

Peering into the Corrupt Court’s Pretensions and Corruption

Gift link.

There were so many things that happened yesterday in the Supreme Court’s hearing on presidential immunity that it’s hard to know where to start. But one part that captured it for me was Sam Alito’s line of argument that presidential immunity might be necessary to make it possible for presidents to leave office voluntarily, or that not having some broad grant of immunity would make refusal to leave office more likely.

#SupremeCourt #TrumpImmunity #USPol #SCOTUS


SCOTUS consists of three jurists and six moronic psychopaths. Those psychopaths are on the verge of signing their own death warrants, as well as ours.

The Court Just Sealed Everyone’s Fate, Including Its Own

The justices seem to think that the power they apparently just handed Donald Trump can’t be used against them someday. Right.

FTA: ... When Justice Sonia Sotomayor asked Donald Trump’s lawyer, “If the president decides that his rival is a corrupt person, and he orders the military or orders someone to assassinate him, is that within his official acts for which he can get immunity?”, he replied, “It would depend on the hypothetical, but we can see that would well be an official act.”

Fine. The instant SCOTUS declares presidential immunity, Biden should order Trump imprisoned or executed.

If you want a dictatorship, then let's at least have a liberal one.

... At a minimum, it appears the court will send all of the federal cases back down to lower courts to reconsider whether Trump’s crimes were “official acts.” It’s also likely that their new definition of “official acts” is likely to be far broader than anyone should be comfortable with, or at least broad enough to give Trump a pass. This delay all but guarantees that Trump will not stand trial for anything besides the current hush-money case before the 2024 election.

Once again, have him executed before he can take office.

If the President can do anything they want, then Trump is certain, come 2028, to declare elections a thing of the past.

... People forget that the first German concentration camp (Dachau) was built in 1933 to hold members of the Communist and Social Democratic Parties, and Trump has made it clear that he’s building enough camps to process a minimum of 11 million people (migrants, at least for starters).

You're killing all of us, but Trump will come for you next, SCOTUS

... These justices’ foolishness lies in their lack of foresight as to what happens if Trump wins in 2024. In the justice’s efforts to ensure that they are the most powerful branch of government, they are about to make it the weakest. They are creating a win-win situation for Trump, and a lose-lose for themselves. When Trump is president again, he is likely to believe that he has the option of “removing” any member of the Supreme Court who defies him. As long as the court doesn’t rule against him, they’re fine. From the justices’ perspective, they either end up neutered lap dogs of a despot, who do whatever they’re told out of fear, or they defy him and end up somewhere … unpleasant (at best). Taking a dirt nap at worst. After all, if Trump can rub out a political opponent, can’t he do the same to an uncooperative jurist?

#Trump #SCOTUS #Dictatorship #Suicide



Why is the ACLU Representing the NRA Before the US Supreme Court?

The ACLU has always stood up for free speech – no matter the speaker.

If the bad guys rights can be violated, so can ours.


For more than 100 years the American Civil Liberties Union has defended the right to free speech – no matter the speaker, and regardless of whether we agree with their views.

#nra #free-speech #american-civil-liberties-union #aclu #scotus #supreme-court #supreme-court-of-the-united-states



Here's all you need to know, with laughs & sighs.
100-proof #truthiness - and #truth - from The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Monday night.

SCOTUS Keeps Trump On The Ballot | Trump’s Brain Is Broken | Speed & Xanax Abuse In Trump’s WH

Thin-sliced: Broken Brains, #TrumpVirus, #SCOTUS & the #GQP #cult - plus Dante's inferno of sin and hedonism, AKA #Trump

Plus the drug-fest which was the #DJT (& Jr) White House by Rx. And those nasty #BrainSpurs messing up a map discussion.
Finger on the pulse of a stimulating day! (Even a bit about Trump's failure at speech and reaction to Putin).

Only Fellini could make this up!


Just as it's been looking like the pendulum may be swinging back towards #truth, #democracy, and #justice....


