After all the years we have stood as a beacon of light to the world, it cannot be that here and now, in 2020, we will allow the government of the people … to perish on this earth … we have in our hands the ultimate powerβ€” the power to vote


#BidenHarris2020 #VOTE #GetYourBootyToThePoll