

bloody hell my plant was devoured by these bastards inna day or 2 not watching it.

I have only a handful of plants I use for my home cooking. Usually look them up to make sure they are okay, but neglected them for a few days and came up to an empty branch where all the greens were eaten by 100s of these little guys.

Pulled yurm and going to move them to the big grass areas by the park. But I'm sure they don't like grass and will not survive thery.

#bugs #caterpilars #Gardening #BalconyGarden #ContainerGarden #SouthOfFrance #Hydroponics #GrowYourOwn #Plants #France #GrowOwnFood


Found an uninvited guest on my Iranian basil plant. Have to look for others because it's my only surviving plants from the summer

(It's called Reyhan, ریحان it's a special, very aromatic type of basil used in west Asia, mostly with Kebab). It als can be used as easing the itchiness of mosquito bites.

#Gardening #BalconyGarden #ContainerGarden #SouthOfFrance #Hydroponics #GrowYourOwn #Plants #France #GrowOwnFood #Baail #Bugs #PersianBasil


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#Bugs that look like other things.

Some bugs have ended up looking like things that they are not. Yes, that's right: nature lies. Well, don't worry; this post will blow this thing wide open... smashing the illusion one bug at a time.


We all know this one: the #mantis that looks like a #leaf. Mantis are like #stick #insects from an evil dimension. These mantis are compulsive liars, hell-bent on convincing you they're a leaf or something. But instead of a leaf it's a fraudster psychopath.
from #pa