

🩏 TIBO INSHAPE [un youtubeur] : UN #IDIOT TRÈS UTILE ?

Aujourd'hui, Usul et Lumi s'attaquent à un gros morceau. Fitness, succÚs, muscles, dinde... Bref, ils vont parler de Tibo InShape, la star des cours de récré.

Voyons ce que ce "youtubeur" a de si chouette Ă  apprendre Ă  nos #enfants...
Eh oui, chacun peut devenir #influenceur sur #Youtube.. et il faut parfois en arriver Ă  bloquer du monde pour ne pas trop se faire polluer la tĂȘte...
#Politique #Attal #RĂ©ac #Youtubeur #Racisme #Facho #TiboInShape #InShape


Woot!!! Just finished a great workout using the #InWorldz #InShape #android app. It is available on the #android market here

The app let's you sync your #avatar in the #3D world with your motions in the real world. Today I was using a rowing machine. While my avatar ran around a trail in the simulator. Tranquility Dexler said he would try to have a boat for me next time.

The app uses the inertial sensors in the phone (which should be in your pocket or strapped to you somehow) to move your avatar. You need to log in with another device for the actual 3D view of what is going on.

This app is still very much in beta testing mode, but it works well enough right now to motivate you to really push yourself.

Time to shower!