The Court of #TrumpVirus and protectors of the Ginni/MAGA cult... intervened to do their favorite President a favor...
As Jack Smith is put on hold, if not notice. 💅 (Can't find a nail-biting emoji...). 👿 vs ⚖️ #justice and #democracy

US Supreme Court to decide Trump criminal immunity claim in 2020 election case

"Supreme Power Corrupts Supremely"
#SCOTUS #GQP #TrumpVirus #Autocracy #Oligarchy #Jan6 #Justice #Accountability #Truth


I've been a single issue voter since 2004 on the courts. The undoing of a GOP gerrymander so bad they even had supermajority in one house of the legislature even though the Democrats won the majority of the votes shows the power of that. If more people voted like that for POTUS in recent years we would still have Roe. We would still be able to enact gun control laws like we had until the early-2000s. We would not have resurgence of systemic disenfranchisement of minority voters throughout the country. We would not have had the Wisconsin gerrymander or comparable ones in states like North Carolina long ago. My entire life SCOTUS has been right of center and trending further right with each year. It took a sharp turn right in 2017 thanks to Trump winning the presidency. Until SCOTUS and the federal judiciary are balanced and that balanced state exists long enough for the results to percolate down into real effects I will never be able to vote for the Republican candidate for POTUS or Senate even if there was some magic wand resurgence of moderate Republicanism of mid-20th century. Voting does matter. Elections have consequences for you whether you vote in it or not. Get out and vote. Vote Democratic Party to get these courts fixed and to help us continue moving in the right direction again. #uspoli #scotus #Election2024
Wisconsin governor signs new state legislative maps into law, ending a GOP gerrymander


It's all on paper, though.
You can't eat gold and you can't eat diamonds, and their value is still determined in terms of currency, which is on paper. They may hoard it but they can't spend it because if they do, there will be an oversupply of currency and that will devalue the currency. They're a bunch of morons with a hoarding disorder which makes 'em no different than your hoarding cousin living in a trailer park.

♲ DoomsdaysCW - 2024-01-07 17:33:06 GMT

[Paywall] #Billionaires Are Hoarding Trillions in Untaxed #Wealth. They Want the #SupremeCourt to Keep It That WayA new report from #AmericansForTaxFairness found that America’s richest families accumulated $8.5 trillion in untaxed capital gains in 2022

by Nikki McCann Ramirez
January 5, 2024


#TaxTheRich #SCOTUS #SCOTUSIsCompromised #ImpeachJusticeThomas #ImpeachClarenceThomas #Oligarchy #Oligarchs #EatTheRich


Just in... (nee "BREAKING!", so overused given its nonstop looping, that it broke)

SCOTUS unrobed

SCOTUS will hear the case of COLO's intent to block Lord StableGenius from being on their State ballot due to the crystal-clear mandate of the 14th Amendment

However... they are "Supreme" and may have some #GQP -infused ideas about COLO's 'standing' or action based on the USC.

Click on the link to see the article. Sorry, pora* is not delivering a thumbnail link for this (so I chose another, appropriate graphic)

#TrumpVirus #justice #truth #accountability #SCOTUS #14thAmendment #COLO #ballot #corruption


... And thus goes the #SCOTUS endorsement of #GQP / #TrumpVirus #sedition

Supreme Court rejects Jack Smith’s plea to hear Trump immunity case

"The Supreme Court has declined to take up an expedited review of former President Donald Trump’s claim of presidential immunity from the 2020 federal election interference case, reported The New York Times on Friday — a loss for special counsel Jack Smith, who had urged them to take up the case and …"

And so?

Reposting (from earlier private post) - which may recycle as pora* privates are wont to do.

Kenny commented "Damn"

My comment was/is:

Well at least they didn’t block the trial date from proceeding.
Best case I can see off-hand now would be SCOTUS affirming COLO or not touching it, and that setting in motion other states doing the same, but meanwhile off the ballot(s) in COLO.
And what would happen if, say, it does go to court but meanwhile all along the way there are appeals based on immunity? Or if it gets to trial without it being resolved… put on hold (“until after the election”?) until it gets put before SCOTUS again?
This is fresh news, so I’ve not heard all the experts (Weissman, Katyal, Tribe et al) have a go on “what this may mean” yet, but I"m sure the news cycles tonight, both nightly and “week in review” are going to delve into this. SMH… ho ho ho

#sedition #Jan6 #justice #truth #accountablity