#2024 - 21st December 09:20 GMT / UT
#Winter #Solstice Dates and Times | #Newgrange, #Ireland
An early image of Newgrange #before #excavations and restorations (destruction). #Photograph by William A. Green.
The #first #drawing of #Newgrange by Edward Lhuyd, #1699, showing the mound to be a huge truncated cone of stone with a #standing #stone at the #summit.
#Thornborough #Henge in North #Yorkshire, aligned with the stars of #Orion's Belt. It's not as well known as the prehistoric sites in the south of England, maybe too far up north for some!
an old site,on the same latitude as #newgrange and #tara, as well as the ilkley moor circles etc ...another impressive yorkshire site..
"...i have been researching challenging alignments with stars in the lower frequency red end of the spectrum, as a bad astro-weather alert
..time to look at the high frequency blue end as a counterbalance
..NEPTUNE will move back and forth through parallel with the blue white stars of ORIONS BELT, whilst also aligning with 2 blue/white stars of PEGASUS...a more spiritual influence, the etheric cavalry in dire times(hopefully)
..this will start spring 2023 until 2027
..the last time this happened was 1860-1864, which marked a peak of interest in SPIRITUALISM
...the movement was becoming more active in London from 1860. The Capital’s newspapers were filled with articles surrounding spiritualist lectures and advertisements for public séances.
..this interest was exploited by those interested in material gain, but there was at least a marked interest in the realm beyond the physical..
..this time around, blue/white star MINTAKA has moved closer to the equator and exact east rising star.. so i expect things to move up a gear, especially as the interest in spiritual matters is already widespread..
..watch the 3rd eye tv, and astral dreams, for more signs of this😇 "
New Discoveries At #Newgrange, Ireland #1962