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Zodiac Sign: Aquarius/Pisces
Degree: 20:00 Aquarius to 3:20 Pisces
Purusharth: #Artha

Deity: #Ajaikapada Dev
Gana: #Manushya

Direction: #West

Two Sanskrit words are combined to form the name #PurvaBhadrapada. These include #Bhadrapada, which means auspicious feet, and #Purva, which means before or preceding. When the two are combined, the English translation of Purva Bhadrapada #nakshatra is "The former who has auspicious feet." Leaders will be born in Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra. They will be capable of leadership, just like #Brihaspati. In addition, when in trouble, people will look up to the them. They will be exceedingly knowledgeable and serve as advisors to others.


You are wise and a lover of #peace. You act impartially and value a #simple #existence.
You have unwavering confidence in #God, and you are also interested in religion. Since your #heart is #pure, you are constantly prepared to assist people. You have wealth beyond your possessions in the form of a solid reputation and credentials. You have the ability to speak and act #honestly.

When you are honest, you avoid deception and cheap tricks. Being positive prevents you from being hopeless in any circumstance. Because you are kindhearted, you are always prepared to assist people. You attempt to assist the individual whenever they are in need. You are affluent and amiable. You come across people with a lot of love and affection for that reason. You take good care of rationality and honesty in friendship. You have a good character, a clean heart, and you never intend to hurt anyone. People trust you just because of this particular trait in your personality. From an educational and wise perspective, you are pretty intelligent. You're also interested in literature. In addition to this, physics, astronomy, and astrology are among your hobbies. You can also be an authority on these topics. You provide your unbiassed thoughts. In addition to spirituality, you are well-versed in a number of topics. You also have a good understanding of astrology.

You value knowledge over money because you have idealistic beliefs. Both a job and a business are good for you in terms of how much money you can make. You will be promoted to a higher position in your employment since you enjoy doing business over working. When you start a business, you devote all of your energy into growing it. You enjoy working in partnerships. You are well aware of your responsibilities, and you carry them out honestly. By taking the initiative and acting bravely, you can overcome difficult circumstances and overcome unpleasant feelings. You never rush and take your time planning in order to live up to your name.


Government Jobs, Politics, Law, Army, Surgeons, Fiction writers, Occult sciences, Pharmaceutical Industry


Males born under the Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra have strong spiritual tendencies and can be a little orthodox or traditional. He will work on the moral concepts and ideals that his elders taught him. Additionally, the native will value peace and his personal space much. Additionally, the native will have traits like being diligent, inquisitive, and laser-focused. They will also turn out to be very direct while also being highly sensitive. The native will also be held in great regard by others due to their knowledge.

Males' compatibility with their families under the Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra won't be very good. He will not get along well with his mother. He might sense a distance between them. The native and his mother will have a lot of problems as a result of this. On the other side, the males of the Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra would have a very happy marriage life. He will be fortunate to have a devoted wife who will serve as his main source of support. In addition, the native will get along well with his kids, who will look after him when he gets older.


This nakshatra's female native is known for having a very kind disposition. This does not, however, prevent her from speaking out against injustices in her life. She will be renowned for being open and honest when expressing her opinions. She will possess these traits in addition to being financially independent and possibly beginning to work at a young age. Additionally, the native will be a terrific boss and have strong leadership skills.

The native's family will get along well with her quite well. Her father will adore her the most among her family members. Additionally, the native has a good possibility of receiving a sizable legacy from her paternal side of the family. Female Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra marriage life would also be quite easy. She will be fortunate to have a devoted husband. Her husband will also be a very affluent man. Additionally, she can experience some difficulties raising her children in the beginning of her life, but these problems will be remedied.


Compatible with people born in Swati, Shatabhisha, Mrigashira, Ardra, Dhanishta Nakshatra, and Purva Phalguni Nakshatra.


You have innate intelligence and the capacity to succeed in any endeavor. You might receive promotions and unanticipated perks from the government if you work for it. You have the freedom to have an independent social and financial life. You will go through an incredible period of growth from the age of 24 to 33.

1st Pada (Aries): Assertive, Impatient, Energetic, Sincere, Generous

2nd Pada (Taurus): Materialistic, Attractive, Spontaneous, Confident, Happy-go-Lucky

3rd Pada (Gemini): Visionary, Inquisitive, Aristocratic, Outgoing, Intelligent

4th Pada (Cancer): Vulnerable, Thoughtful, Considerate, Nurturing, Gregarious


Venus: The natives are very intelligent beings under this planetary conjunction. Additionally, their peers will refer to the locals as knowledgeable individuals. Along with this, they will also develop a strong sense of spirituality.

#Jupiter: Jupiter in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra tends to make people have highly giving and generous personalities. They will also be quite knowledgeable.

Rahu: Rahu makes the native of Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra appear to be two faced. The native will always act diplomatically and keep their genuine emotions hidden from the outside world. Additionally, it might encourage the native to engage in bad behavior and turn them into a con artist.

Mars: When Mars is in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, people tend to be moody. The person has a propensity for easily being irritated. Along with this, they also turn out to be quite impulsive individuals.

Sun: The effects of the sun in Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra on the native are somewhat selfish. They enjoy being the center of attention wherever they go. Additionally, the native will have a very spiritual temperament.

Moon: When the moon is in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, a person tends to come across as spiritually inclined. They are also renowned for being intelligent people.

Mercury: Mercury in Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra enhances the native's capacity for effective communication. This present will help them make lots of new friends.

Saturn: A person who has Saturn in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is likely to be quite sociable. They will have a sizable social network. Along with this, they will also enjoy great fame.

Ketu: Ketu in Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra makes the person exceedingly unreliable in their dealings with other people. They will never be able to trust others, thus they will always be reluctant to express their actual emotions. Due to this, the native may appear to be dishonest and false to others.



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The #PurvaBhadrapada #Nakshatra indicates the person who has a right foot. Purva Bhadrapada offers smooth discourse to its natives, which helps in instructing and motivating others. As indicated by the #VedicAstrology, #Jupiter is the ruling planet of #PoorvaBhadrapada Nakshatra. By all means, it appears to be a two-faced man or a funeral cot or two front legs of the bed, which represents an association with fire or demonstrates consumption. #Aja Ekapada -Unicorn is the Hindu God for this Nakshatra. The gender of the Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra #star is #male.

Characteristics of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Born into the Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra world, you are exceptionally inclined towards mysterious practices and extraordinary forces. You have characteristics like consideration, pleasant mannerism, thoughtfulness, a helping mentality, and friendliness. You have a double character; you are included both in demolition just as creation exercises. You are educated, certifiable, committed, and profound. You have the fitness to support such psychological and actual difficulties. Being genuine, persevering, trained are your essential qualities. Aggression, kindness, and affection are likewise in your spirit.

Qualities of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
You are legitimate, eccentric, good at understanding others, dexterous, campaigner, fighter, warrior, novel, capable of bringing financial stability, insightful, conservative, profound, visionary, innovative, robust and great author, great orator, hopeful and independent.

Weaknesses of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
You are a gloomy, restless, helpless organizer, fickle-minded, unpleasant, hasty, genuine, touchy, and overwhelming.

Male attributes of Purva Bhadrapada
If you are a male person born into the world in the Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, you are a harmony cherishing person. You follow strict standards and qualities and like to carry on with essential life. You stay fair to other people. You love to help the ones who are needy and also are exceptionally religious. In some cases, you feel monetarily frail yet push forward with a solid will.

Female Attributes Purva Bhadrapada
Females who were born into the Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are straightforward concerning your work. Nobody can divert you from following your principles. You have inherent leadership qualities. Working with you isn't simple for others as you don't get persuaded without any problem. You are liberal to needy individuals.

Career options of Purva Bhadrapada Individuals
You, as a native of Purva Bhadrapada, have extraordinary business abilities and intelligence. You are probably going to get constant salary hikes and advancements in your work. You will do your best in the field of science and research. The phase between the age of 24 to 33 years will be profoundly productive for you. As you are a female individual of the Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, at that point, you are well on the way to earn excellence in the fields of science and technology. You may likewise turn into a prestigious scientist. The brilliant period in your life will be from the age of 40 to 54 years.

Family Life of Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
The male native of Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra will not be getting protective care and love. You may be the primary reason for the disease of your mom, which will be causing demise. Female natives of this Nakshatra, at that point, you may remain attached to your companion and prone to be blessed with kids. You effectively deal with the family errands.

The Health of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
The male natives may confront issues, for example, diabetes, acridity, and paralytic attack. You may likewise have medical problems identified with feet and stomach. Female natives of this Nakshatra, at that point, you are probably going to confront health infirmities like pain in joints, hypertension, and liver issues.

Famous Personalities born in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Based on the above themes and characteristics, many people have become very famous in their times. Some of them are: Martin Luther King, Shri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa, Michael Jackson & likewise.

Syllables used for the ones who took birth in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
For an infant under the Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, the most proper name would be the one that starts with the following syllables:

Se, Da, Daa, Di, Dee, Dha, Dhi

Fortunate stone for Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra

Yellow Sapphire

Fortunate numbers for Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra

3 and 8

Fortunate colors for Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra

Silver Dim

Fortunate days for Poorva Bhadrapada nakshatra

Saturday and Wednesday


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#PurvaBhadrapada #Nakshatra is the 25th Nakshatra as per Hindu #astrology.

Purva Bhadra is ruled by #AjaEkapad, the one-footed serpent or goat. Ajaikapada Bhairava Temple is dedicated to Ekapada Bhairava — an aspect of #Shiva

Aja Ekapada is also worshiped as a form of Lord Shiva and a transport vehicle of Agni, the god of fire. It gives the fire to raise a spiritual person up in life (yajamana vdyamana shakti). Aja Ekapada represents the unborn, transcendent cosmic energy.

The goat is a simple, harmless milk-producing animal which requires almost nothing for its sustenance. However, in the Vedas this deity has been extolled to great heights. He is considered as infinity, an entity without emotion or speech. As Aja, the unborn, he is worshipped as a form of Śiva and is a vehicle of #Agni (fire).

The Agama text Amsumadbhedagama mentions that Ekapada-Trimurti is like the Ekanetra and Ekarudra aspects of Shiva and is one of the Vidyeshvara aspects. He wears a jata-mukuta (a headdress formed of piled, matted hair) and white silken garments. He has three eyes and a pacific appearance. He holds a trishula (trident) and a tanka (small hammer) in two of his four arms and gestures in varada mudra (the boon-giving gesture) and abhaya mudra (the gesture of reassurance.

Another Agama text, the Uttara-Karanagama, also describes Ekapada-Trimurti as one of the Vidyeshvaras. He stands erect (the samabhanga posture) on his one leg on a lotus pedestal (padma pitha). He has three eyes and four arms and is clear as crystal in color. His back hands carry a trisula or mriga (deer) and a tanka and his four hands gesture in varada mudra and abhaya mudra. He wears ordinary kundala earrings or pearl ones and the jata-mukuta. From the right and left of his body emerge Brahma and Vishnu respectively.

The Linga Purana describes #Shiva as “the lord who has one foot, four arms, three eyes and a trident and who is stationed after creating #Vishnu from his left side and four-headed #Brahma from his right side.

#Ekapada icons are found in most of the important Shiva temples in South India.

In Orissa, Ekapada-Bhairava is essentially a Tantric deity. Tantric texts explicitly associate him with the Vedic Aja Ekapada, fire/Agni, sacrifice, the cosmic pillar of the universe, and the Yogini goddesses, who are also linked to the Saptamatrikas.



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The Sun is on equator and is pointing to Krittika nakshatra.

Compare this to Figure 14
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which shows Sun 4400 years later, on March 21,2000 at same equator but Sun is on Poorva Bhadrapada. Thus Sun has Precessed by about 57 degrees in 4400 years since Rishi Gargya’s Sooktha
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#PurvaBhadrapada #precession #nakshatra
#Vedic #Astronomy
Gargya Rishi! Nakshatrani Devata! Trishtup-Bhurik Chandaha!

Chitrani sakam divi rochanani sarisrupani bhuvanejavani

turmisham sumatimichaamaano ahaani geerbhi saparyami nakam!1!

suhavamagne krittika rohini chaastu bhadram mrigashirah Sham aardhrah !

punarvasu soonruta chaaru pushyo Bhaanur aslesha ayanam magha mey !2!

punyam poorva Phalguni chottra hasta schittra shiva swaati sukho mey astu!

raadhe vishaakhe suhav anooradha jyeshta sunakshatramarishta moolam !3!

annam poorva raasataam aashadha oorja devy uttaraa aavahantu!

abhijinma raasataam punyameva shravanah shravishtaah kurvatam supushtim!4!

Aa mey maha chatabhishagam vareeya Aa mey dvaya proshtapadaa susharma!

Aa reyvato chashvayujow bhagam ma Aa mey rayim Bharanya aavahantu!5!

This Sookta dedicated to Nakshatra’s was recorded (Drashtaara) by Gargya #Rishi. The Sookta describes both astronomical and astrological elements. Twenty eight Nakshatras are identified starting with #Krittika and reference is made to Ayanam occurring in Maghaa. A nakshatra Abhijit is shown between Uttarashadha and Shravana. Its use has been discontinued in the Jyotishya with only twenty seven identified currently. The authenticity of the Athrarvana texts is well accepted, by the very reverence shown towards precise learning. Hundreds of generations of Shrotreeya’s have carried veda’s down to us in its original language using oral traditions of Krama, Pada, Jatha, and Ghana Paatha so that distortions are nonexistent. Two major astronomical time markers are evident and implicit in the Sooktha. They are,

Rishi Gargya starts the list of twenty seven nakshatra’s starting with Krittika. Choice of Krittika as the first of twenty-seven is very significant. In contrast Jyotishya Shaastra uses Ashwini as the first star. The choice of first Nakshatra must correspond to a logically first day of a solar year, which dictates the weather cycles. Which is the year’s first day? Astronomically speaking, the spring Equinox day in Northern Hemisphere temperate zone is a logical one. It heralds the arrival of the spring, in temperate zone of northern hemisphere of the earth. Vasantha ritu, the spring has always been considered as beginning of a year from Rig-vedic times. Hence, the first observation implicit in Rishi Gargya’s sooktha is that on spring Equinox day, Sun was at Krittika Nakshatra. Figure 13 shows Sun location on March 21, 2400 BC from Load Star Pro. The Sun is on equator and is pointing to Krittika nakshatra.


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The moon nakshatra and ascendant nakshatra reveal our destined path in life.

#PurvaBhadrapada stands for occult behaviour and enigmatical wonders on the one hand, and sincerity, morality, and hope on the other.

This #nakshatra connects #Aquarius and #Pisces, indicating the end of everything and the start of out-of-this-world conceptions and experiences, respectively. Aquarius is the sign of humanity’s ambitions and technologies, representing the highest point of happiness and the height of sorrow, the best of both worlds. Pisces, on the other hand, is the beginning of a world of creativity and opportunities that hasn’t been fully explored yet

Deity #AjaEkapada is an #ancient #fire #serpent or #dragon, or #unborn, also a #one-legged goat/unicorn, that goes wherever it wants, Aja Ekapada a fierce form of #Shiva is also a mount of #Rudra, it is a one-legged black deity that rules over secret societies and clans and is therefore associated with all forms of black magic, according to the Vedas he is associated with flood, storm and light.

Its diverse mix of positive and negative traits makes it a fascinating nakshatra to explore. Despite its affinity for supernaturalism and occultism, the nakshatra exhibits sociability, helpfulness, pleasant gestures, and compassion. Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra symbolizes creation, destruction, compassion, and violence.

In spite of the fact that they value tradition, they are capable of undergoing change and adaptation. When Jupiter is afflicted, though, it can cause the native to withdraw from society and focus only on his or her own needs.

If natives of the Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are afflicted by certain planets, they may prove to be harmful and destructive. However, they may also find themselves the victims of socially destructive methods and terrorism due to their innate propensity towards the supernatural. They are also known for their dishonesty, negativity, and immoral behaviour, which is another one of their negative characteristics.

Favourable: Dangerous Activities, Uncertainty, Risk, Mechanisms, Technology, Funerals, Conclusions, Death, Agriculture, and Water

Unfavourable: Beginnings, Initiations, Marriage, Sexual Activity, Dealing with Higher Authorities.

Bridging these two signs is a profound experience in itself, as it enables individuals to reach for the highest hopes and fantasies of the world. Thus Purva Bhadrapada has a significant impact on a person’s personality and outlook towards life.

Symbolism: This #constellation is commonly associated with the shape of the “front legs of a funeral cot”, which some interpret as representing an exit or conclusion. As previously stated, it signifies the conclusion of all that we are familiar with. Furthermore, “the sword” is another emblem of this constellation, signifying a lasting severance or conclusion.
The nakshatra is often associated with the lion, which is also believed to be the powerful form and vehicle of the goddess Shakti, also known as Durga.

Translation: The former one who possesses lucky feet

Symbol: Front of a funeral cot, two-faced man Lord: Jupiter

Zodiac: Pisces sign (Meen) Deity: Aja Ekapada — one-footed serpent, horned goat, unicorn

Nature: The fierce or Severe (Ugra) Gana: Manushya Gana

Mode: Active Constellation: 25

Body VarahaMihira: Legs Body Parashara: Left thigh

Number: 25 Letter: Se, So, The, Di

Lucky letters: S & D Lucky Stone: Yellow Sapphire

Lucky Colour: Silver Grey Lucky Numbers: 3

Element: #Ether Dosh: #Vata

Bird Name: AvoceYoni/Animal Symbol: A #Male #Lion #Tree: #Neem

Varna (Caste) #Brahmin (Priest)

Gotra (Clan) Pulastya

Direction #West


Purva Bhadrapada is like a unicorn that embodies both magical mischief and good vibes, and a never-ending supply of positive energy. Well, apparently both Saturn and Jupiter are in charge around here. So apparently, in #Bhadrapada, they worship a one-legged goat named #Ajaikapada who is supposed to be a form of Lord Rudra. Looks like #Purva-Bhadrapada people are twice as interesting with their two-faced personalities. Watch out, you never know which side you’ll get! Ah, the classic tale of the two-faced side – one minute it’s your BFF, and the next it’s causing chaos and making you want to plot your revenge.

When #Jupiter is afflicted, residents may withdraw from society and focus solely on their own wants. As the nakshatra that bridges Aquarius and Pisces, Purva Bhadrapada marks both the final curtain and the opening act of extraordinary adventures. It is linked to the lion, which is also the fierce form and vehicle of the goddess #Shakti, also known as #Durga.

Purva Bhadrapada people are determined to succeed, but this drive can lead to self-harm.


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#PurvaBhadrapada #precession #nakshatra
#Vedic #Astronomy
Gargya Rishi! Nakshatrani Devata! Trishtup-Bhurik Chandaha!

Chitrani sakam divi rochanani sarisrupani bhuvanejavani

turmisham sumatimichaamaano ahaani geerbhi saparyami nakam!1!

suhavamagne krittika rohini chaastu bhadram mrigashirah Sham aardhrah !

punarvasu soonruta chaaru pushyo Bhaanur aslesha ayanam magha mey !2!

punyam poorva Phalguni chottra hasta schittra shiva swaati sukho mey astu!

raadhe vishaakhe suhav anooradha jyeshta sunakshatramarishta moolam !3!

annam poorva raasataam aashadha oorja devy uttaraa aavahantu!

abhijinma raasataam punyameva shravanah shravishtaah kurvatam supushtim!4!

Aa mey maha chatabhishagam vareeya Aa mey dvaya proshtapadaa susharma!

Aa reyvato chashvayujow bhagam ma Aa mey rayim Bharanya aavahantu!5!

This Sookta dedicated to Nakshatra's was recorded (Drashtaara) by Gargya #Rishi. The Sookta describes both astronomical and astrological elements. Twenty eight Nakshatras are identified starting with #Krittika and reference is made to Ayanam occurring in Maghaa. A nakshatra Abhijit is shown between Uttarashadha and Shravana. Its use has been discontinued in the Jyotishya with only twenty seven identified currently. The authenticity of the Athrarvana texts is well accepted, by the very reverence shown towards precise learning. Hundreds of generations of Shrotreeya's have carried veda's down to us in its original language using oral traditions of Krama, Pada, Jatha, and Ghana Paatha so that distortions are nonexistent. Two major astronomical time markers are evident and implicit in the Sooktha. They are,

  1. Rishi Gargya starts the list of twenty seven nakshatra's starting with Krittika. Choice of Krittika as the first of twenty-seven is very significant. In contrast Jyotishya Shaastra uses Ashwini as the first star. The choice of first Nakshatra must correspond to a logically first day of a solar year, which dictates the weather cycles. Which is the year’s first day? Astronomically speaking, the spring Equinox day in Northern Hemisphere temperate zone is a logical one. It heralds the arrival of the spring, in temperate zone of northern hemisphere of the earth. Vasantha ritu, the spring has always been considered as beginning of a year from Rig-vedic times. Hence, the first observation implicit in Rishi Gargya's sooktha is that on spring Equinox day, Sun was at Krittika Nakshatra. Figure 13 shows Sun location on March 21, 2400 BC from Load Star Pro. The Sun is on equator and is pointing to Krittika nakshatra.

