

Toto, this isn't in Vegas anymore

So, a certain web browser from a certain company on its specific mobile OS, has long offered an "incognito" feature which promises it won't save browsing history, cookies, or form entries.

Because reasons, largely the absolute failure of any meaningful tab management in said browser, I use that mode neaarly exclusively --- otherwise tabs simply grow without limit, and pruning capabilities simply do not exist.

Periodic browser and OS crashes are of coursse annoying, but do have the side effect of ... affording a sort of tab management of last resort: the incognito session existing at the time of the crash is immolated.

Or at least that's the spec.

When my OS (rhymes with "Dan Floyd") crashed yesterday, taking down the browser (rhymes with "Drone"), I was startled to see ... numerous ... of tabs opened in an incognito session prepended to the default session tabset.

How many I'm not sure of (the browser makes assessing this all but impossible), though it seems that some are missing, or pershaps the order sequence is different, but it's at least several score (Hi, my name isn't really Edward Morbius and I'm a tabaholic). I'd had a specific set of tabs leftmost in the incognito sesion, and have not yet seen these in the default set, so some may be absent.

But yeah, for what's been an ironclad "what happens in Vegas" promise, shit's done fucked up, yo.

History's been retained, and has crossed contexts.

That's pretty Boogled.

Mind, I am so done carrying water for the organisation involved. But they're now failing core competencies. Like, in keeping information, the world's or individuals ', properly organised.

#software #WebBrowsers #privacy #bugs #privacy #NotInVegas #ShouldNeverHappen