

Remembering #Sabra and #Shatila, 42 years on: testimonies.

French writer Jean Genet, one of the first to enter Shatila after the massacre said, "I have spent four hours in Shatila, and what remains in my memory are around forty bodies, all of which—and I emphasize all—have likely been tortured, amidst the ecstasy of the torturers, their songs, their laughter, and amidst the smell of gunpowder. The smell of the corpses was not coming out of a house or from a mangled body; rather, it seemed to me that my body and my being were the ones emitting that smell."

Picture 2 shows Mohammed Said Wihibeh with photos of his martyred family members. He stated, "I'll tell you, they took a boy, just a little boy, and they tore him in half. They literally tore him in half by the legs. And we screamed, 'why?!' They said he would only grow up to be a terrorist! My grandson, what did he do to get killed? First of all, they killed his mother—they hadn't seem him, he was asleep in his cot. He started to cry; of course he did, he wanted his mother. They took him, and they killed him."

Picture 3 shows Lebanese martyr Ilham Dhaher Al-Miqdad, 23 years old, of Shatila camp. She was martyred with her ID in her hand.

Pictures 4 and 5 show Milana Boutros, a Lebanese witness to the massacre, punished for marrying a Palestinian man: she was kept alive to "teach her a lesson" as the Phalangists murdered her entire family.

The second video shows the touching moment that the Palestinian poet Rehab Kanaan, who lost 54 of her family members as martyrs of the Sabra and Shatila massacres, met her daughter on television for the first time in years after believing her to be martyred. The video needs no subtitles, as the raw emotions transcend all languages.

#Lebanon #History #ArielSharon #QarCrime #MassMurder #Israel #NeveeForget #NeveeFirgive #Inhumanity #Polotics #Phalangista #CivilWar #Occupation #History

From story by late Robert Fisk 12 years ago

The memories remain, of course. The man who lost his family in an earlier massacre, only to watch the young men of Chatila lined up after the new killings and marched off to death. But – like the muck piled on the garbage tip amid the concrete hovels – the stench of injustice still pervades the camps where 1,700 Palestinians were butchered

Video wn francaise: