

Unconfirmed : "Russia has been stocking up long-range missiles for the Ukrainian counteroffensive. Ukraine's public estimate of Russian missile production is now 60 Kh-101s+Kalibrs per month, plus 5 Iskanders and 2 Khinzals.

They had previously estimated Kh-35 production at 40/month. And no reports of Russia firing Kh-35s since last November, which if production was continued at that rate would mean that Russia is sitting on a pile of more than 500 of them.

And Russia is surely producing Kh-32s and refurbishing Kh-22s, given how often they've fired them. So Russian missile production is easily more than 100/month now, with hundreds stocked up."

#Russia #Ukraine #UkraineWar #Kallibr #Iskandar #Missiles #Military #Uncomfirmed