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The native of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is fair complexioned, strong, sacrificing, wealthy, scholarly, religious, and brave. Such a native is almost a second God for their family. He performs pious deeds and is the best in his family. The native is happy, endowed with sons and grandsons, and victorious over enemies.

#UttaraBhadrapada #Nakshatra in Astrology can be split as Uttara and Bhadhrapadha. Uttara means later, and Bhadrapada means gentle legs. So Uttharabhadhrapadha means after the baby is born.

Uttara Bhadrapada is one of the Urdhvamukhi Nakshatras (or the Nakshatras, which have their mouths upwards). In these Nakshatras, things related to palaces, coronations, boundary walls, construction of tall structures can be auspiciously begun and performed.

Symbol: Two Legs of a #Bed
The symbol of Utthara Bhadhrapada is the remaining 2 legs of a bed. It suggests being on the bed for the birth of a baby.

Deity: The Ahirbudhnya
Ahirbudhnya is the deity of Uttara Bhadrapada. He is a #Rudhra. #Ahirbudhnya means the serpent at the base or belonging to the depth.

The yoni animal of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is the #female #cow.
Female cows are still known to be the most prosperous creatures in a household, family, farm, or dairy farm because of their ability to give milk through which we get butter, cheese, paneer, yoghurt, etc.
Cows are peaceful creatures and mind their own business.
They do not attack, plan, scheme and simply want to be left alone. Uttara Bhadrapada natives are just like cows.
They are not as aggressive and fiery as the Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, and they simply want to deal with things in peace and quiet.
They are nourishers who want always to be surrounded by nature like a mountain cow.
Cows can be extremely dangerous, and they can actually storm towards anyone and hit with their horn if they sense harm from someone to their calf, which is the protective nature of any mother.
Just like Uttara Phalguni, which is directly opposite to this Nakshatra, between 3-10 degrees of Pisces, the natives of this Nakshatra require a mate and would like to be with someone.
They are always looking for someone to have their calf, but this Nakshatra is far more feminine than the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.
The reason why Uttara Bhadrapada is considered as Laxmi Nakshatra is due to the giving nature of the cow.
Uttara Bhadrapada natives produce a lot of gas as they get older because cows are known to produce methane gas.
The deity of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is Ahirbudhanya, the water dragon who sleeps at the bottom of the ocean.
The word “Ahirbudhanya” is composed of two words, Ahi (serpent) and budhnam (bottom), so the word literally means the serpent at the bottom.
Ahirbudhanya is one of the 11 #Rudras, and he is the #God of #fertility and #kundalini. He is considered the son of #Vishwakarma, the celestial architect.
Ahirbudhanya is a cloud or serpent of the #atmosphere.
Rudras are connected with the atmosphere.
The Nakshatra of Uttara Bhadrapada provides rains and hence, provide the necessary element for life support on the Earth.
Many natives of this Nakshatra are always into spirituality, meditation, kundalini awakening and even possess the natural gift of changing the weather and bringing certain types of weather on call.
The question is why this Nakshatra gives such easy access to the natural DMT. This is where previous karmas come into play.
We get Nakshatra placements in our chart due to our actions and deeds from the past life, so someone progressing spiritually in their last life will gain access to advanced lessons by getting a high definition signal given by this Nakshatra.
The Ahirbudhanya story reflects perfectly in Uttara Bhadrapada native’s lives.
They are extremely secretive about their wealth, connections and skills.
They always hide their treasures in a safe place, where others won’t have access.
There is a strong connection with nature and the environment with these natives like Punarvasu Nakshatra and Ashlesha Nakshatra.
They need to be in nature and surrounded by water and mountains to feel at peace.
Do not mistake their peaceful sneak nature to be a dwarf and hiding in the mountains of gold like in fantasy adventure. Their underworld connection doesn’t just consist of treasures and occult, but also includes the underworld of mob bosses and crime.
All crime revolves around money, whether it’s drugs, gambling or money laundering.
Many times, these natives will have substance abuse issues and deal with drugs and though not connected to the underworld directly, but deal with the dealers of the underworld.

The two Nakshatras, #PurvaBhadrapada Nakshatra and Uttara Bhadrapada, are well connected, just like Purva Phalguni Nakshatra & Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra and Purva Ashadha Nakshatra & Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra.
Ahirbudhanya represents the water in the form of rain clouds, and Aja Ekapada, the deity of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, represents lightning.
The holy water used for religious purposes in temples and churches (for baptism), etc., represents this water and may show energies of the Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra.
Like Aja Ekapada, the deity Ahirbudhanya also shows deep meditational aspects.
The sage Bhagirath brought the river Ganga from heaven to Earth.
He and his ancestor did pray to Goddess Ganga and then later to Lord Shiva to bring down the river Ganga.
He invoked Lord #Shiva (the #Rudra) to bring the heavenly holy water to Earth.
It can be noticed that many people who love ships, yachts, boats, scuba diving have a strong presence of this Nakshatra along with Revati Nakshatra.
The native wants to become a sea creature and is interested in venturing into the deep sea.
Attributes of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra in Astrology
Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is one of the Sthir or Dhruva (Fixed) Nakshatras. In these Nakshatras, things of fixed and permanent nature, things concerning one’s house, sowing of seeds, things or rites done for getting peace and the planting of a small garden, etc., can be auspiciously done.
Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is spread from 3’20” up to 16’40” in Pisces (Meena) Rashi.
Lord of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is Jupiter (Guru).
The star is adorned with a serpent-like symbol.
It looks like rice; its properties and attributes are like those of Ardra Nakshatra. Some attributes of Purvabhadrapada also are found.
Purvabhadrapada shows signs of contrition and atonement, while Uttarbhadrapada shows restrain.
Knowledge, learning, good counsel, personality – these also come within the purview of this star.
Anthropomorphically, this is the sole of the feet of Kalapurusha.
Description of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology Treatise
According to Hora Sara: The native born in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra will be a good speaker, be happy, will have children and permanent enemies, be virtuous, timid, greedy and intent upon amassing money.
According to Jataka Parijata: If a native is born in the star Uttara Bhadrapada, he will be gentle, liberal, wealthy and learned.
According to Sage Narada: The native born in Uttarabhadra will have progeny. He will be munificent, an orator, defeat his enemies, be happy, plentiful, firm in his aims, and ever libidinous.
According to Brihat Samhita: The native born under the asterism Uttara Bhadrapada will be a good speaker, happy, blessed with children, defeat his enemies and be virtuous.


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Natives born in #PurvaBhadrapada #Nakshatra in Astrology are intelligent, scholarly, logical, of sharp mind, clever and opinionated, true individualists, strong in morals, devoted and following their righteous path.

They are original, be true to themselves, not follow societal norms, live life at their own speed, travel the path less taken, optimistic, sociable, pleasant, well mannered, sincere, genuine, possess a talent of speaking, writing, and can become master researchers, writers, authors, and publishers.

They are independent, aiming for self-sufficiency, determined, disciplined, hard-working, full of reason and practicality, can generate good income, work pertaining to engineering, sciences, technologies.

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra in #VedicAstrology is one of the Adhomukhi Nakshatras (or the Nakshatras, which have their mouths downwards). In these Nakshatras, things related to tanks, wells, temples, mining, digging, etc., can be auspiciously begun and performed.

Symbol: Two Legs of a #Bed
The symbol of Purva Bhadrapada is the 2 legs of a bed. It suggests a time to get admitted for a natural birth.

Deity: The Ajaikapadha
The deity for Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is Ajaikapadha. Ajaikapadha can be split as Aja and Ekapadha. Aja means goat, and Ekapadha means one leg. Therefore, #Ajaikapadha means goat with just one leg. Ajaikapadha is considered heaven’s bearer. Ajaikapadha is a form of #Rudhra.

The yoni animal of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is a #male #lion.
They sleep and sit around most of the day because they know they don’t have to move for anyone.
Purva Bhadrapda natives would have this in their consciousness, they have to work, they need to work, but if they didn’t have to, they won’t, but also what happens here is that the work they do is always unfulfilling and makes them unhappy.
They feel directionless in life because the lion yoni wants to feel relaxed and without responsibility.
Purva Bhadrapada natives feel like a vagabond until they do something creative, political, medical or activism activities.
They need a purpose in life, and most of the time, the purpose would be related to children as the Leo sign falls directly opposite to the Aquarius sign.
This Nakshatra’s main domination is in the Aquarius sign, while on the Pisces side, they are more introverted, fluent and at peace at the pace of their life.
The lion is also known for his roar and when these people get frustrated, pushed to the wall or angry, they will roar and scream to make their point, which can be very eccentric to others.
Like the lion who lunges on its prey, the natives will lunge on the one who becomes the prey in front of them by being a predator.
Lion’s job is to protect the cubs, which shows these people will be extremely protective of children and family at all costs.
People with other Nakshatras may not have such brutal protective instincts and are okay with life and what their young cubs are doing.
Purva Bhadrapada natives may go out there stalking their child’s move and making sure they are safe and sound.
These natives will also have a lot of hair on their body and will think more of their head hair, especially when this Nakshatra have effects on the 2nd house or 2nd Lord of the chart.
The lion being the animal of this Nakshatra shows the connection with #Goddess #Durga, who has a lion as her mount.
She killed the buffalo headed demon, Mahishasur.Summary of Purva Bhadrapada in Vedic Astrology
Lion is often used as a sign for Sun, as well as for a strong devotee.
God Narasimha, half man-half lion avatar of Lord Vishnu, had the purpose to save his child devotee Prahlad from his father Hiranyakashipu, who was killed under a unique set of conditions, such as at twilight (neither day nor night), on the doorsteps of his palace (neither inside nor outside), uses his nails to kill him (neither animate nor inanimate), puts him on his lap before killing (neither earth nor in space), which nullified the boon he had obtained from Lord Brahma.
Prahlada was the grandfather of King Mahabali.
Lions are not aware that humans consider them as the King of the jungle, they simply know that they are able to kill most of the animals, but a lion is there to watch for the pride, sleep and eat.
Purva Bhadrapada natives do excellently when in a position to protect children, working with children or large groups of people who protect certain aspects of life.
Another symbolism of this Nakshatra is that it has several symbols ranging from twins, funeral cot legs and two swords.
The symbolism of twin or two faces shows the polarity in these natives.
Natives with Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra may either be twins, or their family member would be a twin, but the strongest attribute is their ability to flipflop their views, answers, personality and mind.
They can actually come off as Vishakha Nakshatra natives with double personalities. Vishakha Nakshatra falls in the 9th house from this Nakshatra, which means one naturally will get personality traits from the father.
This can also be interpreted as being in two worlds.
Such natives are not only grounded in the affairs of this world but also have an affinity with the world, aliens, UFOs, paranormal, and death.
When it comes to the funeral cot, it shows their interest in death, health and life that is beyond the freshness of the living body.
They have a keen interest in pathology and how the body functions, but it also shows wanting to serve those who lay on the funeral cot.
It can be seen that such people are attracted to items that are old and dead in the culture. They love older antique items, which no one wants because they feel dead to an average person.
They are the people who will be purchasing an old VCR, boob box or old-style radio.
Aja Ekapada, or “the unborn, one-footed one”, is the deity of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra.
He is one of the Rudras and is the fire dragon. Aja Ekapada is often considered in his goat form and is considered to be the mount of Lord Agni, the God of Fire.
Aja Ekapada is connected with storms through Rudra and may also be connected with the Maruts, the wind Gods.
The archetypical unicorn may also be connected to the Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra.
Seeing how Aja is one-footed, it can be seen that such natives will always have a leg injury where they will have to be on one foot for a while or on a wheelchair.
As a Rudra, these people are always attracted to natural medicine, herbs and acupressure.
Lions are animals that can take a lot of pain and survive. These people also love feeling pain in their body like a deep massage, acupuncture needles, etc. and just like Rudra, these natives are not lightweights; they will storm upon you when challenged.
They are extremely animated, wild and will like everything that 90% of the people will not.
If many people like classical music, pop, rock, Purva Bhadrapada natives will love punk rock and heavy metal.
If everyone enjoys mainstream hip-hop, they will listen to underground hip-hop.
If most like mainstream movies, they will like classic movies.
The one-legged theory is extremely true.
These natives will fold one leg to the other while washing dishes or doing some kitchen work.
A unicorn is a horse with wings and a horn on the nose.
The natives of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra will always love having a statue of wing angles and horses in their homes. As children, they would love unicorns or creatures which are a mutation of the original animal.
Aja Ekapada is the fire that is connected with funeral rites and can be considered to be the spiritual fire, which purifies one’s soul.
He is also connected with lightning, storms, black magic, and extreme occult groups such as Aghoris & other extreme practitioners of yoga or tapasya.
The fortnight that follows after the full moon in Bhadrapada Nakshatra (full moon in September or the Bhadrapada Hindu month) is connected with offerings to Pitris and is called tarpanam fortnight.
Aja Ekapad is equipped with a trident and is shown with a stag. Rudra pierced the head of Brahma, who was stalking Saraswati in the form of a stag.
Aja Ekapad is one-footed and connected with meditation austerities. He is connected with rishis and munis practising meditation standing on one leg.
The severe form of meditation or the left-handed tantra practice can be connected with this Nakshatra.
Purva Bhadrapada natives are the type of people who want to stop stalkers in their footpaths.
They can’t stand when an innocent being is terrorized, just like Brahma stalking Saraswati.
Most of the time, such people love doing investigations or love watching shows related to murder investigations and serial stalkers.
If other planets in the chart make a person’s action negative, then such people do such things instead of fighting against it.
Due to the connection with Rudra, they love the medical field, especially since it deals with life and death (funeral cot) and severe rituals.
The magic side of this Nakshatra gives natural interest in kundalini, magic, aliens, UFOs and other mythical activities.
Purva and Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra have a love for dragons.
The natives love stories of dragons as a child or even have one of those Feng-Shu statues in their home due to fire rituals and relation to fire with this Nakshatra, but it is truly the Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra that has this symbolism.
Lord Nataraja, the form of Shiva standing on one foot over the demon, can be a close resemblance to Aja Ekapada, though not the same.
In fact, every year in the Tamil month Maasi (Feb-March) from the day of Mahashivratri for the next few days, the Indian classical dance festival, Natyanjali, is held in Chidambaram.
It is at this time of the year the Sun is transiting or is in close proximity to the Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra.
Mushrooms are strongly connected with this Nakshatra as it is a vegetable/fungus standing on one foot.
In ancient times soma was actually considered as mushrooms.
They used to make a paste of mushrooms, ghee, and other herbs to create the som juice.
Attributes of Purva Bhadrapada in Astrology
Spread from 20’00” in Aquarius (Kumbha) up to 3’20” in Pisces (Meen).
The Lords are Saturn (Shani) and Jupiter (Guru). It causes burns, pains, and the native burns things to ashes, uses words that burn, uses harsh words, is of evil disposition, has cruelty, greediness, restlessness, feeling of despair and unsatisfied ambition, and sudden excess of anger.
Anthropomorphically, this is the side of the body of Kalapurush.
Description of Purva Bhadrapada in Vedic Astrology Treatise
According to Hora Sara: The native born in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra will be adulterous, will have no permanent residence, be difficult to be won over, will enjoy, get money from the sovereign, is base, dutiful and long-lived.
According to Jataka Parijata: If a native is born in Purva Bhadrapada, he will be bold in his speech, mischievous, cowardly, and weak.
According to Sage Narada: The native born in Purva Bhadrapada will be sorrowful (particularly for an absent lover). He will lose to women, be crafty, be quite immersed in blaming others, hypocritical, impatient, and heroic.
According to Brihat Samhita: Under the star Purva Bhadrapada, one will be unhappy, henpecked, wealthy and clever, but a miser.


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#PurvaBhadrapada is the 25th #constellation in the zodiac. It’s unique because the first three parts of it are in the Aquarius zodiac, and the last part is in Pisces. This constellation is often represented by the symbol of the ‘double-face,’ which reflects the dual nature of people born under it. It’s also associated with the front legs of a funeral cot, indicating a strong connection to themes of death, transitions, and occult practices.

People born under Purva Bhadrapada are often considered two-faced, meaning they may not always show their true selves. They tend to keep their thoughts and actions secret. The funeral cot symbolism also ties this #Nakshatra to the element of #fire, earning it the reputation of being a Nakshatra associated with #purification #Purva-Bhadrapada Nakshatra.
Translation: The former one who possesses #lucky #feet
Symbol: Front of a #funeral #cot, two-faced man
Lord: #Jupiter
Zodiac: Pisces sign (Meen)
Deity: #AjaEkapada — one-footed serpent, horned goat, unicorn
Nature: The fierce or Severe ( #Ugra)
Gana: #Manushya #Gana
Mode: Active
Constellation: 25
Body VarahaMihira: Legs
Body Parashara: Left thigh
Number: 25
Letter: Se, So, The, Di
Lucky letters: S & D
Lucky Stone: Yellow Sapphire
Lucky Color: Silver Grey
Lucky Numbers: 3
Element: #Ether
Dosh: #Vata
#Bird Name: #Avocet
Yoni/Animal Symbol: A #Male #Lion
#Tree: #Neem

  1. #PurvaBhadrapada #nakshatra

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Selective focus of Phyllostachys aurea is a perennial that is also sometimes referred to as fish-pole or running bamboo, Beautiful yellow golden bamboo trees trunks in garden, Nature background.
In Hinduism, #funeral #beds, the #front of which are a symbol of Purva Bahdrapada, are made from #bamboo.

Ruling Planet: #Jupiter ( #Guru)

Associated Deity: #Ajaikapada, a #one-legged version of the #god #Shiva

Associated Stars: #Markab and #BetaPegasi

Corresponding Position in the Western Zodiac: 13°46′-27°06′ Pisces

Quality or Modality: #Fierce ( #Ugra)

Associated Element: #Ether

Personality Traits: Intense, serious, sometimes devious, quick to anger, eccentric, interested in the occult



#PurvaBhadrapada #Nakshatra
#Characteristics male

Males born in Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra are soft-spoken and peace-loving people. They have very strict values, which they follow religiously and it agitates them when others do something totally opposite. Though they are not the most religious people, they are very humble in nature and are always ready to fight on others’ behalf if they ever encounter unfairness. They will get angry if they are slighted in any way and love a simple life free of complications. They have a very kind soul and help those in need, but for one reason or the other, they always create misunderstandings which ultimately leave them unloved. People do respect them a lot even if they are not always financially strong.

Profession male
Males of this nakshatra will have enormous luck when it comes to business endeavours. They are naturally intelligent and have a knack for business. If they prefer going for government jobs, that will also be extremely suitable for them as there are chances that their monthly earnings will be more than average and they will frequently get promotions and salary hikes. Because of that, these males will never have to suffer financially and will be independent in all aspects of life. The growing period for their career will be between the age of 24 to 33. They will find themselves settled between the age of 40 to 54.

Compatibility male
Everything will be normal when it comes to relationships for the males of Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra and they will find loving wives and healthy children. But when it comes to maternal love, these males will not receive much. Their relationship with their mothers will always be on shaky grounds. The reason behind the distance between mother and son could be because of the mother’s professional conditions.

Health male
The males of this nakshatra will have to suffer quite a bit when it comes to their health. Health problems like paralytic attacks will cause them stress. They might have to suffer from acidity and digestive problems and might catch diabetes in the later stage of their life. Problems in the ribs, feet, and sides of their abdomen might also occur.

Characteristics female
Females of Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra are born leaders and are the most dominant ones among their peers. They have a commanding way of speaking and are mostly suitable for the role of a leader while in a team. Projects led by them will go smoothly and people working under them will have no issue following their orders. Their ethics are the most important thing for them and making them do something that goes against that will be next to impossible. Although they find it hard to trust anyone without assessing their intentions. Even if they are financially capable of helping others easily, they will only do so after thoroughly evaluating the situation and making sure that they actually need their help.

Profession female
Females of this nakshatra have the keenness to learn and discover. So professions relating to science and technology will be the best match for them. As they are extremely brilliant in their studies and will ace in their academics, they can look for their career as a scientist or doctor. They can also opt for teaching if they prefer a simpler profession with less pressure. Other professions that might suit her are in the field of astrology, statistics, or research, where they can utilize their brain the most.

Compatibility female
The females of Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra will be blessed to have a very happy and prosperous family after their marriage. They will find a husband who will dote on them, and they will have very good compatibility. Females of this nakshatra will have extremely good luck when it comes to children as they will have many of them, and they will have a very big family. These females are very good at managing the family and will ace at household activities.

Health female
There are some health problems that females of this nakshatra will have to go through. Some issues that might occur are liver problems, low blood pressure, apoplexy, and pain in the ankles.

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Dates 2022
January 7, 2022 February 3, 2022
March 3 & 30, 2022 April 26, 2022
May 23, 2022 June 20, 2022
July 17, 2022 August 13, 2022
September 10, 2022 October 7, 2022
November 4, 2022 December 1 & 28, 2022

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: Dominated by Mars, the first pada of this nakshatra lies in Aries navamsa. People born om this pada have to work on their patience and learn to control their emotions. Problems regarding their aggressive mentality might occur. They should learn to transmit their emotional energy to achieve their goals.
Pada 2nd: Dominated by Venus and falling in Taurus navamsa, those who belong to this pada will have an energetic nature with, which they will indulge in exploring their dark side.
Pada 3rd: Dominated by Mercury and falling in Gemini navamsa, the people born in this pada have a curious nature. They like to explore the lighter aspect of their nature, and have a humorous personality.
Pada 4th: The fourth pada of this nakshatra is dominated by the Moon and lies in Cancer navamsa. Those born in this pada might have a sense of unsafe aura about them as they have features of both the good and the evil. They mesh well with the other three padas of this nakshatra.

Features of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Symbol- #Sword, two front legs of a funeral cot, Man with #two #faces

Ruling planet- #Jupiter

Gender- #Male

Gana- #Manusha

Guna- sattva/sattva/rajas

Presiding Deity- #Aja-Ekapada

Animal- #Male #lion

Indian Zodiac- 20° Kumbha – 3°20′ Meena



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#PurvaBhadrapada #Nakshatra According to #Astrology

This nakshatra is in the 25th situation out of 27 #nakshatras, who are at the same time present in Aquarius and pieces Zodiac sign. This is represented by the planet #Jupiter. Numerous multiple times puzzling and dubious way of behaving is seen in the locals who are a virtuoso separated from being extremely basic learners.

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra

The locals brought into the world in this nakshatra love to remain content with their work and are obsessive workers. They love driving a basic way of life and are very little leaned to materialistic riches and wants. They love following standards and virtues in their lives and they have their own set of principles. They don't trust in strict qualities aimlessly however they are extremely profound individuals.

Purva Bhadrapada Natchathiram

They are exceptionally generous and delicate in nature love following their religion dedicatedly and perform puja, petitions, and customs as referenced in their strict books. They are not in a much monetarily solid position but rather they own a ton of regard from their precious ones. They are exceptionally wise and have extraordinary abilities in taking care of business.

Lord of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra

Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra master is known to be the Planet Jupiter who is administering this nakshatra. This planet seems to be the front legs of a love seat. #AjaEkapada is known to be the Hindu divinity of this nakshatra. This nakshatra is a male star.

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Famous Personalities

Numerous well-known characters were brought into the world under this Nakshatra as their introduction to the world star. Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra superstar's name incorporates Michael Jackson, Martin Luther King, and Shree Ramakrishna Paramhansa. The people who were brought into the world under this nakshatra their name begin with Se, So, Da or Di.

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Pada 1

The main place of this nakshatra is in the Aries Navamsha which is represented by the planet Mars. The individuals who are brought into the world under this nakshatra are intellectually areas of strength for extremely minimal forceful. They love centering on their vocation and are probably going to make extraordinary levels of progress. They ought to control their displeasure and forceful way of behaving for dominating the resolution and strength to arrive at their objectives throughout everyday life.

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Pada 2

The second place of this nakshatra is in the Tauras Navamsha which is administered by the planet Venus. The people who are brought into the world under this nakshatra are exceptionally insightful and imaginative individuals. This position principally centers around being liberal. The locals are profoundly enthusiastic and love investigating new things and spots in their day-to-day existence.

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Pada 3

This position is falling in the Gemini Navamsha that is administered by the planet mercury. This position primarily focuses on relational abilities since the locals are extremely inquisitive in nature. The people who are having their introduction to the world star as this nakshatra will communicate lighter credits of their personality. They are extremely cheerful sort of individual who generally remains in a jubilant and blissful temperament and keeps everybody around them exceptionally certain with their solid energies.

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Pada 4

The fourth place of this nakshatra is in the cancer Navamsha which is represented by the moon. This position predominantly focuses on being dependable and moral. Those who were having their introduction to the world beginning as this nakshatra are exceptionally imaginative people and they are solid-willed to accomplish everything they wish for in their life. The locals are especially viable with the other three padas. They are likewise exceptionally valiant and daring in nature and face challenges in their life to accomplish extraordinary things.

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Zodiac Sign

The people who are brought into the world under this nakshatra are profoundly energetic and diligent people who make progress with their endeavors and fairways. They are known to be human-like nakshatra and are extremely sympathetic, malicious, and magnanimous people who are exceptionally splitting the difference. Aquarius is in quick to second from the last quarter of this nakshatra and Pisces is in the final quarter.



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#Moon in #PurvaBhadrapada #Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

If the sight of the Sun is on the Moon, then the person will be royal, full of wealth, and enjoy all the happiness. If the vision of Mars is on the Moon, then the person will be intelligent and clever. If the sight of Mercury is on the Moon, then the person will earn good money, and deal with money. If the sight of the Guru is on the Moon, then the person will be clever with the government or the party to make a good step in politics. The vision of Venus If it is on the Moon, then the person will be moneyless, impotent but efficient. If Saturn aspects the Moon, then the person will have land and property and will lead a happy life.

If there is Moon in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, then the person is transformative but kind, cowardly, sensual, irritable on every matter, disappointed, and corrupt in the center. The person has spiritual depth, wanders in search of peace, spends money on outsiders especially women, intuitive, fearless speaker. Some people are humorous, do not listen to anyone, consider their own thinking to be correct, and do harm to others due to their stubborn nature. The person is a rich, smart writer at work, a successful writer, teaching skills, and money to women. The one who looks but does not give even a single penny to others is sure of his tune. The male person will be evil in appearance but intimately kind and will have two wives. The female native will have prior love relations but will not marry the lover. Her actual marriage will be happy, she will be devoted to her husband and children. The native is beautiful, a seeker of peace, spiritual, mystic, intuitive, determined, works late at night, and sleeps late.

Moon in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Pada 1

In this phase, the person is a good reformer, honest, kind, fearful like a coward, efficient at work, irritable on small things, unhappy, and deviating from his path.

Moon in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Pada 2

In this phase, the person is religious, wanders here and there in search of happiness and peace in life, never spends his money on unknown people, but falls in love with women and spends his money on them. The person is the one who understands the matter of the inner mind. Many people of this stage are those who do not listen to others at all, only do their mind. Others are of bad and arrogant nature.

Moon in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Pada 3

In this phase, the person is full of wealth, works cleverly, does good writing work, spreads knowledge like a teacher, and wastes his money due to the affection and relationship of women. The person is arrogant in appearance but good and kind by nature. Women are willing to take any risk for their children and husband.

Moon in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Pada 4

In this phase, the person is beautiful and attractive, engaged in the works of religion, an explorer, understanding the inner soul, fulfilling the promise, and very fond of working at night but sleeping late in the morning.


If there is the Moon in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, then the person is efficient, one who changes the rules or actions of the society, generous, helps the needy people, a coward, a preacher, depressed, irritable on small things, from his own way. He is a wanderer. The person is religious, a teacher or knowledge disseminator, an explorer, a scholar, does the work of writing, does his work cleverly, and is rich but surrounded by troubles in life.



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#PurvaBhadrapada is an integral
nakshatra in the Vedic astronomy region. This star is known as the burning pair and it demonstrates the power of fire. The star is denoted by swords which symbolizes power and bravery. A ray of sun is also a known badge of this star which represents hope, consensus and tranquillity.

The star is guided by mighty lord Aja Ekapada or the mount of the mighty Rudra who is also a supreme manifestation of Lord Shiva. Aquarius and Pisces are the main zodiac signs linked with Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer are the four fundamental padas of this star. Jupiter is the planet which guides Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra and supreme Lord Brahma is linked with this star.

Boons of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Here are a few positive elements of Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra-

The Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra is quite favourable in preventing uncertainty and risks while beginning or accomplishing any task.
The star is quite favourable for technology and innovative areas.
People with this star have great intellect and they can achieve milestones in any area effortlessly.
The star is very beneficial in the business and finance areas.
Banes of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Here are a few negative elements of Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra-

Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra is not favourable for embarking on new events or executing beginnings with great success.
The star is not promising for authoritative and leadership related areas.
This star yields unsuccessful results in marital and sexual life.

If you are born with the effect of Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra then you must be well-aware of all the aspects and prospects of the nakshatra. If you want to shred all the negative implications of Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra from your horoscope then consult us. We will execute Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra and Aja Ekapada deity Homam to bring all the godsends of this star in your favour. The Homam will assist you to please the star by bringing the godsends of the supreme Aja Ekapada deity to you. So, what are you waiting for, contact us and book for this incredible Homam right away.


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#PurvaBhadrapada #Nakshatra - Purva #Bhadrapada is the twenty-fifth Nakshatra in #Vedic #astrology ranging from 20° Kumbha to 3°20' Meena.

Symbol - The symbol of this Nakshatra is represented by #swords or dualistic imagery, such as man with #two #faces, or two legs of a #bed.

Astronomical Name - The astronomical names of this Nakshatra are α and β #Pegasi.

Deity of Nakshatra - #Ajaikapada, an #ancient #fire #dragon is the deity of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra.

Ruling Planet - Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is ruled by #Guru (the planet #Jupiter).

Others - Natives of this Nakshatra are passionate and transformational, but a little extreme and indulgent. They are idealists and non-conformists and are good influencers of others and speakers and orators, but they can also be fearful, nervous, cynical and eccentric.



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#Purva-bhadrapada #Nakshatra is the 25th of 27 #nakshatras. If you were born when the #moon was between 20:00 degrees #Aquarius-3:20 degrees #Pisces
#Sanskrit Name: पूर्वभाद्रपदा (Purva-bhadrapada) comes from the Sanskrit words पूर्व (early) and भद्र (blessed). One meaning of Purva-bhadrapada is “the early blessed one,” indicating enthusiasm, good fortune, and happiness.

Planetary Ruler: Jupiter. In Vedic theology, Jupiter is considered to be the advisor and guru of the gods and is known as Brhaspati. Jupiter is associated with wisdom, virtue, and spirituality.

Nakshatra Group: Humanlike. Nakshatras are divided into three classes — monsters, humans, and gods. #Purvabhadrapada is a humanlike nakshatra. People in this group are generally hardworking and motivated to achieve material success. Although they are generally kind, they can also be vindictive and self-serving.

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius (1st through 3rd quarter) and Pisces (4th quarter). Aquarius natives are intelligent, idealistic, determined, and philosophically-inclined. Pisces natives are intuitive, empathic, creative, and sociable.

Deity: #Shiva. In #Vedic theology, Shiva is an expansion of the One God, Vishnu. He is known as the best of #Vaishnavas, or worshipers of Vishnu, and he presides over the destructive energy that causes annihilation at the end of the universe. His eternal companion, #Goddess #Durga, is the presiding deity of the material energy.

Symbol: A #funeral #bed. This represents death of the self (enlightenment), fire, and transformation.

Power: To uplift those who perform sacrifice. Persons born under the star of Purva-bhadrapada are naturally self-sacrificing and spiritually inclined. With the proper discipline, they can attain high levels of spiritual realization.

Resonant Syllables: In India, the birth nakshatra is traditionally used as one means of choosing the name of a child. The corresponding syllables for the four quarters (padas) of Purva-bhadrapada are Say (से), So (सो), Da (दा), and Dee (दी). The syllable of a person’s first name is sometimes used when calculating an astrological chart if the time of birth is unknown.

Persons born in the asterism of Purva-bhadrapada are dutiful and determined. They have clear ideals and are willing to work hard to manifest them in the world. Their enthusiasm and visionary qualities make them natural leaders. With their keen sense of logic and powerful oratory skills, they are able to rally others around a common cause.

Purva-bhadra natives are often religiously inclined. However, they tend to seek the essence of religion and may not give as much importance to dogma or ritual. They detest hypocrisy and superficial modes of thinking. They are intelligent, learned, and scholarly, and they employ these traits to carve out their own life path.

You are independent and eccentric in your approach to life. This makes your life interesting, though it may also make your journey more difficult than others who simply follow the beaten path.

Purva-bhadra Careers
Persons born in Purva-bhadrapada can do well in careers that are dynamic and offer a variety of engagements. They have a need for a certain degree of autonomy in their career, but they are good at making money from whatever occupation they choose.

Some ideal professions include:

Priest, monk, mystic, astrologer, or psychic
Reformer or revolutionary
Detective or consultant
Due to their philosophical outlook, Purva-bhadras can sometimes adopt a cynical attitude. If they cannot reconcile their high ideals with the realities of this world, they may become gloomy, depressed, or anxious. They may be harsh and critical with others.

In the face of uncertainty, Purva-bhadra natives may waver in their determination. This is due to their tendency to doubt their own capabilities and also an inborn fear of failure. When defeated, they may become angry and frustrated rather than seeing the experience in a positive light.

You keep to yourself, and others may find it difficult coming close to you. If you are unable to control your stress levels, you may suffer from poor health and mental issues. However, with the right friends and mentors, and with good physical and spiritual habits, you can easily avoid the pitfalls of your lower nature.

Recommended: Learn more about science of the Vedas and how Vedic knowledge can help you elevate your consciousness and enhance your life.

Other Personality Traits
Your happiness is inconsistent. The nakshatra of Purva-bhadra spans the zodiac signs of Aquarius and Pisces, which have somewhat conflicting characteristics. For this reason it is difficult for you to settle into a single, stable mode of life. Thus you cannot have lasting happiness on the material platform. However, this can be a powerful impetus to pursue spiritual perfection.

You are good at making money. Your independent nature helps you easily find ways to make money no matter what circumstances you find yourself in.

You wish to escape from the normal, expected course of life. You have no interest in riding the conveyor belt of modern life — grade school, then high school, then college, then work, then marriage, then children, then retirement, then old age, and finally death.

You have no permanent home. Your desire for variety and excitement in life may prevent you from settling in a permanent home. Or you may have many homes over the course of your lifetime.

Purva-bhadrapada Compatibility
Purva-bhadras’ sexuality is symbolized by a male lion. In terms of physical compatibility, this makes them an ideal match for persons born under Dhanishta nakshatra.

Based on holistic matching, Purva-bhadras are most likely to find happiness in long-term partnerships with:

Rohini (for male natives)
For Purva-bhadra natives in Aquarius (1st-3rd Quarter):

Mrighashira in Gemini
Purva-phalguni (for male natives)
Chitra in Libra (for female natives)
Purva-ashadha (for female natives)
Dhanishta in Aquarius
For Purva-bhadra natives in Pisces (4th Quarter):

Pushya Ashlesha (for male natives)
Chitra in Virgo (for female natives)
Jyeshta (for male natives)
Shravana (for male natives)
Dhanishta in Capricorn (for female natives)
Revati (for male natives)
Note: Compatibility in relationships is a complex science that looks at many different factors. You should always consult with an experienced astrologer who can carefully analyze the charts of both you and your partner.

Purva-bhadra’s Four Quarters ( #Padas)
Each nakshatra is divided into four quarters, also known as padas, of 3:20 degrees each. These quarters are based on a 1/9th divisional chart, known in Sanskrit as navamsha.

The moon’s position at your time of birth determines the quarter in which you are born.

First Quarter (20:00-23:20 degrees Aquarius): Aries. You earn well and can make money in a variety of occupations. You have an angry streak and can be aggressive in your dealings with others. Nonetheless, overall you are self-reliant and content in life.

Second Quarter (23:20-26:40 degrees Aquarius): Taurus. You are a carefree person and you love to travel and experience foreign cultures. You are highly artistic and have a refined sense of beauty. You enjoy talking with others, though you may develop a habit of gossipping.

Third Quarter (26:40-30:00 degrees Aquarius): Gemini. You are talented and creative, and you have a thoughtful, active mind. You can excel as an entrepreneur.

Fourth Quarter (0:00-3:20 degrees Pisces): Cancer. You have a pure heart and a natural inclination to help those in need. You are drawn to mysticism and spirituality. With discipline you can attain a high level of spiritual realization.

Purva-bhadrapada in Electional Astrology
In electional astrology, also known as muhurtha, nakshatras are used to determine favorable days and times for important ceremonies and events, such as weddings, buying a new house or vehicle, commencing a project, or conceiving a child.

The electional nature of Purva-bhadrapada is Krura or Ugra, “fierce” and “harsh.” Purva-bhadra is an excellent nakshatra for:

Giving up bad habits
Cutting off toxic relationships
Quitting a job
Any destructive act, such as weeding or demolition
Performing vows or retreats, such as a day of silence
Doing any kind of detox or cleanse


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Zodiac Sign or #PurvaBhadrapada #Nakshatra Rashi- Aquarius and Pisces
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Ruling Planet- #Jupiter
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Lord or God- #Ajaikapada
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Symbol- #Front part of a funeral #cot
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Degree Range- 20° Aquarius - 3°20’ Pisces
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Mode of Functioning- Passive
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Quality- #Human
Chara Rashi/ Navamsa- Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Lucky Number- 7
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Yoni- #Simha
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Dosha- #Vata
Type of Nakshatra- Cruel or #Ugra
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Dasha- 16 yrs
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Numerical Potency- 25
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Gender- #Male
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Guna- #Sattvic
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Gana- #Manushya
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Element or #Tattwa- #Ether
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Mobility- #Movable
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Caste- #Brahmin
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Animal- #Lion
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Names Starting Letters- Se, So, Daa, Dee
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra #Bird- #Peacock
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Lucky Stone- Yellow Sapphire
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Lucky Color- Golden yellow or Silver Grey
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra #Tree- #Neem
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Traits- dutiful, long-lived, adulterous, impetus, opinionated, cynical, passionate, determined, hard working, intelligent, unbiased, peace loving.
About Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Purva Bhadrapada holds the 25th position in the series of 27 #Nakshatras. It is a protective constellation that offers anterior protection and anterior shelter. In the sky, Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra can be seen as two bright stars in the Pegasus constellation. The two stars form the shape of the front legs of a funeral cot or a sleeping bed. In modern astronomy, these stars are referred to as Alpha-Pegasi #(Markab) and Beta- Pegasi( #Scheat).

Etymologically, the word Purva Bhadrapad means “the former (the one who possesses) lucky feet”. Alternatively, Purva Bhadrapada is also named “Purvaproshthapada'' which means “the former (the one who possesses) the feet of a stool”. Purva Bhadrapada is symbolized by the “front part of a funeral cot” which denotes exit from the world. In #VedicAstrology, Pisces is the sign of exit in the zodiac wheel. It also relates to sleep which signifies a temporary form of death and a sleeping bed. It speaks of the time when you retire to bed in the night after performing all your worldly duties.

Alternatively, the Purvabhadrapada star is symbolized by “a man with two faces”. It speaks of the man in the imagery of the Nakshatra who has a benign look on one face and a mad, violent and destructive look on the other. Some scholars also represent the Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra with the symbol “ a sword”. It is associated with the process of “cutting off” signifying dissolution and the destructive side of nature. This symbol associates the constellation with all sorts of pain, sorrows, despair, death and endings. “A single ray of Sun” is also a symbol of this asterism. It speaks of the gloomy aspect of Nakshatra where the hope is negligible and inconsequential. In the image of the Nakshatra, the skulls and bones lying around are considered as the secondary symbol of the Nakshatra. It depicts danger that is associated with vicious places and situations.

Purva Bhadrapada constellation is associated with dark deities of ancient cultures. It is the consummation point of Jupiter’s energy that doesn’t allow any intervention of destructive acts of the constellation. The Nakshatra is also associated with the entourage of Lord Shiva. It refers to the dying process that relates it to death and endings. All kinds of sexual perversions and phobias originate in this Nakshatra.

The Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Lord, Aja-Ekapada is the one-legged snake (the serpent of Kundalini). It translates into “the one-footed goat” and “the one-footed unborn one”. In Vedic texts, this mysterious creature is referred to as a goat head monster who is one of the 11 Rudras and an epithet of Lord Shiva. He is a dark deity that rules all kinds of black magic. Due to this, the Purvabhadrapada Nakshatra men and women are attracted to occult and black magic.

Apart from Jupiter, the other planets that are associated with Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Ketu. However, except for Jupiter, most of the planets don’t fare well in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra. The well-disposed Jupiter in Purva Bhadrapada allows Saturn to offer favorable results. Saturn associates the asterism with grief and disciplined aspects whereas Uranus relates it to the futuristic and technological aspect. Ketu in Purva Bhadrapada offers its natives energy to inflict torture upon themselves and others. Moon in Purva Bhadrapada bestows natives with money, stingy nature and accountability to place the wealth at the disposal of the spouse or partner.

In the Universal scheme of things, Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra exhibits “Yajamana Udyamana Shakti”. It represents the ability to elevate the evolutionary level. It is symbolized by imagery having humanity above and astral regions below. This imagery represents that the Purva Bhadrapada star is the bridge that connects the consciousness on materialistic and non-materialistic planes. It shows that this Nakshatra has the power to increase one’s evolutionary level through internal purification brought by the raging heavenly fires of penance.

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra in English is referred to as Purvabhadrapada/ Purva Bhadrapada. Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra in Tamil is referred to as Purattathi Natchathiram (பூரட்டாதி நட்சத்திரம்). The name of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra in Malayalam is Pooruruttathi Nakshatra (പൂരുരുട്ടാതി നക്ഷത്ര) and the name of the Purva Bhadrapada constellation in Telugu is Purvabhadra (పూర్వాభాద్ర).

