

It's disgusting to see how many so-called Palestinian supporters come to the defence of these racist neo-nazis online.

Nordic Resistance Movement, is an openly racist group who have turned refugee camps (sometimes with refugees inside) terrorized women with hijab. People of color, anyone with non-nordic looking face and specially Muslims, Jews and LGBTQ people.

It really hurts me to see such level of hate and ignorance among people who pretend to be against hate and discrimination.

#Sweden #Racism social networking #Hate #Racism #Ignorance #NeoNazis #NMR #Palestine #abtisemitism #Islamophobia


U.S. Designates Largest Neo-Nazi Group in Sweden as Terrorist Organization

The Nordic Resistance Movement and three of its leaders were labeled terrorists in a rare move by the State Department targeting white supremacists.

PS. MMR have been protesting with swedish police protection while pro palestinian protests were brutally attacked.

#Sweden #NMR #MeoNazi #Terrorism #USSD #Politics