
  1. #Hasta #Nakshatra enter image description here Gentle black female hands with natural manicure A #hand is the symbol of Hasta.

Ruling Planet: The #Moon ( #Chandra)

Associated Deity: #Surya, the #sun #god

Associated Stars: #Alchiba, #Kraz, #Algorab, #Minkar

Corresponding Position in the Western Zodiac: 3°46′-17°06′ Libra

Quality or Modality: #Swift ( #Laghu)

Associated Element: #Fire

Personality Traits: Practical, not romantic, restless, detail-oriented, critical,


  1. #Pushya #nakshatra enter image description here Cow vs Heifer - #Cow #Udders A cow’s udder is the #symbol of Pushya.

©Ratthaphong Ekariyasap/Shutterstock.com

Ruling Planet: #Saturn ( #Shani)

Associated Deity: #Bhraspati, a sage who gives counsel to the other gods

Associated Stars: #Asellus-Borealis, #Asellus-Australis, and #Theta-Cancri

Corresponding Position in the Western Zodiac: 27°06′ Cancer-10°26′ Leo

Quality or Modality: #Swift ( #Laghu)

Associated Element: #Water

Personality Traits: Peaceful, expansive, abundant, optimistic, balanced, helpful, ethical, sometimes suspicious or overly protective of material items



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  1. #Ashwini or #Ashvini #nakshatra Horse headshot Ashwini’s symbol is the #head of a #horse.

©Chloe Mills/iStock via Getty Images

Ruling Planet: South Node ( #Ketu)

Associated Deity: Ashvins, twins with the heads of a horse who are the gods’ doctors

Associated Stars: #Sheratan and #Mesarthim

Corresponding Position in the Western Zodiac: 23°46′ Aries-7°06′ Taurus

Quality or Modality: Swift ( #Laghu)

Associated Element: #Earth

Personality Traits: Loyal friend, ambitious, stubborn, energetic, sexual, brave, traditional within a frame of modernity
