

I’ve been getting more into the game Gaslands with my son and also with adult friends. It’s a Mad Max-esque tabletop game where you’re expected to create your own game pieces by kitbashing with toy cars. I already have all the crafting, painting and 3d printing supplies I need from my other wargaming hobbies, so the barrier to entry was incredibly low. It’s a lot of lighthearted fun. Here is my latest creation.

#gaslands #madmax #cars #toys #games #wargaming #kitbashing #crafting #3dprinting #paiting #hobby


Mission Accomplished my little hardware hack is done.

Used the cap of a milk bottle as the form, made an 18mm hole in it to fit on my #Dremel. Filled it with polymorph and waited until it was cold.

It fits perfectly in my stands for normal drills now. Saved 45 Euro on buying a new stand from Dremel and less clothed in my little worlshop. The amount spendt on 1kg #polymorph already paid off and still have 920g left : )

Time to start using the tool for my other #DIY projects!

#France #Hobby #HWHack


Bought a used Dremel 3000 kit including all the bits and pieces for 45 Euro!

Sold my old one for almost the same price, without any tools! So this turned out to cost me only 5 euros.

So happy to have the complete box of tools , just need to finish my stationary tool bench and then I have a complete hobby set.

Very excited.

#Drrmel #Tools #Hobby #DIY #France #ReUse #PowerTools


Falls ihr ein Tierheim in der Nähe habt, die brauchen gerade so ziemlich alle Hilfe, die sie bekommen können.

[...] Entscheidend ist das Problem, dass den Leuten egal ist, wo der Hund herkommt. Hauptsache, man hat ein Tier. Im ersten Corona-Jahr sind oft Leute aufgetaucht und haben gesagt: "Was haben Sie denn da? #Hund, #Katze, #Kaninchen, ich nehme alles, Hauptsache die Kinder sind beschäftigt." Das war total wahllos, man hat sich nicht vorher damit beschäftigt, was ist das überhaupt für eine Tierart und was braucht sie. [...]


#Haustier #Tier #Verantwortung #Hobby #Langeweile #Pandemie #Urlaub #Ferien #Tierheim #Hilfe