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Physical Characteristics
Children born in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are medium-sized. They have broad cheeks, fleshy lips and a simple countenance. They exhibit smiling eyes and have a pleasant, vibrant and powerful personality. However, they do not care for their outer appearance and keep an elegant, serious look.
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Behavioral Characteristics
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra men and women are extremely intelligent, unbiased, simple and peace-loving. They are god-fearing people with a great interest in supernatural powers and abilities. These natives are truth seekers and always try to follow the path of Dharma and truth. They do not get into evil ways or use any cheap tricks to manipulate and deceive others. They are optimistic, friendly and generous. They possess a pure heart filled with feelings of love, compassion and kindness. These people are always ready to help others and thus have a good reputation in society, family and friends.

These spiritual individuals are very inclined towards astrology and occult sciences. In terms of finances, they exhibit self-dependency. They prefer to run their own venture rather than serving someone else. They don’t show off and are very simple and down-to-earth. As Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra males and females are driven by purpose, they show great sincerity, hard work and determination towards their work. They have amazing perseverance and can go the extra mile to accomplish their goals. They make sure that they are careful and attentive towards important matters. However, at times, most of the Purva Bhadrapada star natives take wrong ways to fulfill their objectives.

Due to the power of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra's planet, Jupiter, they seek knowledge and wisdom. They expand their knowledge and are more focused to enhance it than acquiring wealth. However, their knowledge helps them to gain access to wealth. People born in Purva Bhadrapada show a well-balanced, rational and abstract approach towards things. They follow noble means generally and are very intuitive when it comes to sensing dangers.

Purva Bhadrapada-born natives are adventurous and brave. They have a wandering nature due to which they move from one place to another and don’t have a permanent abode anywhere. These natives can be spotted easily in the crowd due to their highly strung and nervous demeanor. They carry a happy countenance, though, and act friendly in social gatherings. Their communication skills are good and they use it to evolve on personal and professional fronts.

Purva Bhadrapada people are basically two-faced. They exhibit dual personalities and keep secrets of themselves and others. Being misled, these natives can show dishonest, negative and immoral nature. The positive characteristics of these natives are spirituality, discipline, practicality, idealistic approach, kindness, endurance, helpfulness, protectiveness for family and loved ones.

Since they are ruled by Ekapada (the single footed), these natives are mostly raised by a single parent. They get mature in all aspects at a very small age. As per Vedic texts, people born in this Nakshatra are lucky-footed ones. They bring auspiciousness and fortune at home. These natives are honored due to their fresh and powerful approach towards life.
Career Options for Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Natives
The professions that are favorable for Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra born people are:

All professions that are associated with death such as morticians, coffin makers, cemetery keepers etc.
Medical professions like surgeons, medical practitioners, psychiatrists etc.
Fundamentalists, radicals, and fanatics.
Jobs in the Entertainment Industry.
Jobs as weapon makers and users.
Extreme ascetics, occultists, black magicians, perpetrators of dark technologies
Horror, mystery and sci-fi writers.
Jobs in Police departments and defense.
Jobs in the metal and leather industry.
All the professions involve use of fire and high temperatures.
Jobs associated with toxic substances, high polluting waste products can be good Purva Bhadrapada career options.
Environmental activists.
Pharmaceutical industry jobs
Favorable Activities For Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is a very auspicious Nakshatra for ending things. You can indulge in mechanical or technological works, agricultural activities, and water-related activities during this Nakshatra period. Any risky and dangerous work can be performed in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra. This Nakshatra is very favorable for exploring things related to death and holding any funeral services.

Unfavorable Activities For Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is not auspicious for beginning any new thing. Marriage is prohibited during this Nakshatra. It is not good to travel, sex and deal with the government or higher authorities in this star. It is believed that activities done during this Nakshatra period result in pain, anxiety, regret, sorrow and extreme difficulties.
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Remedies
People suffering from afflictions of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra should worship Lord Shiva. It is believed that seeking Lord Shiva or Lord Hanuman bestows auspiciousness and fortune in the lives of its natives.

The practice of Karma Yoga, which allows a person to seek Dharma and unselfish motives is said to be the best Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra remedy for neutralizing its bad effects.

Reciting the root Mantra- “Om Vam” and “Om Sham” is also beneficial for Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra males and females. As per Vedic texts, if one chants this Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Mantra 108 times during the lunar transition and in the corresponding month of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, then they get rid of sufferings and gain wisdom and enlightenment.

Purva Bhadrapada star men and women can elevate the positive energy of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra by wearing light colors such as light blue. It is advisable for people born in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra to undertake all the important actions corresponding to the position of Purva Bhadrapada star for attaining auspicious results.


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Natives born in #PurvaBhadrapada #Nakshatra in #Astrology are intelligent, scholarly, logical, of sharp mind, clever and opinionated, true individualists, strong in morals, devoted and following their righteous path.

They are original, be true to themselves, not follow societal norms, live life at their own speed, travel the path less taken, optimistic, sociable, pleasant, well mannered, sincere, genuine, possess a talent of speaking, writing, and can become master researchers, writers, authors, and publishers.

They are independent, aiming for self-sufficiency, determined, disciplined, hard-working, full of reason and practicality, can generate good income, work pertaining to engineering, sciences, technologies.

#Purva #Bhadrapada Nakshatra in #VedicAstrology is one of the Adhomukhi Nakshatras (or the Nakshatras, which have their mouths downwards). In these Nakshatras, things related to tanks, wells, temples, mining, digging, etc., can be auspiciously begun and performed.

Symbol: Two Legs of a #Bed
The symbol of Purva Bhadrapada is the 2 legs of a bed. It suggests a time to get admitted for a natural birth.

Deity: The #Ajaikapadha
The deity for Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is Ajaikapadha. Ajaikapadha can be split as Aja and Ekapadha. Aja means goat, and Ekapadha means one leg. Therefore, Ajaikapadha means goat with just one leg. Ajaikapadha is considered heaven’s bearer. Ajaikapadha is a form of Rudhra.

