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#UttaraBhadrapada #Nakshatra signifies conjugal #bliss, strength, and prosperity. It signifies the beam of light and favors the natives with happiness. Being the last of the bed, which shares with #PoorvaBhadrapada Nakshatra, there is investigating energy in this Nakshatra, which causes the natives to analyze things at depth. As indicated by the #Vedicastrology, #Saturn is the ruling planet of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra. It throws a light impression of being the two back legs or a burial service bed, which represents the ownership of the right foot. #AhirBudhya is the Hindu God for this Nakshatra. The native orientation of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra star is male.

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra Qualities
Being brought into the world in the Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra, you are also honest as you can consider individuals with your enchanted looks. You can quickly settle well with people; all things considered status and principles. You generally look for the organization of other gender and like to invest energy with them. You have extraordinary properties of equity and unbiasedness. You have the firm assurance to be at the highest point of the profession.

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra Qualities
Helpful, very appealing, service situated, economically stable, exceptionally focused, genuinely emotional, kind and liberal, great counsellor, lenient, empathetic, nourished, rousing speaker, charitable, principled, prudent, smart, family-oriented, and wise.

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra weaknesses
Selfish, careless and irresponsible, incapable of resolving disputes, lethargic, excessively passionate, lacking energy, dependent, and confused.

Qualities of Uttara Bhadrapada Male
Suppose you are a male person who came into this world in the Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra. In that case, you are not liable to separate individuals dependent on their social standing and instead acknowledge them for what they are. You are unadulterated on a fundamental level and consistently ensure that you don't hurt others with your words. In any case, you are irritable, which some of the time makes you the piece of contention. You are probably going to do anything for the individual you love or like. You are called as the man of realizing who has colossal information about different things and subjects.

Qualities of Uttara Bhadrapada Female
In case you are a female person who belongs to the Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra. You will probably get massive wealth into the family and be worshipped as a woman with divine character, favourable luck, and riches. You respect old individuals and are likewise a lot respectful. You have an excess of adaptability and can change all the conditions and circumstances. You represent truth and stay fair-minded towards all.

Career Interest of Uttara Bhadrapada
You can accomplish authority in more than a few subjects regardless of whether you are very little qualified. You tend to expressive arts and accept to be a self-taught individual. You are probably going to achieve excellence, acknowledgment, and commendation for your work. Your aspiration lies in turning into a famous creator. You may confront a few high points and low points in your vocation and would have a consistent, happy, and settled life just after the age of 42.

Now, if you are a female individual who belongs to Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra, at that point, you are destined to procure popularity just as much in your profession. In any case, for your work, you would be needed to travel a lot and at times to abroad as well.

Most Appropriate Profession

Philosopher, Social Worker, Holy priest, teacher, Author, importer, Travel Industry

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra Family Life
The male natives of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra are probably not going to encounter a decent family life. You won't get such addition from your father's end. In any case, you will make the most of your married life and will be honored with a mindful and cherishing life partner. You are additionally prone to have mindful and restrained kids. After your marriage, every one of your difficulties is probably going to end. If you are a female native of this Nakshatra, at that point, you may be the focal point of fascination at your home, and all the meaningful choices will include your approval. You will carry tremendous fortune and magnificence to your family.

The health of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra
The male natives will appreciate great well-being because of their firm assurance towards following a trained, dynamic, and fantastic way of life with smart dieting propensities and routine exercise. Be that as it may, you may experience the ill effects of hernia, stomach sicknesses, or even a loss of motion assault. Supposedly, you are a female local of this Nakshatra; at that point, you will probably be inclined to well-being sicknesses like menstrual cramps, acid reflux, or joint inflammation.

Famous Personalities born in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Based on the above themes and characteristics, many people have become very famous in their times. Some of them are: Mulayam Singh Yadav (politician), Helen Hunt (actress), Sally Fields (actress), Ricky Martin (singer) & likewise.

Syllables for the natives born in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra
For an infant born under the Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra, the most appropriate name would be the one that starts with the accompanying syllables: Du, Tha, Jha, Gna, Jna, Na, Da, Gy

Fortunate stone for Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra

Blue Sapphire

Fortunate numbers for Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra

6 and 8

Fortunate colors for Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra


Fortunate days for Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra

Thursday, Tuesday, and Friday


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The #PurvaBhadrapada #Nakshatra indicates the person who has a right foot. Purva Bhadrapada offers smooth discourse to its natives, which helps in instructing and motivating others. As indicated by the #VedicAstrology, #Jupiter is the ruling planet of #PoorvaBhadrapada Nakshatra. By all means, it appears to be a two-faced man or a funeral cot or two front legs of the bed, which represents an association with fire or demonstrates consumption. #Aja Ekapada -Unicorn is the Hindu God for this Nakshatra. The gender of the Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra #star is #male.

Characteristics of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Born into the Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra world, you are exceptionally inclined towards mysterious practices and extraordinary forces. You have characteristics like consideration, pleasant mannerism, thoughtfulness, a helping mentality, and friendliness. You have a double character; you are included both in demolition just as creation exercises. You are educated, certifiable, committed, and profound. You have the fitness to support such psychological and actual difficulties. Being genuine, persevering, trained are your essential qualities. Aggression, kindness, and affection are likewise in your spirit.

Qualities of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
You are legitimate, eccentric, good at understanding others, dexterous, campaigner, fighter, warrior, novel, capable of bringing financial stability, insightful, conservative, profound, visionary, innovative, robust and great author, great orator, hopeful and independent.

Weaknesses of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
You are a gloomy, restless, helpless organizer, fickle-minded, unpleasant, hasty, genuine, touchy, and overwhelming.

Male attributes of Purva Bhadrapada
If you are a male person born into the world in the Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, you are a harmony cherishing person. You follow strict standards and qualities and like to carry on with essential life. You stay fair to other people. You love to help the ones who are needy and also are exceptionally religious. In some cases, you feel monetarily frail yet push forward with a solid will.

Female Attributes Purva Bhadrapada
Females who were born into the Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are straightforward concerning your work. Nobody can divert you from following your principles. You have inherent leadership qualities. Working with you isn't simple for others as you don't get persuaded without any problem. You are liberal to needy individuals.

Career options of Purva Bhadrapada Individuals
You, as a native of Purva Bhadrapada, have extraordinary business abilities and intelligence. You are probably going to get constant salary hikes and advancements in your work. You will do your best in the field of science and research. The phase between the age of 24 to 33 years will be profoundly productive for you. As you are a female individual of the Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, at that point, you are well on the way to earn excellence in the fields of science and technology. You may likewise turn into a prestigious scientist. The brilliant period in your life will be from the age of 40 to 54 years.

Family Life of Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
The male native of Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra will not be getting protective care and love. You may be the primary reason for the disease of your mom, which will be causing demise. Female natives of this Nakshatra, at that point, you may remain attached to your companion and prone to be blessed with kids. You effectively deal with the family errands.

The Health of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
The male natives may confront issues, for example, diabetes, acridity, and paralytic attack. You may likewise have medical problems identified with feet and stomach. Female natives of this Nakshatra, at that point, you are probably going to confront health infirmities like pain in joints, hypertension, and liver issues.

Famous Personalities born in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Based on the above themes and characteristics, many people have become very famous in their times. Some of them are: Martin Luther King, Shri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa, Michael Jackson & likewise.

Syllables used for the ones who took birth in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
For an infant under the Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, the most proper name would be the one that starts with the following syllables:

Se, Da, Daa, Di, Dee, Dha, Dhi

Fortunate stone for Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra

Yellow Sapphire

Fortunate numbers for Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra

3 and 8

Fortunate colors for Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra

Silver Dim

Fortunate days for Poorva Bhadrapada nakshatra

Saturday and Wednesday


20°00" Aquarius (Kumbha) to 3°20" Pisces (Meena)
#Guru #Nakshatra #PurvaBhadrapada #AjaEkapada
The 25th Nakshatra: #POORVABHADRAPADA.
The four quarters are ruled by:
Mangala (Mars) - the 1st quarter,
Shukra (Venus) - the 2nd quarter,
Buddha (Mercury) - the 3rd quarter,
and Chandra (Moon) - the 4th quarter.

Other aspects of this Nakshatra:
The Purushartha (life's vector or motivation) is Artha.
Totem animal is #Lion (male).
Symbol - a sword.
Devata (Deity) - Aja Ekapada.
Dosha - Vata.

This Nakshatra spans from 20°0' in Kumbha (Aquarius) to 3°20' in Meena (Pisces). While the first three quarters of this Nakshatra fall in the sign Kumbha (Aquarius), the last Nakshatra falls in the sign Meena (Pisces). While Shani (Saturn) rules Kumbha (Aquarius), Guru (Jupiter) rules Meena (Pisces) and the Nakshatra Poorva Bhadrapada is ruled by Guru (Jupiter). Hence the outcome is the end result of a combination of all these 3 planets, depending on the quarter of the Nakshatra.

A person born in the first three quarters of this Nakshatra (natal sign being Kumbha (Aquarius) has a slender, tall stature. Thee natives born in the last quarter (natal sign being Meena (Pisces)) have medium height with somewhat fleshy physique. For those born in the Meena (Pisces), a well placed Guru (Jupiter) indicates good fortune, but for those who are born in the sign Kumbha (Aquarius), even a well placed Shani (Saturn), the lord of Kumbha (Aquarius) means that the person has to put in reasonable efforts to get his share of the fortune. Poorva Bhadrapada born have set principles in their life, which they like to follow under any circumstances.

These people like to help others, and can render impartial advice, which helps them earn the respect and confidence of others. Making money is not the first thing in their mind and hence they may be financially weak. But what matters the most for them is the position they achieve in the society, through helping others and following their own set of principles. Also they spend money in the most proper way, avoiding any misuse of the same.

Poorva Bhadrapada born tend to suffer from acidity arising out of mental tension and diabetes.

Females born in this Nakshatra have a well-balanced body. They are a little more practical minded when it comes to charity.

Male Natives

  1. Physical features: One of the peculiar body phenomena is that he has a lifted ankle of the foot. He is of medium size. Broad cheeks with flushy lips.

  2. Character and general events: He is generally a peace loving person but occasional blasting has also been noticed. He is a very simpleton type. Since he is very much principled, he has to suffer a lot mentally as he takes into his heart even a small confrontation or problem. He likes good food and is a voracious eater. He is not very particular about dresses.

He normally expresses impartial opinion. He does not believe in the blind principles of religion. He is ever ready to lend a helping hand to the needy. Even so, hatred and resistance will be his reward in return. He can easily enjoy the respects and confidence of others even if he is financially weak. He is God fearing and performs religious rites in accordance with the scriptures. While the native will be moderately rich, he likes to have respect and honor from the public rather than accumulating money. He is impartial in expressing his views.

  1. Education, sources of earnings / profession: As he is a born intelligent and has the knack of trade he can shine in any type of job he undertakes. If he is employed in a government organization he can look forward for unexpected gains or promotions from the government. He is capable of quite independent life both socially and financially. Period between 24 and 33 years of age will mark remarkable all-round progress in his life. Even though occasional mental tension is not ruled out during this period. Period between 40 years and 54 years of age will be his golden period when he can establish fully. He keeps much restriction on the spending activities.

He can shine in the field of business, banking, government job, or as a teacher, actor or writer, research worker and astrologer or astronomer. If in government service, most of the Poorva Bhadrapada born are engaged in the revenue collection department or in any capacity where cash transactions take place.

