

Apple IIc was my first computer!

I bought it second hand with almost all the money I had saved working that summer. It taught me programming Pascal, Assemble and ADA (yes, I received a copy of ADA compiler from my friend in US).

Was shocked to see how much they sell them for on ebay! from $700 to $1800, my setup was like the one in the image with external drive and 2 joysticks!

I was addicted to the pinball game back then!

#Nostalgy #Apply2c #AppleIIc #MyFirstComputer


Kids these days have no idea how something like this was valued back in my days!

My first PC had 1MB of ram that I later upgraded to 4MB using memory ICs I bought in US when I was visiting.

I was the king of the class with 20MB hard drive and a 2MB ram drive.

Modules like this where used in my second computer, a 386 clone on a self imported motherboard from Hong Kong.

Good old days. Now I have 64GB of ram and half a terrabytes of SSD and it's not as fun as it was back then.

#xcomputers #nostalgy #PC_AT #DRAM #Memory