Range 320 – 333⁰ 20”
Rashi Aquarius (Kumbha) and Pisces (Meena)
#Yogathara #Markeb or Alpha Pegasi
Position North of Purvabhadhrapadha
Apparent magnitude 2.49
Latitude +19⁰ 24” 22’
Longitude 329⁰ 37” 43
Right ascension 23h 4m 30.7s’
Declination 18⁰ 10” 23
Characteristics of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra in Astrology
The yoni animal of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is a #male #lion.
They sleep and sit around most of the day because they know they don’t have to move for anyone.
Purva Bhadrapda natives would have this in their consciousness, they have to work, they need to work, but if they didn’t have to, they won’t, but also what happens here is that the work they do is always unfulfilling and makes them unhappy.
They feel directionless in life because the lion yoni wants to feel relaxed and without responsibility.
Purva Bhadrapada natives feel like a vagabond until they do something creative, political, medical or activism activities.
They need a purpose in life, and most of the time, the purpose would be related to children as the Leo sign falls directly opposite to the Aquarius sign.
This Nakshatra’s main domination is in the Aquarius sign, while on the Pisces side, they are more introverted, fluent and at peace at the pace of their life.
The lion is also known for his roar and when these people get frustrated, pushed to the wall or angry, they will roar and scream to make their point, which can be very eccentric to others.
Like the lion who lunges on its prey, the natives will lunge on the one who becomes the prey in front of them by being a predator.
Lion’s job is to protect the cubs, which shows these people will be extremely protective of children and family at all costs.
People with other Nakshatras may not have such brutal protective instincts and are okay with life and what their young cubs are doing.
Purva Bhadrapada natives may go out there stalking their child’s move and making sure they are safe and sound.
These natives will also have a lot of hair on their body and will think more of their head hair, especially when this Nakshatra have effects on the 2nd house or 2nd Lord of the chart.
The lion being the animal of this Nakshatra shows the connection with Goddess Durga, who has a lion as her mount.
She killed the buffalo headed demon, Mahishasur.Summary of Purva Bhadrapada in Vedic Astrology
Lion is often used as a sign for Sun, as well as for a strong devotee.
God Narasimha, half man-half lion avatar of Lord Vishnu, had the purpose to save his child devotee Prahlad from his father Hiranyakashipu, who was killed under a unique set of conditions, such as at twilight (neither day nor night), on the doorsteps of his palace (neither inside nor outside), uses his nails to kill him (neither animate nor inanimate), puts him on his lap before killing (neither earth nor in space), which nullified the boon he had obtained from Lord Brahma.
Prahlada was the grandfather of King Mahabali.
Lions are not aware that humans consider them as the King of the jungle, they simply know that they are able to kill most of the animals, but a lion is there to watch for the pride, sleep and eat.
Purva Bhadrapada natives do excellently when in a position to protect children, working with children or large groups of people who protect certain aspects of life.
Another symbolism of this Nakshatra is that it has several symbols ranging from twins, funeral cot legs and two swords.
The symbolism of twin or two faces shows the polarity in these natives.
Natives with Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra may either be twins, or their family member would be a twin, but the strongest attribute is their ability to flipflop their views, answers, personality and mind.
They can actually come off as Vishakha Nakshatra natives with double personalities. Vishakha Nakshatra falls in the 9th house from this Nakshatra, which means one naturally will get personality traits from the father.
This can also be interpreted as being in two worlds.
Such natives are not only grounded in the affairs of this world but also have an affinity with the world, aliens, UFOs, paranormal, and death.
When it comes to the funeral cot, it shows their interest in death, health and life that is beyond the freshness of the living body.
They have a keen interest in pathology and how the body functions, but it also shows wanting to serve those who lay on the funeral cot.
It can be seen that such people are attracted to items that are old and dead in the culture. They love older antique items, which no one wants because they feel dead to an average person.
They are the people who will be purchasing an old VCR, boob box or old-style radio.
Aja Ekapada, or “the unborn, one-footed one”, is the deity of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra.
He is one of the Rudras and is the fire dragon. Aja Ekapada is often considered in his goat form and is considered to be the mount of Lord Agni, the God of Fire.
Aja Ekapada is connected with storms through Rudra and may also be connected with the Maruts, the wind Gods.
The archetypical unicorn may also be connected to the Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra.
Seeing how Aja is one-footed, it can be seen that such natives will always have a leg injury where they will have to be on one foot for a while or on a wheelchair.
As a Rudra, these people are always attracted to natural medicine, herbs and acupressure.
Lions are animals that can take a lot of pain and survive. These people also love feeling pain in their body like a deep massage, acupuncture needles, etc. and just like Rudra, these natives are not lightweights; they will storm upon you when challenged.
They are extremely animated, wild and will like everything that 90% of the people will not.
If many people like classical music, pop, rock, Purva Bhadrapada natives will love punk rock and heavy metal.
If everyone enjoys mainstream hip-hop, they will listen to underground hip-hop.
If most like mainstream movies, they will like classic movies.
The one-legged theory is extremely true.
These natives will fold one leg to the other while washing dishes or doing some kitchen work.
A unicorn is a horse with wings and a horn on the nose.
The natives of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra will always love having a statue of wing angles and horses in their homes. As children, they would love unicorns or creatures which are a mutation of the original animal.
Aja Ekapada is the fire that is connected with funeral rites and can be considered to be the spiritual fire, which purifies one’s soul.
He is also connected with lightning, storms, black magic, and extreme occult groups such as Aghoris & other extreme practitioners of yoga or tapasya.
The fortnight that follows after the full moon in Bhadrapada Nakshatra (full moon in September or the Bhadrapada Hindu month) is connected with offerings to Pitris and is called tarpanam fortnight.
Aja Ekapad is equipped with a trident and is shown with a stag. Rudra pierced the head of Brahma, who was stalking Saraswati in the form of a stag.
Aja Ekapad is one-footed and connected with meditation austerities. He is connected with rishis and munis practising meditation standing on one leg.
The severe form of meditation or the left-handed tantra practice can be connected with this Nakshatra.
Purva Bhadrapada natives are the type of people who want to stop stalkers in their footpaths.
They can’t stand when an innocent being is terrorized, just like Brahma stalking Saraswati.
Most of the time, such people love doing investigations or love watching shows related to murder investigations and serial stalkers.
If other planets in the chart make a person’s action negative, then such people do such things instead of fighting against it.
Due to the connection with Rudra, they love the medical field, especially since it deals with life and death (funeral cot) and severe rituals.
The magic side of this Nakshatra gives natural interest in kundalini, magic, aliens, UFOs and other mythical activities.
Purva and Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra have a love for dragons.
The natives love stories of dragons as a child or even have one of those Feng-Shu statues in their home due to fire rituals and relation to fire with this Nakshatra, but it is truly the Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra that has this symbolism.
Lord Nataraja, the form of Shiva standing on one foot over the demon, can be a close resemblance to Aja Ekapada, though not the same.
In fact, every year in the Tamil month Maasi (Feb-March) from the day of Mahashivratri for the next few days, the Indian classical dance festival, Natyanjali, is held in Chidambaram.
It is at this time of the year the Sun is transiting or is in close proximity to the Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra.
Mushrooms are strongly connected with this Nakshatra as it is a vegetable/fungus standing on one foot.
In ancient times soma was actually considered as mushrooms.
They used to make a paste of mushrooms, ghee, and other herbs to create the som juice.
Attributes of Purva Bhadrapada in Astrology
Spread from 20’00” in Aquarius (Kumbha) up to 3’20” in Pisces (Meen).
The Lords are Saturn (Shani) and Jupiter (Guru). It causes burns, pains, and the native burns things to ashes, uses words that burn, uses harsh words, is of evil disposition, has cruelty, greediness, restlessness, feeling of despair and unsatisfied ambition, and sudden excess of anger.
Anthropomorphically, this is the side of the body of Kalapurush.
Description of Purva Bhadrapada in Vedic Astrology Treatise
According to Hora Sara: The native born in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra will be adulterous, will have no permanent residence, be difficult to be won over, will enjoy, get money from the sovereign, is base, dutiful and long-lived.
According to Jataka Parijata: If a native is born in Purva Bhadrapada, he will be bold in his speech, mischievous, cowardly, and weak.
According to Sage Narada: The native born in Purva Bhadrapada will be sorrowful (particularly for an absent lover). He will lose to women, be crafty, be quite immersed in blaming others, hypocritical, impatient, and heroic.
According to Brihat Samhita: Under the star Purva Bhadrapada, one will be unhappy, henpecked, wealthy and clever, but a miser.
Purva Bhadrapada Pada Description
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra 1st Pada:
1st Pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is ruled by Aries Navamsa (Governed by Mars).
Those born in the first pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are worshipers of Gods, enjoy life, cruel and stubborn. They are candid, stingy, respected, quarrelsome, grab others’ property, and court courtesans.
Those born in the first pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are aggressive, determined, action-oriented, a born doer, looking to charge, be impulsive and get things done through mental gymnastics, wanting to take action with their knowledge, and motivated to get out in the world.
Those born in the first pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are anxious to get to work, using information and the mind to inspire others, motivational speaker, teacher, writer, and working to inspire others.
Those born in the first pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra ensure practical applications of their teachings to others.
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra 2nd Pada:
2nd Pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is ruled by Taurus Navamsa (Governed by Venus).
Those born in the second pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are enjoyers of life, well versed with spells, exorcists and carry on various transactions. They are interested in scents and flowers, chief amongst their friends, poets, givers, and wise travellers.
Those born in the second pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra gain financial knowledge, become financial experts, money managers, business acumen, the business helps promote independence and self-sufficiency. They collect information on how to make money work best for them, use knowledge to collect assets and material desires.
Those born in the second pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra use the money to help disadvantaged people, setting up or envisioning social welfare programs to help people on their feet, teaching or publishing about financial responsibility.
Those born in the second pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are indulgent in nature, lovers of music and art, creative with music and art, feeling balanced and joyous, pleasure through art, attaining knowledge of music or the arts, interested in the history of art/music, collecting pieces of fine art or music memorabilia.
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshtra 3rd Pada:
3rd Pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is ruled by Gemini Navamsa (Governed by Mercury).
Those born in the third pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are wise, always enjoy life, are loved by their parents, learn, transact many things, and are wealthy and respected by relatives. They are peaceful and undertake all jobs.
Those born in the third pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are intellectually curious, scientific-minded, interested in how things work, master researcher, always learning, lifelong student, well educated.
Those born in the third pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are true communicators, sharing ideas, publishing ideas or opinions, a philosopher by nature, teaching philosophies, and broadening others’ visions.
Those born in the third pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra communicate spiritual ideas, teach spirituality to others, be a guru, get others to understand greater ideas, communicate ideas of humanitarian interest, and talk about of advancing society, helping bring humanity to greater heights through ideas.
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra 4th Pada:
4th Pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is ruled by Cancer Navamsa (Governed by Moon).
Those born in the fourth pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are wealthy, loved by their wives, respected by the world, worship their mothers, and support many people. They like music, wear ornaments, help at the sight of difficulty, and are respected by the king.
Those born in the fourth pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are emotionally connected to spiritually, sensitive and intuitive, have an interest in mysticism and occult, need to learn on a relational level, needing to feel emotionally fulfilled to absorb information.
Those born in the fourth pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra learn about spiritual ideas, concepts, how to use imagination, connect deeply with those who learn from them, nurture people they teach and write about emotional topics.
Those born in the fourth pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra talk about love, compassion, romance, life, death, fantasy could be destructive due to the intense inner emotions, may feel isolated and turn to self affirmative pains, breaking the law, and hurt others.
Sun’s Ingress (March 4th – March 17th) of Purva Bhadrapada
Sun enters Purva Bhadrapada around 4th March and stays there till 17th March.
If you are born during this period, your Sun is in Purvabhadhrapadha Nakshathra.
This period comes under Aquarius (Kumbha) Rashi. The sign for Kumbha is a man holding a water pot. During this period, Holi festival is celebrated. On the next day of Holi, Dhoolivandhan is celebrated. On this occasion, Holi’s ashes are mixed with water, and everyone plays in this mud.
The sign of Kumbha has similarities with the festival of Dhoolivandhan.
Tree of Purva Bhadrapada: Mango
The tree for Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is Aamra, mango or Mangifera Indica.
The fruit of the mango tree is an indication of purity, love, and fertility.
Mango tree leaves are hung on the door for every auspicious occasion.
It is considered the tree of Prajapathi.
The wood of this tree is offered to religious fire or Havan.
The raw mango is used for pickles and other delicacies. Raw mango powder or Aamchur is used in various preparations.
Applications of Mango
Mango improves skin complexion and skin tone.
Sweet mango improves immunity and strength. It has a nourishing and calming effect on the body.
Mango oil is effective in oral health.
It helps in increasing haemoglobin levels.
Mango leaves are used to whiten the teeth or as a toothbrush.
Astronomical Information of Purva Bhadrapada
Most of the astronomers agree that the Yogatara of Purvabhadhrapadha is Markeb or Alpha Pegasus.
This is a perfectly normal star.
It is a blue-white star and is considered one of the very hot stars.
Purva Bhadrapada Compatibility in Astrology
Rashi compatibility of Kumbha Rashi and Purvabhadrapadha Nakshatra Bride
Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Pisces

Rashi compatibility of Meena Rashi and Purvabhadrapadha Nakshatra Bride or Groom
Taurus, Leo, Capricorn

Rashi compatibility of Kumbha Rashi and Purvabhadrapadha Nakshatra Groom
Taurus, Libra, Capricorn

Compatibility Factors of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Nadi: Aadhya or first.
Gana (nature): Manushya or human.
Yoni (animal symbol): Sivha or lion.
Result of wearing new clothes on Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Fear of water, wear and tear while washing new clothes.
Result of first menses on Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Competitive with a sibling, likes to control, good at craft and aggressive.
Result of performing shraddha on Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Gains knowledge.
Beneficial activities on Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Diplomacy, attack on the enemy, manufacturing weapons and marketing.
Beneficial samskara or ceremonies on Purva Bhadrapada: Start learning a new subject, threading ceremony, Anugraha or Deeksha
Remedies of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Praying Shiva, Durga becomes extremely potent for a Purva Bhadrapada native.
Make sure one sits on a strong chair because these people will run into issues with wobbly chairs or chairs with broken or cracked legs; when that happens, one should immediately change their chair.
Having a male brass lion in the South direction becomes very potent to balance that wild energy within the individual.
Sitting in front of the burning fire like logs would be another remedy to cool down the frustration inside. Yogi’s, especially Naths, always light a fire wherever they go.
Ardra, Ashlesha, Mula, Purva Bhadrapada and Uttara Bhadrapada are strongly connected with Nath Yogis.
Staring at the fire for at least 15-20 minutes, if not longer, will eventually turn into a deep meditative state.
Feed Any flesh or meat
Donate Gold
Vratham Rudhra pooja, Mahashivarathri Pooja
Vedic Sooktham Rudhra Sooktham, Rudhradhyaya Namakam
Remedies for Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology

Quality of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Purva Bhadrapada is known to be a Ugra Nakshatra which are best for funeral rights, going to war, causing destruction, learning about death, search for paranormal and ghostly things, anything to scare someone, tantric fire rituals and funeral home or where dead rest.
Caste of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
The caste of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is Brahmin.
This is the outcast Brahmin because they are the ferocious ones.
They have no emotions to spare for God-realization; either you come and be disciplined, get the knowledge the way they give or get out.
They are the Durgadari, the one with the energy of Durga.
The meaning of Durga is “unreachable”, something which is not from this world, dimension or Universe.
This is why realized masters have said Durga will only listen to her devotee one day a year, and then she goes back to her world.
Sound of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra