

Boeing Whistleblower Found Dead In A Truck From "Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound"

#Boeing #Whistleblower #Found #Dead In A #Truck From " #Self-Inflicted #Gunshot #Wound "

"The latest twist in what can only be described as an onslaught of horrific news surrounding Boeing - or perhaps the sequel to the Hudsucker Proxy where a mysterious cabal is trying to spark a stock panic so they can buy the company for pennies on the dollar - came this afternoon when we learned that a key whistleblower employee, a former quality control manager who raised concerns about the firm's production standards, **was found dead after an apparent suicide."




#Police Are Telling ShotSpotter to Alter #Evidence From #Gunshot -Detecting #AI

source: https://www.vice.com/en/article/qj8xbq/police-are-telling-shotspotter-to-alter-evidence-from-gunshot-detecting-ai

But after the 11:46 p.m. alert came in, a ShotSpotter analyst manually overrode the algorithms and “reclassified” the sound as a gunshot. Then, months later and after “post-processing,” another ShotSpotter analyst changed the alert’s coordinates to a location on South Stony Island Drive near where Williams’ car was seen on camera.

#manipulation #court #justice #fail #crime #usa #news