

#Quote It’s a bird… it’s a plane… it’s a... big distraction in the sky!
#JordanSather asks some pertinent questions in his latest substack:

Spy Balloons and "Unidentified" Objects Shot Down, What In The #Psy-Op Is Going On?
Whatever it is, the drama over the past couple of weeks with Chinese spy balloons and supposed “unidentified objects” being shot down is garnering more questions than answers. Every day we’re learning a new piece to the puzzle, except the problem is these pieces don’t seem to fit anywhere and are only making things more puzzling.

What is this all leading up to? Is all this some mega power play by China? Are these Deep State false flags designed for some reason or another? Is the aLiEnS card finally being pulled? Is this simply a kabuki theater distraction with (literal) shiny objects designed to divert our attention away from other news stories exposing the Deep State?...

...If all these "unidentified objects" and whatevers-in-the-sky really is a nothing burger false flag kabuki theater meant to divert our attention - what could they be trying to distract us from?

Here's a few things:

  • Pfizer exposed for "directed evolution" research
  • Fmr Twitter execs laid out for election interference
  • Biden's classified document scandal
  • Biden exposed for ordering the Nordstream pipeline blown up
  • Hollywood Satanism on full display at the Grammys
  • More Epstein documents to be dropped soon
  • U.S. funded biolabs in Ukraine

I mean, there’s so much going on exposing the Deep State right now that it’s reasonable to conclude that they’d want a distraction for Americans from it all.