

#Purifying 1 gallon (3.8 litres) of #water
Using #MMS and 50% citric acid solution
Mix 2 drop of MMS
2 drops of 50% citric acid solution
Add the activated MMS to a gallon of water
Wait 10 minutes for the activated MMS to purify the water
Water is ready and safe to drink
Using MMS and lemon or lime or 10% citric acid solution
Mix 2 drop of MMS
10 drops of lemon, lime, or 10% citric acid solution
Wait 3 minutes for the MMS to get activated
Add the activated MMS to a gallon of water
Wait 10 minutes for the activated MMS to purify the water
Water is ready and safe to drink
To speed up the purifying action, you can activate the MMS with extra drops of citric acid solution, lemon or lime. You can use up to five extra drops of lemon, lime juice, or 10% citric acid solution to the MMS, before adding it to the water.

  • To activate MMS using 50% citric acid solution -Use equal number of drops of both MMS and 50% citric acid solution. In this case 2 drops of MMS + 2 drops of 50% citric acid solution

  • To activate MMS using lemon, lime juice, or 10% citric acid solution -Use 5 drops of either lemon, lime juice, or 10% citric acid solution for every 1 MMS drop . In this case 2 drops of MMS + 10 drops of either #lemon, #lime juice, or 10% citric acid solution.



From https://jimhumble.co/special-announcement/:

Special Announcement

September 5, 2023 @12am ET

It is with deep emotions that we announce the passing of #JimHumble, a #remarkable #inventor, #author and #humanitarian, #who passed on peacefully on September 1, #2023 at the age of #90.

Jim Humble was born on December 27, 1932 in the US State of Alabama. He led an interesting life that was full of challenges and contributions to mankind that continue to impact millions around the world. He lived a very humble life that matches his name—he was always ready to give to those in need.

In his early years he was involved in engineering which he carried through to his mid-life as an expert in mining. His creative mind led to various inventions and books on the topic. In 1996, his mining career took an unexpected turn toward the world of health when a team of men working on his expedition came down with malaria. All he had with him at the time were some water treatment drops that he offered to the sick men. To everyone’s surprise, they quickly improved after taking a few drops.

This experience inspired Jim to research how one of the world’s greatest plagues could so easily be stopped. He discovered that the water treatment drops he used in the jungle was sodium chlorite and that when taken internally in very small amounts would convert to just enough chlorine dioxide to kill malaria parasites. During the months that followed, in his travels through the jungle, he helped many others recover from malaria and other illnesses. When Jim himself came down with a bad case of malaria, he went into the city to be tested, wanting to document the fact that he indeed had malaria. Sure enough he was malaria positive and he promptly took his own drops. In a few short hours, after feeling much better, he took a second test which read malaria negative. Jim walked out of the clinic, stood on the sidewalk, and said to himself, “I’ve got to take this to the world.” And so, his greatest journey began.

He nicknamed his discovery #MMS (chlorine dioxide) and wrote numerous books on the subject that have been translated into many languages.

Jim Humble’s legacy is that he had the will and the determination to freely give his discovery to the world, and as a result, millions of lives have been changed. Through his efforts many health uses of chlorine dioxide have been brought to light worldwide.

Jim was deeply burdened with the current plight of mankind and the blatant manifestation of evil in the world. He was a firm believer in the spiritual realm, and acknowledged that there were powers that must be defeated. He has now transitioned to the other side, to join in the fight for freedom from a new vantage point.

Jim’s wish and wise counsel for others through the years has always been:
Take your maintenance dose of chlorine dioxide (MMS) daily.
Do some daily jumps to strengthen your bones.
Always do the right thing.
And, help one another.
Before his passing, he was insistent that we must “Be careful!”. He said, “Be careful, because if you aren’t you might screw up. Be careful about what’s happening around you. You gotta be careful both physically and spiritually, so you’ll be ok. Like soldiers we have to always be on watch.”

We are not saying goodbye to our dear Jim, because we know that he lives on—there are no “Goodbye’s…” Only, “’Til we meet again…” In recent years his closing words in interviews were most often, “Get my book, read it, learn about MMS (chlorine dioxide), tell your friends, tell other people, and use MMS (chlorine dioxide) for maintenance.”

If you wish to pay tribute to his great man… join us in endeavoring to do as he taught and lived—spread the word about Jim’s incredible discovery—it may save lives!

Respectful public comments can be left below where you can share your experiences, thoughts, and feelings about Jim and his life’s work:



#pH-Miracle for #cancer or the pH-Miracle #cure for Obesity and much more.
The #Alkalizing #Benefits of #ChlorineDioxide (CLO2) #MMS in #Human #Health

• Why the pH-value in your body is so important?
• Why your body's enviroment is so important?
• What are the origins of most desease?
• Why overacidity can make you fat and cause other issues?
• Why bacteria, mold and viruses comes to your body?
• The 7 Stages of Acidity?
• How the digestion system really works?
• How alkaline pH water can help you?
• What is the pH-Miracle?
• What the actived ionized water can help you as well?
• Why an alkaline diet is important?
• Are there new Insights about cancer?
• How chlorophyll can help you?See less

Alkaline Water & Food | Health Lecture



#ChlorineDioxide: The #Truth Buried by #Lies, Condemnation, and #Censorship

Imagine being given two options: lose your license to practice medicine, or keep quiet about a substance that you know has revolutionary therapeutic applications.

You might think no doctor would ever find themselves in such a position. Think again.

And press play to learn:

How chlorine dioxide is able to kill pathogens, but not biological tissues
How chlorine dioxide and its use as a therapy for some illnesses was discovered
Why you won’t find the information in this podcast anywhere else, unless you dig really deep
Ken McCarthy, a pioneer in the movement to commercialize the internet, a wealth of knowledge on internet advertising and marketing, and former student of neuroscience at Princeton University, presents a compelling argument for the safe and effective use of chlorine dioxide as a therapeutic for a range of illnesses.

If he’s right, why don’t you know about it? Or maybe what you do know about it is that it's a dangerous toxin, not to be touched.

McCarthy begins with some indisputable facts:

1) Chlorine dioxide is an FDA-approved Class II food additive

2) The EPA has approved the use of chlorine dioxide as a water purifier

3) Chlorine dioxide was used during the 2001 anthrax attacks to clear the Capitol Building of any anthrax remnants

4) Chlorine dioxide is used as a sterilization substance in the treatment of Ebola

5) The administration of trace amounts of chlorine dioxide is p

Chlorine Dioxide: The Truth Buried by Lies, Condemnation, and Censorship from Finding Genius Podcast | Podcast Episode on Podbay

#mms #health


MMS-Promoter Andreas Kalcker in Argentinien angeklagt – bis zu 25 Jahre Haft sind drin | gwup | die skeptiker

richtig übel

Wenige Tage, nachdem der Tod [eines fünfjährigen] Kindes in Argentinien bekannt geworden war, hatte ein Rechtsanwalt Anzeige gegen Andreas Kalcker und eine weitere Person bei der argentinischen Strafverfolgungsbehörde für Gesundheits- und Umweltkriminalität erstattet (die Unterlagen liegen MedWatch vor).

#chlorbleiche #mms #science #wunderheiler
