

#WHO-overreach #transgender-agenda #groomers
If you need yet another reason to oppose the World Health Organization (WHO), they are now preparing to push the transgender agenda globally. From February 19-21, 2024, a group of individuals will meet on behalf of WHO to formulate guidelines to increase access to so-called “gender-affirming” puberty blockers, hormone treatments, and surgeries regardless of age. Although this will be their first meeting, it’s clear that their minds are already made up.

The WHO has been straightforward with its pro-trans agenda. They define gender as a social construct that “varies from society to society and can change over time.” “Gender affirming care” is considered an essential health intervention along with “removing punitive laws, policies and practices.” Any law that restricts or eliminates transition surgeries or hormone therapies will be seen as a threat. Medical professionals who feel uncomfortable assisting in these practices will be forced into compliance if countries continue their membership with the WHO and United Nations.



Transgenderism rooted in massive scientific FRAUD, says psychiatrist

Miriam Grossman, a child and adolescent psychiatrist who has been working in mental health for 40 years, has come forward to admit that the entire gender industry (i.e., the transgender mutilation of children) is a pseudoscientific farce. All of it, she told EpochTV in a recent September 23 broadcast, was developed by a man named John Money – ironic name, is it not? – who theorized that a person's natural biology – meaning chromosomes and bodily features – is completely separate from that same person's "feeling of whether they are male or female." In other words, transgenderism and the "science" behind it stems from the vain imaginations of some guy named Money whose ideas came right out of his own head and have zero basis in actual science. "In fact, the opposite was proven," Grossman would go on to state about the claimed scientific legitimacy of the gender industry, which is a huge money-maker. "This whole concept of having an identity as male or female being completely separate from your biology has actually been proven incorrect by John Money's experiment. (Related: Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville recently launched a "Trans Buddies" program to spy on doctors and force them to comply with children's body mutilation demands.)

#science #trans #groomers #groomer #globohomo #pedo-world