

What to say to someone who's lost their home in the Australian bushfires

Actually really good advice for anyone experiencing loss and grief:

  • DO NOT question actions or preparations.

  • DO NOT offer unsolicited rationalisations or advice.

  • DO offer sympathy. "I"m so sorry" is almost always welcome.

  • DO offer help or support. "Is there anything I can do." Providing for basics (food, clothing, shelter) is almost always useful.

  • DO simply listen.


The Ring Model of support:

Complaints: flow out. Support flows in. Circles by closeness to the crisis.

"The person in the center ring can say anything she wants to anyone, anywhere. She can kvetch and complain and whine and moan and curse the heavens and say, "Life is unfair," and, "Why me?" That's the one payoff for being in the center ring. Everyone else can say those things too, but only to people in larger rings."


More at Mastodon thread

#bushfires #australia #RingOfSupport #Grief #Grieving #Recovery