  1. Family life: He cannot enjoy fully the love and affection from his mother. As per the learned in astrology, the native will cause death or separation of his mother early. But in my personal experience, the native cannot derive full love and attention of his mother, as she will be working. Naturally, being a working mother, she is away most of the time and the native is automatically separated. Hence our ancients who have written this dictum are also correct to the extent of separation, but not to the extent of death. For causing death other planetary affliction is also necessary and birth in this Nakshatra alone is not sufficient.

One of the redeeming features is that there will be a lot of things with which he can be proud of his father. Subject to other favorable planetary positions, father of the native has been found to have fame and possess a very good moral character. Such popularity may be mainly in the field of fine arts, oration or in the writing field. In spite of these good qualities of his father, the native quite often disagree with the opinion and confrontation takes place.

  1. Health: He is prone to paralytic attack, acidity and diabetes. He may have problems with the ribs, flanks and soles of the feet.

Female Natives

Females born in this Nakshatra will also enjoy more or less the same results as mentioned above in addition to the results mentioned below:

  1. Physical features: She is neither lean nor fatty, and neither tall nor short. In some cases very slim figure have also been noticed. However, she is very beautiful in appearance.

  2. Character and general events: Honesty and sincerity are the main characteristics of this native. She is of the type who believes that let her head is cut down, she will not deviate from the right path and principles. She is a born leader. She is capable of extracting work from others. Hence she will be successful when she gets power and authority. Example of extreme optimism.

While she has the humanitarian doctrine, she will not extend her helping hand unless she is convinced fully that such kindness, sympathy and generosity are actually required. There is a peculiar politeness in her behavior.

  1. Education, sources of earnings / profession: Her education will be in the scientific or technical field. Hence the native is earmarked for the profession of teacher, statistician, astrologer or research worker.

  2. Family life: She will have more attachment towards her husband and will be blessed with children. She has good ability in the house hold administration. She will enjoy lots of benefits from her children. She will have many children if she marries a Rohini boy.

  3. Health: She is prone to low blood pressure, dropsy or swollen ankles, apoplexy and palpitation. Perspiring feet and enlarged liver .


#PoorvaBhadrapada #Nakshatra (also known as Pooratathi in Tamil and Poorattadhi in Malayalam) is spread from 20.00 degrees of Aquarius to 03.20 degrees in Pisces sign. #Jupiter is Dasha ruler of this birth star and #Ajaikapada is the deity of this star. Poorva Bhadrapada is the 25th among the 27 Nakshatras

You are courageous, generous, independent and joyous by nature. You have a commanding attitude and sometimes you can be extremely arrogant. If offended, you could be vindictive and jealous. You get offended easily but you are equally quick to forgive, if you want. If someone arouses your anger then you generally turn tough. You have the power to influence other people and mold their opinions. You are mostly positive and clear in your view.

You love to be the center of attraction and sometimes you tend not to care of other’s views. You can reach a stage where you don’t care what the society thinks of you or your actions. You are fearless and like to do things your way. You are advised to do your own business as you may not like to work under someone. You are extremely different from the herd and can go to any extent for your love. Your lucky gemstone is yellow sapphire.


#PurvaBhadrapada #Nakshatra English Name : Marcab

#PoorvaBhadrapada Nakshatra Symbol: Stage, Bed
Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Lord: #Jupiter

Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Rashi: 20:00 Aquarius to 3:20’ Pisces

Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Gana: Manushya
Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Diety: #AjaEkCharan (Unicorn)

Number of Stars in Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: 2

Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Yoni / Animal: Male #Lion

Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Nadi: Adya
Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra first pada: name first letter is “Say”, pada Lord ‘Mars’
Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra second pada: name first letter is “So”, pada Lord ‘Venus’
Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra third pada: name first letter is “Daa”, pada Lord ‘Mercury’
Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra fourth pada: name first letter is “Dee”, pada Lord ‘Moon’
Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Sacred Tree: Mango (आंबा) (Mangifera Indica)