

I was apparently wrong recently regarding copyright on Hacker News

In a discussion of police playing copyrighted music to trigger automated takedowns of civillian video, someone pointed out that a recent US Supreme Court decision invalidated copyrightholders' right to sue US states for copyright infringement.


One would presume this might extend to any entity operating as state government.

Say, for the sake of argument, a state university library system.

Which would mean that such a system might take upon itself to, for whatever reason, host Sci-Hub, LibGen, or ZLibrary, in a legally-immune status.

That would be an interesting development.

(There's no specific need for it to be a library system. It could be the forestry department, prisons, lottery, agriculture, or an individual legislator or elected official. It simply needs to be a branch of the state government itself.)

Boosts appreciated.

#Copyright #SciHub #LibGen #ZLibrary #Immuity #Impunity #SCOTUS