

#CzechRepublic’s top court rules that surgery is not required to officially change gender https://apnews.com/article/czech-constitutional-court-surgery-gender-change-3867bd40174986b17d619f29a36c3834

"The Constitutional Court said the requirements (surgery including sterilization) are unconstitutional and in conflict with the fundamental right of #trans people to have protected their physical integrity, autonomy, dignity. Only 2 of the 15 judges opposed the verdict. Lawmakers must change the law by next year."

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Doctor Who's David Tennant slams anti-trans bigots: 'F**k off'

Tennant said his sentiment comes from simply “wanting people to be allowed to exist” and accepting that “ways of expressing gender identity [and] sexuality are more nuanced than they once were”, adding: “If that helps people to know who they are, say who they are, and communicate to the world who they are, it’s just common sense.”

#trans #transgender #DavidTennant #ally


A Love Letter To The Dolls - by Doc Impossible

The core historical argument of A Short History of Trans Misogyny is that the global trans panic that we all are enduring now was the deliberate, calculated creation of European colonial invaders, who needed a moral excuse, a morality play, that they could sell to their citizenry to justify not only the invasion of the global South, but the ruthless, centuries-long exploitation and extermination of its peoples.

#trans #transgender #TransFeminism


If you follow me at all, you likely already know this. Still ...

More people regret having kids than gender-affirming surgery

Transition-related regret is considerably lower than that which follows having children, abortions and even knee surgery – despite what some right-wing pundits would have you believe.

#trans #transgender #RegretRates #transition


Alors que Dora Moutot et Marguerite Stern font le buzz avec un livre apparemment facho-compatible (paru chez un éditeur d’extrême droite), il est nécessaire et urgent de lire une critique de gauche de l’idéologie transgenre, de ses présupposés frauduleux, des représentations qu’elle promeut et de ses conséquences.
Audrey A. & Nicolas Casaux, *Né(e)s dans le mauvais corps – Notes pour une critique féministe et socialiste du phénomène trans*

#politique #société #féminisme #genre #trans #transgenre #transgenrisme #transactivisme #livre #lecture #Audrey-A #Nicolas-Casaux


A Second Trump Presidency Would Be A Nightmare Scenario For Transgender People

Authored by former Trump officials and dozens of right-wing organizations including the Heritage Foundation, nearly every page of Project 2025 details policies that would impact LGBTQ+ people — and there’s a particular focus on transgender people. On the very first page of the manifesto, Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts laments the “corruption” of the country “under the ruling and cultural elite” whose children “suffer the toxic normalization of transgenderism with drag queens and pornography invading their school libraries.”

#trans #transgender #USpol #DJT #Trump


April 18 is National Transgender HIV Testing Day | CDC

April 18 is National Transgender HIV Testing Day (NTHTD), when we recognize the ongoing impact of HIV on transgender communities and highlight the importance of regular HIV testing and access to HIV prevention and care services. HIV testing is the entry point to HIV prevention and treatment services, yet a variety of structural barriers can make it difficult for transgender and nonbinary people to access testing.

#trans #transgender #HIV #NationalHIVTestingDay


Anti-Trans Missouri A.G. Can Now Access Trans People’s Medical Records | The New Republic

A St. Louis judge has ruled that Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is entitled to Planned Parenthood’s transgender care records, ordering the nonprofit to turn over some of its most sensitive files to the man who has built his unelected political career on restricting health care access for trans people.

#trans #transgender #Hate #Missouri #AndrewBailey #HIPAA


« Transidentité » : un rapport majeur souligne l’irresponsabilité des traitements actuellement prescrits aux jeunes | Chroniques du désastre

Un article sur le rapport « The Cass Review - Independent review of gender identity services for children and young people » de Hilary Dawn Cass, ancienne présidente du Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, qui a été chargée par le NHS (National Health Service), le service de santé national du Royaume-Uni, de mener une recherche sur les traitements « de genre » proposés aux jeunes dans les cliniques et les autres centres de soin spécialisés du pays.

Extrait du rapport : « L’augmentation frappante du nombre de jeunes présentant une incongruence/dysphorie de genre doit être considérée dans le contexte d'une mauvaise santé mentale et d'une détresse émotionnelle au sein de la population adolescente dans son ensemble, compte tenu notamment des taux élevés de problèmes de santé mentale et de neurodiversité coexistants. »

Le rapport relève également que l’augmentation frappante du nombre de jeunes qui se pensent « trans » est au moins en partie liée aux réseaux sociaux, aux influenceurs et à internet en général, y compris à la consommation de pornographie.

Personne n’est « transgenre » et personne n’est « cisgenre ». Il y a seulement des filles, des femmes, des garçons, des hommes, et quelques personnes intersexuées, qui ont été happées par un système de croyances incohérent.

Les militants trans appellent « identité de genre » la personnalité.

#politique #santé #genre #trans #transgenre #transgenrisme #The-Cass-Review #Grande-Bretagne #Nicolas-Casaux


Judith Butler Knows What Makes Transphobes Tick | Them

To be trans in the United States today is to live with a preternaturally high tolerance for the absurd. It was just a few years ago that conservative lawmakers in Ohio were faced with the mortal and economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic and chose to turn the state’s legislative focus to the “issue” of five transgender girls, out of some 400,000 high school athletes, competing in youth sports. Hundreds of anti-trans bills later, it seems abundantly clear, if not painfully obvious, that there must be something deeper than rank transphobia fueling the right-wing fixation with our bodies and lives. But what, exactly? Is it personal insecurity? Simple fear of difference?

#trans #transgender #TERFs #transphobia